Operation | Enables any assigned actor to |
AddEmailAddress | add a new email address to an existing user mailbox. |
DeleteEmailAddress | delete an email address from an existing user mailbox. |
DisableActiveSync | deselect the ActiveSync Enabled option on the Mailbox Tab of the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
DisableAuto-AcceptCalendar | deselect the Auto-Accept Calendar option on the Mailbox Tab of the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
DisableMailbox | disable a mailbox by setting all quota values on the mailbox to 0. |
DisableOWA | deselect the OWA Enabled option in the Mailbox Features section on the Mailbox Tab of the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
DisableRequireAuthenticatedSenders | deselect the Require authenticated senders option in the Send and Receive Limits section on the Mailbox Tab of the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
DisableUseDefaultQuota | deselect the Use Default Quota option on the Quota and Limits Tab of the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
EditMailboxAlias | edit the Alias option in the Overview section of the Mailbox Tab on the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
EditMailboxExtensionAttributes | edit the Extension Attributes on the Extension Tab of the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
EditMailboxNote | edit the Notes field in the Overview section of the Mailbox Tab on the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
EditRoomCapacity | edit the Capacity field in the Mailbox Features section of the Mailbox Tab on the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
EditSendandReceiveLimits | edit the fields in the Send and Receive Limits section of the Quota and Limits Tab on the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
EditAcceptFrom | edit the "Allowed" list for who may send email to a specific mailbox. |
EditEmailAddress | edit an email address when running the EditExchangeMailboxAddress workflow. |
EditExchangeMailbox | perform a general edit of a mailbox. |
EditMailboxForwarding | edit who receives a copy of mail sent to a mailbox. |
EditMailboxQuota | edit the Quota fields in the Quota Settings section of the Quota and Limits Tab on the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
EditSMTPAddresses | edit the SMTP address for a mailbox. |
EditRejectFrom | edit the "Allowed" list for who may not send email to a specific mailbox. |
EnableRequireAuthenticatedSenders | select the Require authenticated senders option in the Send and Receive Limits section on the Mailbox Tab of the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
EnableActiveSync | select the ActiveSync Enabled option in the Mailbox Features section on the Mailbox Tab of the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
EnableAuto-AcceptCalendar | select the Auto-Accept Calendar option in the Mailbox Features section on the Mailbox Tab of the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
EnableMailbox | enable a mailbox. |
EnableOWA | select the OWA Enabled options in the Mailbox Features section of the Mailbox Tab on the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
EnableUseDefaultQuota | select the Use Default Quota option in the Quota Limits section on the Quota and Limits Tab of the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
EnableAutoAccept | enable auto-accept for appointments on room or equipment mailboxes. |
HideinGAL | select the Hidden In GAL option in the Mailbox Features section of the Mailbox Tab on the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
LinkAccountToMailbox | link a user account to a mailbox. |
MoveMailbox | move a mailbox from one location to another. |
ReActiviateMailbox | activate a deactivated mailbox. |
RemoteDeviceWipe | wipe data from an Active Sync device the next time the device tries to sync with the server (usually a phone). |
RestoreDeletedMailbox | restore a mailbox that has been deleted in EmpowerID. |
SetMasterAccount | set the master account for a linked mailbox to an account in a trusted domain in another forest. |
ShowinGAL | deselect the Hidden In GAL option in the Mailbox Features section of the Mailbox Tab on the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
SuspendMailbox | set the quota values on a mailbox to 0. |
ViewMailboxExtensionAttributes | view the Extension Attributes for a mailbox. |
ViewMailboxFeatureAttributes | select the Hidden In GAL option in the Mailbox Features section of the Mailbox Tab on the Exchange Mailbox Resource Management screen. |
ViewMailboxQuotaAttributes | view the Quota Attributes for a mailbox. |
ViewMailboxSendandReceiveLimitsAttributes | view the Send and Receive Limits Attributes for a mailbox. |
ViewDeviceStatus | view the status of an Active Sync device. |