Field | Description | Action |
Set Requestable Setting | Determine if the app right should be requestable by users in the IAM Shop. | Enable the "Requestable in IAM Shop" to make the app right available for requests. When enabled, the settings below are relevant. |
Select Access Request Policy | Defines the procedure for processing requests for the App Right. | From the "Select Access Request Policy" dropdown, choose the policy that best fits how you wish to handle incoming requests for the app right. If you are using PBAC approval routing, you should select the PBAC Approval Access Request Policy. |
Eligible to Request | Specifies users allowed to request access to the app right. | Select the assignee type (e.g., Person, Group, Management Role) and then identify the individuals, groups, or roles eligible to make requests. |
Pre-approved for Access | Specifies users who are pre-approved for access to the app right, bypassing the need for manual request approval. | Select the assignee type (e.g., Person, Group, Management Role) and then identify the individuals, groups, or roles pre-approved for the app right. |
Suggested Assignees | Identifies users who will see the app right as a suggested resource. | Select the assignee type (e.g., Person, Group, Management Role) and then identify the individuals, groups, or roles suggested for app right eligibility. |