Versions Compared


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In EmpowerID, Nouns and Verbs are user interface (UI) elements that offer different ways to interact with resource objects and types. Nouns provide a framework for object-oriented users who think of an object first before performing an action, while Verbs provide a structure for task-oriented users who prioritize performing an action first before considering the object itself. EmpowerID accommodates both approaches through its Nouns and Verbs pages, each of which offers tiles related to either an object or a task based on the page accessed.

The Nouns page offers tiles for objects like Mailboxes, Business Roles and Locations (OU), and Computers, which, when clicked, reveal additional tiles that enable users to perform one or more tasks against the selected object. In contrast, the Verbs page offers tiles for tasks such as Create, Delete, and Move, which, when clicked, reveal further tiles that allow users to select the object against which they want to perform the task.

For instance, when creating a mailbox, a task-oriented user could choose "Create > Mailbox" while an object-oriented user could select "Mailbox > Create." Despite the differing approaches, both methods achieve the same result of creating a mailbox.

Although Nouns and Verbs provide different approaches to working with resource objects, they cannot produce an effect on those objects independently. To achieve any outcome, Nouns and Verbs must work together, as demonstrated by the image below. The Nouns and Verbs intersect and flow into each other, forming what is called an Action in EmpowerID. An Action is a desired result of working with an object, such as deleting a mailbox or restoring a deleted mailbox.

Each EmpowerID Action is associated with a specific workflow that performs the intended Action against one or more objects of a particular resource type when initiated by a delegated user. Each resource type has various Actions associated with it that make sense for that type. For example, the Exchange Mailbox resource type has nine possible Actions that can be performed against any mailbox resource object, ranging from Delete Mailbox Action to Disconnect Mailbox Action to Edit Reject Messages From Action.

EmpowerID provides users access to each of these Actions through Action tiles available from different locations within the EmpowerID Web application, such as the Actions accordion on a resource object's View One page. View One pages enable users to interact with a specific IT resource, view details about the resource, and perform workflow operations as needed.

EmpowerID's default Nouns, Verbs, and Actions are tied to specific resources and their related workflows, such as Exchange Mailboxes. However, users can create their own Noun-Verb-Action combinations to design navigation paths for their specific tasks in the organization's environment. For instance, if an organization has a Salesforce account, they could create a Noun called CRM Records and add custom pages that link to Salesforce, along with Actions that point to these pages.

This way, the Noun-Verb-Action model serves as a "user interaction" or navigation system that enables users to classify pages, workflows, and access or asset requests by one or more Nouns and Verbs. By creating custom Noun-Verb-Action combinations, users can design navigation paths for their specific tasks, streamlining resource management and ensuring a more efficient workflow.

The following image depicts how both of these paths lead to the same outcome – a filtered list of "Actions" that can be initiated based on the combination of Nouns and Verbs selected. "Path 1" shows the steps to the Action from a "Verb-oriented" approach, and "Path 2" shows the steps to the same Action from a "Noun-oriented" approach. 


Quick Takes

  • Was primary user interface navigation in EmpowerID 2014

  • Now used in many pages as supporting navigation

  • Classify UI Actions, which are pages or workflows with a Noun and a Verb

  • Clicking on a Noun shows all Verbs where the person has access to a UI Action that is a combination of that Noun with those Verbs

  • Clicking on a Verb shows all Nouns where the person has access to a UI action that is a combination of that Verb with those Nouns

Easy html macro
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