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Comment: Reverted from v. 2

In order for the app service to access the Microsoft Graph API on your behalf, you need to add the needed permissions to the service principal application you registered for the SCIM app service in Azure, as well as assign the app service to the Owner role for the Tenant Root group and grant the app service the Global reader role for the tenant.


After you have published the SCIM microservice app to Azure, run the following PowerShell script to assign Graph API permissions to the app service managed identity.

Set Graph API Permissions

Permissions follow the least-privilege principle and include the following




Graph API / Permissions name

Access Granted by Permissions

Used By


Read audit log data

App Service Managed Identity


Read group data

App Service Managed Identity


Read and write group memberships

App Service Managed Identity


Read user profile

App Service Managed Identity



Sign in and read user profile


App Service Managed Identity


Read report data

App Service Managed Identity


Read organization information

App Service Managed Identity

To assign Graph API permissions to the service principal application, do the following:

  1. In your Azure tenant, navigate to Azure Active Directory and select App registrations from the Azure sidebar.

  2. Search for the service principal application you registered for the SCIM app service and click the Display Name link for it.

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  3. Navigate to the API permissions page for the application.

  4. Click Add a permission.

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  5. Click Microsoft Graph.

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  6. Select Application permissions.

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  7. Search for AuditLog and then expand the AuditLog permission and select AuditLog.Read.All.

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  8. Search for Group.Read.All and then expand the Group permission and select Group.Read.All.

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  9. Search for GroupMember.ReadWrite.All and then expand the GroupMember permission and select GroupMember.ReadWrite.All.

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  10. Search for User.Read.All and then expand the User permission and select User.Read.All.

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  11. Search for Reports.Read.All and then expand the Reports permission and select Reports.Read.All.

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  12. Search for Organization.Read.All and then expand the Organization permission and select Organization.Read.All.

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  13. Click Add permissions.

    You should see the new permissions add to the application.

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  14. Click Grand admin consent for <Your Tenant Name>.

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  15. Click Yes to confirm admin consent.

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Assign the App service to the owner role for the Tenant Root Group

  1. In Azure, navigate to Management Groups and select the Tenant Root Group.

  2. Select Access Control (IAM) from the Azure navbar and then click Add role assignment (Preview).

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  3. Select Owner and click Next.

  4. For Assign access to select User, group, or service principal.

  5. Click Select members and then search for and select the SCIM app service you created for the Azure AD SCIM microservice.

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  6. Click Select.

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  7. Review and assign the role assignment.

Assign the App service to the Global Reader role for the tenant

  1. Navigate to Azure Active Directory and select Roles and administrators from the navbar.

  2. Search for and select the Global Reader role and go to Description.

  3. Click Add assignments and then search for and select the SCIM app service you created for the Azure AD SCIM microservice.

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  4. Click Add.

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The above permissions have been added to the script's PermissionsToAdd parameter, shown below. In addition to adding the permissions, you need to enter values for these parameters:

  • tenantID — Your Tenant ID

  • appServiceObjectID — Object ID of the SCIM App Service


When running the script, be sure to authenticate to Azure as a user with adequate permissions to execute it in Azure AD (owner at the tenant level).

Code Block
    $tenantId = "",
    $appServiceObjectID = "", 
    $PermissionsToAdd = @("Organization.Read.All", "User.Read.All", "Group.Read.All", "GroupMember.ReadWrite.All", "Reports.Read.All", "AuditLog.Read.All")

# Install AzureAD module if not installed
if (-Not(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name AzureAD)) {
    try {
        Install-Module AzureAD -Force
    catch {
        if ($_.Exception.Message.Contains("Administrator rights")) {
            Write-Host "You must run the script with administrator rights"
        else {
            Write-Error $_.Exception.Message

if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name AzureAD) {
    # Check if connected to the target Azure AD Tenant
    try { 
        $tenantDetail = Get-AzureADTenantDetail 
    catch [Microsoft.Open.Azure.AD.CommonLibrary.AadNeedAuthenticationException] 
        Write-Host "You're not connected."; 
        Connect-AzureAD -TenantId $tenantId;
        $tenantDetail = Get-AzureADTenantDetail 

    if ($tenantDetail.ObjectId -ne $tenantId) {
        Write-Host "You're not connected to the tenant: " $tenantId; 
        Connect-AzureAD -TenantId $tenantId;

    # Managed Identity for the SCIM App Service | Found in App Service -> Identity 
    $ManagedIdentitiesServicePrincipal = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -Filter "ObjectId eq `'$appServiceObjectID`'"
    if ($ManagedIdentitiesServicePrincipal -eq $null) {
        throw "Managed Identity for the app service is not found. `nApp Service Object ID: $appServiceObjectID "

