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EmpowerID’s "Onboard Account" wizard is designed to facilitate the manual onboarding of user accounts. This comprehensive workflow integrates with EmpowerID and other connected account directories , referred to as called account stores. It offers versatile options for creating new user accounts. These include accounts for individuals and technical accounts, like service accounts, that are not associated with a specific person. The wizard streamlines the onboarding process, making it more efficient and user-friendly.

In order The workflow offers several adjustable parameters to customize the user experience during the onboarding process, the workflow offers several adjustable parameters. This article will walk you through the steps of modifying these parameters and running the workflow.


  1. On the navbar, expand Low Code/No Code Workflow and select Low Code Workflows.

  2. Select the Workflow tab and search for Onboard Account.

  3. Click the Display Name for the workflow.

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    This directs you to the workflow's View One page for the workflow. View One pages are designed to facilitate the viewing and management of managing the objects to which they correspond in EmpowerID.

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  4. Expand the Request Workflow Parameters accordion on the View One page for the workflow, expand the Request Workflow Parameters accordion.

  5. Click the Edit (blue star) button for the parameter whose value you want to change.

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  6. Enter the new value for the selected parameter in the Value fieldand click Save.

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  7. Repeat this for any other parameter value changes that are needed.

Step 2 – Run the workflow

  1. On the navbar, expand Identity Administration and select User Accounts.

  2. Click the Onboard an Account action.

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    This initiates the Onboard Account Wizard workflow, which guides you through the process of onboarding an account.

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  1. Under Request Overview, select whether the account is a person or a non-person technical account and follow the wizard to onboard the account.

