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  1. Users request access to resources, such as group or Management Role membership, from the EmpowerID IAM Shop. This action creates a Business Request with Business Request Items in EmpowerID.

  2. The Pre-Approval Step Workflow Job calls the SQL Stored Procedure Custom_BusinessRequest_ClaimForPreApprovalStepWorkflow to claim Business Requests that meet the following conditions

    • The Business Request has yet to be successfully processed.

    • The value of the PreStepRequestWorkflowID is not null.

  3. The CreateSnowRequestForBR workflow validates the Business Request and sets the process status to one of the following values based on the validation result:

    • If processing is successful, the process status is set to 2.

    • If processing fails, the process status is set to 3, and the workflow sets the next attempt based on the number of tries, ensuring the system retries the processing in case of failures.

  4. Upon successful processing, the CreateSnowRequestForBR workflow creates corresponding Request and Request Items in ServiceNow for each EmpowerID Business Request and Business Request Item configured with the workflow. Approval Tasks are registered in EmpowerID and routed to the designated approvers as approval tasks in the EmpowerID My Tasks Microservice.

    Process details for syncing EmpowerID Business Requests and Business Request Items with ServiceNow Requests and Request Items are as follows:
    Business Requests
    To associate ServiceNow Requests with EmpowerID Business Requests, the workflow creates ServiceNow Requests with the following pre-defined values from EmpowerID:

    Insert excerpt
    IL:SNOW Ticket Integration Tables
    IL:SNOW Ticket Integration Tables
    nameSNOW Fields

    Additionally, the workflow retrieves the GUID for each created ServiceNow Request and inserts them into the EmpowerID Business Request:
    Insert excerpt
    IL:SNOW Ticket Integration Tables
    IL:SNOW Ticket Integration Tables
    nameSNOW Request Values

    Business Request Items
    To associate ServiceNow Request Items with EmpowerID Business Request Items, the workflow creates ServiceNow Request Items with the following pre-defined values from EmpowerID:
    Insert excerpt
    IL:SNOW Ticket Integration Tables
    IL:SNOW Ticket Integration Tables
    nameSNOW Request Item Fields

    Additionally, the workflow retrieves the GUID for each created ServiceNow Request Item and inserts them into the EmpowerID Business Request Item:
    Insert excerpt
    IL:SNOW Ticket Integration Tables
    IL:SNOW Ticket Integration Tables
    nameSNOW Request Values

  5. User or system approves/rejects the Business Request or one or more Business Request Items.

  6. The UpdateSNOWRequestStatus fetches the status of the Business Request and Business Request Items and updates the state of the corresponding ServiceNow Request and Request Items.

    Business Requests
    The workflow checks the value of BusinessRequestStatusID and updates the ServiceNow Request based on that value. If the HTTP request is successful, the workflow sets the ExternalProcessStatus to 2; otherwise, it sets it to 3.

    Insert excerpt
    IL:SNOW Ticket Integration Tables
    IL:SNOW Ticket Integration Tables
    nameSNOW Request Status Values

    Business Request Items
    EmpowerID checks the value of BusinessRequestItemStatusID and updates the ServiceNow Request Item based on that value. If the HTTP request is successful, the workflow sets the ExternalProcessStatus to 2; otherwise, it sets it to 3.
    Insert excerpt
    IL:SNOW Ticket Integration Tables
    IL:SNOW Ticket Integration Tables
    nameSNOW Request Item Status

    If the Business request Item has an approver in EmpowerID, the workflow assigns the same approver to the associated ServiceNow Request Item and sets the approval state to “requested in ServiceNow.

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IL:External Stylesheet
IL:External Stylesheet