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In Azure Licensing Manager, license pools are containers for license bundles bundles are the assignable policy object that you can create to match the logical structure of your organization. They allow you to allocate the number of licenses available for each business unit within your company and provide reporting tools to give you intelligent and actionable data about your licensing costs. Among other things, this data can be used to distribute licenses where needed, reduce the number of licenses per unit and pass license costs to the business units responsible for themand add to a license pool in order to grant to users a particular subscription in Azure. Once you create a license bundle, eligible assignees can request a license in the IT Shop.

You need to have either the License Admin for All Pools and Bundles Management Role or a combination of the Management Roles specified in the Azure Licensing Manager Management Roles topic to create a license bundle.

How to create license bundles


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Now that you have created a license bundle, you can configure it as needed, adding license assignees, eligible assignees, exclusion rules, responsible parties and a license fulfillment group to it. See Configuring License Bundles for more information.