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Business Requests & Decesions

Account Validity

The account Validity recertification policy collects and presents information to recertify the accounts owned by the users. Auditors can then review this information and determine whether a user's account is still necessary and should be certified. This process helps organizations ensure that only valid accounts exist as per compliance.

Recertification engine groups recertification items into a business request based on the Responsible Party assigned to each item or account.

In cases where an account has no responsible party assigned, the engine attempts to set the Account's Manager as the Responsible Party and groups the recertification items based on it.

Lastly, the fallback is grouping the business items by Fallback Group By Assignee. When an account has neither Responsible Party nor the Manager, the engine groups the accounts into business requests based on the Fallback Group By Assigne

The possible decisions for the business requests generated during the recertification process are certify, disable, or delete.

Business Role and Location Membership

The purpose of the Business Role and Location Membership Recertification policy is to certify users' access or membership to a business role and location. Auditors review the membership information and determine whether a person's membership is still necessary and should be certified. This policy helps organizations ensure that only valid persons are members of the particular Business Role and Location.


For the Business Role and Location Membership policy, the engine bundles the recertification items into business requests based on the object itself. Therefore, in this case, the business role and location are the bundles for the business requests, and its members are items.
Possible decisions for the auditors during the recertification process for business roles and location memberships are to either certify or revoke them.

Direct Reports

The Direct Reports recertification policy collects and presents information to recertify the managers and their direct reports. Auditors can then review the information about who reports to whom and if it should be certified. This process helps organizations ensure that each user reports to the right person as per compliance.

For the Business Role and Location Membership policy, the engine bundles the recertification items into business requests based on the object itself. Therefore, in this case, the managers are the bundles for the business requests, and the users reporting to the managers are items.

Group Membership

The purpose of the Group Membership policy is to certify users' membership in a group. Auditors review the membership information and determine whether a person's membership is still necessary and should be certified. This policy helps organizations ensure that only valid persons are members of the Group.

The engine bundles the recertification items into business requests based on the object itself. Therefore, in this case, the group is the business requests, and its members are items bundled into the request.

The possible decisions are generally set to certify or revoke the group membership.

Group Owner

The Group Owner policy collects and presents access information to recertify whether an account as a group owner is still required. Auditors review the information and certify whether an account should own a group. This policy type allows recertification of the inventoried native owners for groups as assigned in their external systems (e.g., Azure Teams owners).

For the Group Owner policy, the engine bundles the recertification items into business requests based on the object itself. Therefore, in this case, the group owner is the bundle for the business requests, and the groups the owner owns are the items.

Group Validity

The purpose of Group Validity is to determine whether a group is still required. Auditors review the membership information and determine whether the group existence is valid in terms of compliance and should be certified. This policy helps organizations ensure that only valid Groups continue to exist.


Recertification engine groups recertification items into a business request based on the Responsible Party assigned to each group. In cases where a Group has no responsible party assigned as a fallback, the engine groups the items by Fallback Group By Assignee.

Possible decisions for the auditors during the recertification process for Group validity are to certify, disable, or delete.  

Management Role Access Assignment

The Management Role Access Assignment policy collects and presents access information to recertify whether the current Resource Roles assigned to a Management Role are still required. Auditors review the information and certify whether people's access to resources by their assignment to the Management Role complies with organization policies. This policy type allows recertification of the inventoried native owners for groups as assigned in their external systems (e.g., Azure Teams owners).

For the Management Role Access Assignment policy, the engine bundles the recertification items into business requests based on the object itself. Therefore, in this case, the management role is the bundle for the business requests, and the resource roles are the items.


Management Role Membership

The management role membership recertification policy generates recertification data to certify whether a user's membership in a management role is still required for a valid business purposepurpose of the Management Role Membership policy is to certify users' membership in a Management Role. Auditors review the membership information and determine whether a person's membership is still necessary to be in the management role and should be certified. This policy helps organizations ensure that only valid persons are members of the Group.

The engine bundles the recertification items into business requests based on the object itself. Therefore in this case the management role is the bundle for the business requests and its members are items.

The possible decisions are generally set to certify or revoke the management role membership.

Management Role Validity

The management role membership recertification policy generates recertification data to certify whether a management role is still required for a valid business purpose.

In the case of Management Role Validity recertification, the recertification engine bundles the recertification items into business requests as per the responsible party assigned. For any item being recertified where its responsible party is not assigned, it bundles them into one business request as per the fallback assignee.

The possible decisions for the business requests are generally set as certify, disable or delete.

Person Access Summary

The person access summary policy validates the person with all types of access assignments currently granted to a Person. This policy recertifies the person's access, the level of access granted, and any special privileges or permissions they may have.

The person access summary recertifies

  • All RBAC assignments, including direct, relative, and by-location assignments

  • Direct Business Role and Location assignments

  • Any group memberships, including those on their accounts and those granted through RBAC

  • Any Management Role memberships

  • Account and group ownership

For the person access summary

Person Validity

The person validity recertification policy determines whether or not the Person object is still required. In other words, the person validity recertification policy certifies whether a Person object should exist in EmpowerID.

Recertification engine groups recertification items into a business request based on the Responsible Party assigned to each item or person.

In cases where a person has no responsible party assigned, the engine attempts to set the Person’s Manager as the Responsible Party and groups the recertification items based on it.

Lastly, the fallback is grouping the business items by Fallback Group By Assignee. When a Person has neither Responsible Party nor the Manager, the engine groups the person objects into business requests based on the Fallback Group By Assigne

The possible decisions for the business requests are generally set as certify, disable, or delete.
