The criteria for this process is defined by four database scalar functions that can be customized as needed. These functions are as follows.
This function specifies which accounts can be joined to People. To be joined, accounts must meet the criteria specified by the function AS WELL AS the filter specified in the AccountInboxing_GetJoinAndProvisionFilter function. The default logic for this function states that all inventoried accounts are eligible for joining. If the value of AllowJoin was set to 0, no accounts would be eligible.
This function specifies the accounts from which Persons can be provisioned. To be provisioned, accounts must meet the criteria specified the function AS WELL AS the filter specified in the AccountInboxing_GetJoinAndProvisionFilter function. The default logic for this function states that Persons can be provisioned from an accounts store when AllowPersonProvisioning is set to true on the account store from which the account originates.