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By following the steps below, you can ensure that escalation actions are triggered appropriately, enhancing the efficiency and responsiveness of the approval process. The process includes

  • Creating escalation policies,

  • Adding them to the approval steps,

  • Ensuring notification settings are correctly set up for notify action types.

  • While you have the option to create new policies, EmpowerID offers a default escalation policy for your convenience. This default policy includes predefined actions and escalation cutoff days.

  • To use these policies, you need to create and add them to the approval steps. However, if you plan to use the Notify escalation action type to send email notifications, you will need to make additional configurations. It is important to note that failure to configure these settings will result in the notifications not working.

More information about the default policy and additional configurations can be found in this documentation.

Step 1: Creating Policies

To create an escalation policy:

  1. Navigate to Low Code / No Code Workflows and select Escalation Policies.

  2. Click Create New.

  3. Provide a Name and Display Name for the escalation policy.

  4. Save the policy.

  5. Search for the recently saved policy and click on the link to open the view page.

  6. Find the accordion for Escalation Actions and click on Add.

  7. Provide the necessary values and click on Save.

    • Escalation after X Days: Number of days after which the escalation action should execute.

    • Escalation Actions: Actions to be performed as part of the escalation. Escalation actions can include notifications, adding assignees, auto-closing items or steps, etc. Each type of action has specific configurations:

      • Notify: Select the participant type (e.g., potential approver, potential approver's manager) who will receive the notification.

      • Add Assignee: Define the type of assignee (person, group, management role) to be added after a specified time.

      • Auto-Close Item: Define the decision action (approve, revoke, certify, convert to JT) to auto-close the item after a specified time.

      • Auto-Close Step: Close a specific step in the approval flow, allowing the process to move to the next step.

    • Name: Name of the escalation step.

    • Display Name: Provide a user-friendly label or "Display Name.".

To add more steps, repeat the same steps.

  1. Click on the Publish button on the display screen. Unpublished policies will not be available for mapping to approval steps.

Step 2: Adding Escalation Policies to Approval Steps

Once an escalation policy is created, it must be mapped to specific approval steps:

  1. Navigate to Approval Policies.

  2. Select the Approval Steps tab.

  3. Search for and select the approval step you want to map the escalation policy to.

  4. Click the Edit icon.

  5. In the Escalation Policy dropdown, select the desired escalation policy.

  6. Save the changes.

Default Escalation Policy

A default escalation policy is applied if no specific policy is configured for an approval step. The default escalation policy includes the following three actions:

  1. Notify Potential Approver: After three (3) days of no action, send a notification to the potential approver.

  2. Notify Potential Approver Again: This action sends another notification if no action is taken within seven(7) days.

  3. Notify the Target Person's Manager: If no action is taken on the business request item after fifteen (15) days, notify the target person's manager.

Additional Configuration for Notify Escalation

These are additional configurations that you You need to ensure the notify escalation action works in these additional configurations. Failing to configure this might result in it not workingits failure.

Ensure Notification Policies are Configured

Notification policies for business request escalations are provided with the product; however, you must ensure they are configured correctly:

  1. Navigate to Low Code / No Code Workflow → Notification Policies.

  2. Verify that the notification policies are configured. The policies with the Business Request Event (Global) type should be set to "Renotification."

  3. Ensure notification policies are configured for each participant type. For example, create one to enable notifications if the Commentator participant type lacks a notification policy, create one to enable notifications.

Ensure Notification Preferences are Configured

Create notification preferences for each participant type to ensure users receive email notifications. Note that these preferences are currently created from the database and not through a UI currently.

Email Templates

Attach the out-of-the-box email template to the notification policies. The template my_tasks_business_request_item_approval_step_approval_notification is currently used for all re-notification policies and includes a general notification message.

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