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If you add an email address to this field, EmpowerID will use it to send a welcome message to the person.</li>\r\n <li>Primary Role and Location &ndash; Click <b>Select a Role and Location</b> and then do the following:</li>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Search for and select a Business Role from the <b>Business Role tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Click the <b>Location</b> link and then search for and select a location from the <b>Location tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Click <b>Select</b> to select the Business Role and Location</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Manager &ndash; Manager of the person (Optional)</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Click <b>Next</b> to proceed to the next step.</li>\r\n <li>Review the summarized person details and click <b>Submit</b> when ready to onboard the person.</li> \r\n <p><img src=\" Actions/SimpleModeFormSubmit.png\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p> \r\n \r\n </ol> \r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\"tab-pane fade show\" id=\"advanced\" role=\"tabpanel\">\r\n <ol>\r\n <li>Select <b>Advanced Mode</b> and then select the following <b>Advanced Options</b>:</li> \r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Do you want to Auto-Generate a Password? Yes or No</li>\r\n <li>Do you want to Assign Management Role Bundle Memberships? Yes or No. <em>Please note that you must have access to add the person to the selected role bundles.</em></li>\r\n <li>Do you want to Assign Pre-Approved Management Roles? Yes or No. <em>Please note that you must have access to add the person to the selected roles.</em></li>\r\n <li>Do you want to Assign Group Memberships? Yes or No. <em>Please note that you must have access to add the person to the selected groups.</em></li>\r\n <li>Do you want to Assign Secondary Role and Locations? Yes or No\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <li>On the <b>Person</b> tab, fill in the general identity information for the person.</li>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Person General Details</h5>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>First Name &ndash; First name of the person</li>\r\n <li>Initials &ndash; Initials of the person (Optional)</li>\r\n <li>Last Name &ndash; Last name of the person</li>\r\n <li>Display Name &ndash; Name of the person that displays to users in the Web interface</li>\r\n <li>Login &ndash; EmpowerID login for the person</li>\r\n <li>Email &ndash; Email address for the person (Optional)</li>\r\n <li>Personal Email &ndash; Personal email address for the person (Optional). If you add an email address to this field, EmpowerID will use it to send a welcome message to the person.</li>\r\n <li>Primary Business Role and Location &ndash; Click <b>Select a Role and Location</b> and then do the following:</li>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Search for and select a Business Role from the <b>Business Role tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Click the <b>Location</b> link and then search for and select a location from the <b>Location tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Click <b>Select</b> to select the Business Role and Location</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Manager &ndash; Manager of the person (Optional). <em>If the manager has an email address registered in the system, EmpowerID sends that person an email notification of the new person. </em></li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Person Password</h5>\r\n <p>This section of the form appears when you have opted to <b>not</b> have the system generate a password for the person.</p>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Password &ndash; Password for the person</li>\r\n <li>Confirm Password &ndash; Password for the person</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>About Person</h5> \r\n <ul> \r\n <li>Personal Email &ndash; Personal email address for the person (Optional). If you add an email address to this field, EmpowerID will use it to send a welcome message to the person.</li>\r\n <li>Preferred Language &ndash; Allows you to select the language the person prefers. When selected the EmpowerID user interfaces reflect the selected preferred language for the person. If no selection is made, the system selects the default preferred language based on the locale of the person.</li>\r\n <li>Notes &ndash; Notes about the person (optional)</li>\r\n <li>About me &ndash; Can be used to provide contextual information about the person, such as their hobbies and interests (Optional)</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Optionally, select the <b>Organization</b> tab and fill in the appropriate information for the person.</li>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Organization Information</h5> \r\n <ul> \r\n <li>Title &ndash; Person's title</li>\r\n <li>Office &ndash; Person's office</li>\r\n <li>Location &ndash; Person's location</li>\r\n <li>Department &ndash; Person's department</li>\r\n <li>Division &ndash; Person's division</li>\r\n <li>District &ndash; Person's district</li>\r\n <li>Company &ndash; Person's company</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Address and Phone Numbers</h5>\r\n <ul> \r\n <li>Street Address &ndash; Person's street address</li>\r\n <li>Street Address 2 &ndash; Second line of the person's street address</li>\r\n <li>City &ndash; Person's location</li>\r\n <li>State &ndash; Person's state</li>\r\n <li>Province &ndash; Person's province</li>\r\n <li>Country &ndash; Person's country</li> \r\n <li>Postal Code &ndash; Code of letters and/or digits for postal delivery to the person</li>\r\n <li>Telephone &ndash; Person's secondary phone number</li>\r\n <li>Business Phone &ndash; Person business phone number</li>\r\n <li>Mobile Phone Provider &ndash; Person's mobile phone provider</li>\r\n <li>Fax &ndash; Person's fax number</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Optionally, select the <b>Advanced</b> tab and fill in the appropriate information for the person.</li>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Enabled &ndash; Selected by default; deselect if the person account should be disabled from logging in to the system.</li>\r\n <li>Disable Notifications &ndash; Select this option if the person should not receive email notifications from the system.</li>\r\n <li>Allow Attribute Sync &ndash; Selected by default; deselect if the person’s attributes should be synced with user accounts in systems managed by EmpowerID.</li>\r\n <li>Allow Login &ndash; Enabled by default; deselect if the person should not be allowed to log in to the system.</li>\r\n <li>Must Change Password on Next Login &ndash; Select to force the person to change their password when they log in to the system.