Versions Compared


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In EmpowerID, the Noun-Verb-Action model offers a flexible user interaction system that caters to both object-oriented and task-oriented users. This model helps users easily navigate and access tasks and resources in the EmpowerID Web application.

Nouns represent resource objects, such as Mailboxes or Business Roles. Verbs represent tasks or actions that can be performed on those objects, such as Create, Delete, or Move. Actions are the desired outcomes that result from applying a Verb to a Noun.

Both object-oriented and task-oriented users can achieve the same outcome using their preferred approach. For example, a task-oriented user might choose "Create > Mailbox," while an object-oriented user could select "Mailbox > Create."

EmpowerID's default Nouns, Verbs, and Actions are related to specific resources and workflows. However, users can create custom Noun-Verb-Action combinations to design their own navigation paths for their specific tasks in the organization's environment. This customization allows users to streamline resource management and optimize their workflows.

The image below demonstrates how both the task-oriented (Path 1) and object-oriented (Path 2) approaches lead to the same list of Actions, highlighting the flexibility and adaptability of the Noun-Verb-Action model in EmpowerID.

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Quick Takes

  • Was primary user interface navigation in EmpowerID 2014

  • Now used in many pages as supporting navigation

  • Classify UI Actions, which are pages or workflows with a Noun and a Verb

  • Clicking on a Noun shows all Verbs where the person has access to a UI Action that is a combination of that Noun with those Verbs

  • Clicking on a Verb shows all Nouns where the person has access to a UI action that is a combination of that Verb with those Nouns

Easy html macro
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