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In an EmpowerID deployment, certificates provide the underlying support for the authentication, integrity, and confidentiality of messages exchanged between the various platform components, as well as any federated partners communicating with EmpowerID. These certificates play an important role in the EmpowerID federated security model in that EmpowerID uses them to sign and encrypt SAML Assertions and the WS-Federation security tokens issued by the EmpowerID Security Token Service (STS), which are then validated/decrypted by the various services and applications deployed against EmpowerID. There are two important types of certificates used in an EmpowerID deployment, the Server Certificate and the SSL Certificate.


You can use one and the same certificate to meet these requirements. It is not necessary to deploy two different certificates.

Server Certificate

When you install EmpowerID, you must select a "Server" certificate as part of the installation process. This certificate is used by the EmpowerID STS to encrypt the security tokens issued by it each time a user authenticates against the system and used by the EmpowerID services to verify the validity of those tokens and the access requests represented by them. As this is the case, you must have the private key for this certificate as it is used by the EmpowerID services to decrypt the tokens passed to them by the STS.



In addition, the certificate details information must be as follows:

  • Key Usage Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
  • Enhanced Key Usage Server Authentication, Client Authentication
  • Signature algorithm sha256RSA
  • Signature hash algorithm sha256
  • Thumbprint algorithm sha1
  • Provider Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider

To ensure your certificates meet the requirements for EmpowerID, please see the the following support articles per your situation:

Requesting a SHA-256 certificate for EmpowerID using Active Directory Certificate Services

Requesting a SHA-256 certificate for EmpowerID using an external certificate authority


To find the Provider for your current certificate, run certutil -store my from the command prompt once the certificate is imported into the Computer account Personal store.

Once you are using EmpowerID, you will have the ability to add more certificates to the application. These certificates can then be used in the Single Sign-On process to sign, verify or encrypt information. If you want to use a certificate for signing, the certificate must have a valid certificate chain and be installed in Personal Certificate store of the Local Machine with a private key. Additionally, the identity that is used for the Application Pools and the Services must have access to the private key to use it for signing.