</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <li>If you opted to assign pre-approved Management Roles, search for and select the appropriate Management Roles and click <b>Next</b>. If you do not want to select role bundles at this time, click <b>Skip</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\" Actions/OnboardWizardSelectManagementRoleBundles.png\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>If you opted to select Management Role Bundle Memberships, search for and select the appropriate Management Roles and click <b>Next</b>. If you do not want to select pre-approved roles at this time, click <b>Skip</b>.</li>\r\n <li>If you opted to select group memberships, search for and select the appropriate groups and click <b>Next</b>. If you do not want to select groups at this time, click <b>Skip</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\" Actions/OnboardWizardSelectGroupMemberships.png\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>Review the summary and click <b>Submit</b> to onboard the person. <br />If you do not want to onboard the person, click <b>Cancel</b>.</li>\r\n \r\n </ol> \r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\"tab-pane fade show\" id=\"another\" role=\"tabpanel\">\r\n <ol>\r\n <li>Select <b>From Another Person</b> and click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\" Actions/OnboardWizardSelectFromAnotherPerson.png\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>Search for and select the person you want to use as a template for the new person and click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\" Actions/OnboardWizardSelectFromAnotherPersonSelectPerson.png\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>On the <b>Person</b> tab, fill in the general identity information for the person.</li>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Person General Details</h5>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>First Name &ndash; First name of the person</li>\r\n <li>Initials &ndash; Initials of the person (Optional)</li>\r\n <li>Last Name &ndash; Last name of the person</li>\r\n <li>Display Name &ndash; Name of the person that displays to users in the Web interface</li>\r\n <li>Login &ndash; EmpowerID login for the person</li>\r\n <li>Email &ndash; Email address for the person (Optional)</li>\r\n <li>Primary Business Role and Location &ndash; Click <b>Select a Role and Location</b> and then do the following:</li>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Search for and select a Business Role from the <b>Business Role tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Click the <b>Location</b> link and then search for and select a location from the <b>Location tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Click <b>Select</b> to select the Business Role and Location</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Manager &ndash; Manager of the person (Optional). <em>If the manager has an email address registered in the system, EmpowerID sends that person an email notification of the new person. </em></li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Person Password</h5>\r\n <p>This section of the form appears when you have opted to <b>not</b> have the system generate a password for the person.</p>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Password &ndash; Password for the person</li>\r\n <li>Confirm Password &ndash; Password for the person</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>About Person</h5> \r\n <ul> \r\n <li>Personal Email &ndash; Personal email address for the person (Optional). If you add an email address to this field, EmpowerID will use it to send a welcome message to the person.</li>\r\n <li>Preferred Language &ndash; Allows you to select the language the person prefers. When selected the EmpowerID user interfaces reflect the selected preferred language for the person. If no selection is made, the system selects the default preferred language based on the locale of the person.</li>\r\n <li>Notes &ndash; Notes about the person (optional)</li>\r\n <li>About me &ndash; Can be used to provide contextual information about the person, such as their hobbies and interests (Optional)</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Optionally, select the <b>Organization</b> tab and fill in the appropriate information for the person.</li>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Organization Information</h5> \r\n <ul> \r\n <li>Title&ndash; Person's title</li>\r\n <li>Office &ndash; Person's office</li>\r\n <li>Location &ndash; Person's location</li>\r\n <li>Department &ndash; Person's department</li>\r\n <li>Division &ndash; Person's division</li>\r\n <li>District &ndash; Person's district</li>\r\n <li>Company &ndash; Person's company</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Address and Phone Numbers</h5>\r\n <ul> \r\n <li>Street Address &ndash; Person's street address</li>\r\n <li>Street Address 2 &ndash; Second line of the person's street address</li>\r\n <li>City &ndash; Person's location</li>\r\n <li>State &ndash; Person's state</li>\r\n <li>Province &ndash; Person's province</li>\r\n <li>Country &ndash; Person's country</li> \r\n <li>Postal Code &ndash; Code of letters and/or digits for postal delivery to the person</li>\r\n <li>Telephone &ndash; Person's secondary phone number</li>\r\n <li>Business Phone &ndash; Person business phone number</li>\r\n <li>Mobile Phone Provider &ndash; Person's mobile phone provider</li>\r\n <li>Fax &ndash; Person's fax number</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Optionally, select the <b>Advanced</b> tab and fill in the appropriate information for the person.</li>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Enabled &ndash; Selected by default; deselect if the person account should be disabled from logging in to the system.</li>\r\n <li>Disable Notifications &ndash; Select this option if the person should not receive email notifications from the system.</li>\r\n <li>Allow Attribute Sync &ndash; Selected by default; deselect if the person’s attributes should be synced with user accounts in systems managed by EmpowerID.</li>\r\n <li>Allow Login &ndash; Enabled by default; deselect if the person should not be allowed to log in to the system.</li>\r\n <li>Must Change Password on Next Login &ndash; Select to force the person to change their password when they log in to the system.</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <li>Optionally, search for and select the appropriate Management Roles to assign to the person and click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <li>Optionally, search for and select the appropriate group memberships for the person and click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <li>Review the summary information for the person and click <b>Submit</b> to onboard the person. If you do not want to onboard the person, click <b>Cancel</b> to exit the workflow.</li>\r\n </ol> \r\n </div> \r\n</div>\r\n","javascript":"","css":""}