    # Resource Name : Microsoft Graph | Resource URI : | Application ID : 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000
    $GraphAppId = "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000"
    $GraphServicePrincipal = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -Filter "appId eq '$GraphAppId'"

    # Permissions
    foreach ($PermissionToAdd in $PermissionsToAdd) {
        $AppRole = $GraphServicePrincipal.AppRoles | Where-Object {$_.Value -eq $PermissionToAdd.Trim() -and $_.AllowedMemberTypes -contains "Application"}
        if ($AppRole -eq $null) {
            Write-Error "Invalid Permission `nPermission name: $PermissionToAdd"
        else {
            # Assigns a Graph API service principal to an application role
            try {
                New-AzureAdServiceAppRoleAssignment -ObjectId $ManagedIdentitiesServicePrincipal.ObjectId -PrincipalId $ManagedIdentitiesServicePrincipal.ObjectId -ResourceId $GraphServicePrincipal.ObjectId -Id $AppRole.Id -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                if ($_.Exception.ErrorContent.Message.Value.Contains("Permission being assigned already")) {
                    Write-Host "`""$AppRole.DisplayName"`"" " Permission is already assigned on the app service"
                else {
                    Write-Error $_

Insert excerpt
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Set Azure REST API Permissions

If you are managing Azure roles in EmpowerID, in addition to setting the above permissions via PowerShell, you need to create a custom role in Azure and add the below permissions scoped to the appropriate Azure subscription(s) you want to manage in EmpowerID. These permissions allow EmpowerID to call the relevant Azure REST API endpoints needed to manage Azure roles.



1: Permissions needed to manage Azure roles in EmpowerID

Azure REST API / Permissions name

Access Granted by Permissions

Used By


Gets an existing user assigned identity

App Service Managed Identity


Create a new user assigned identity or updates the tags associated with an existing user assigned identity

App Service Managed Identity


Delete an existing user assigned identity

App Service Managed Identity


Get information about a role assignment

App Service Managed Identity


Create a role assignment at the specified scope

App Service Managed Identity


Delete a role assignment at the specified scope


Get information about a role definition

App Service Managed Identity


Create or update a custom role definition with specified permissions and assignable scopes

App Service Managed Identity


Delete the specified custom role definition

App Service Managed Identity


View management groups

App Service Managed Identity


Get resource groups

App Service Managed Identity


Gets resources of a subscription

App Service Managed Identity

To set the Azure REST API Permissions for the target subscription, do the following:

  1. In Azure, navigate to the target subscription and select Access control (IAM) from the Azure navbar.

  2. On the Access Control (IAM) page, click Add and select Add custom role.

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  3. Under Basics, enter a Custom role name.

  4. Select the Permissions tab and click Add permissions.

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  5. Search for Microsoft.ManagedIdentity and click the Microsoft Managed Identity tile.

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  6. For Actions, under Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities, select the following:

    • Read : Get User Assigned Identity

    • Write : Create/Update User Assigned Identity

    • Delete : Delete User Assigned Identity

  7. Click Add.

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  8. Back on the Create a custom role page, click Add permissions again and then search for Microsoft.Authorization.

  9. Click the Microsoft Authorization tile and then add the below permissions:

    • Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments

      • Read : Get role assignment

      • Write : Create role assignment

      • Delete : Delete role assignment

    • Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions

      • Read : Get role definition

      • Write : Create or update custom role definition

      • Delete : Delete custom role definition

  10. Click Add.

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  11. Back on the Create a custom role page, click Add permissions again and then search for Microsoft.


  1. Authorization.

  2. Click the Microsoft Management tile and select Read : List Groups under Microsoft.Management/managementGroups.

  3. Click Add.

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  4. Back on the Create a custom role page, click Add permissions again and then search for Microsoft.Resources.

  5. Click the Microsoft Resources tile and then select the following permissions:

    • Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups

      • Read : Get Resource Group

    • Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resources

      • Read : Get Subscription Resources

  6. Click Add.

  7. Back on the Create a custom role page, select the Assignable scopes tab and verify the scope.

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  8. Click Review + Create.

  9. Review the permissions and then click Create.

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  10. Click OK to close the “created custom role” message.

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    Now that you have created the custom role with the needed permissions, you need to assign the Azure AD SCIM microservice to the role.

  11. On the Access control (IAM) page, click Add > Add role assignment.

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  12. In the Add role assignment pane that appears, enter the following:

    • Role – Select the custom role you just created

    • Assign access to – App Service

    • Subscription – Target subscription

    • Select – The SCIM app service you created earlier.

  13. Click Save to add the role assignment.

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  14. On the Access control (IAM) page, select the Role assignments tab. You should see the SCIM app service you created assigned to the custom role.


Next Steps

Connect EmpowerID to Azure Active Directory


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