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In this topic, we demonstrate how to add an attribute statement to an SSO connection, and a new attribute for the attribute statement.



  1. On the navbar, expand Apps and Authentication > SSO Connections, and click SAML.

  2. Search for the SAML Connection to which you want to add the SAML attribute statement and click the Display Name link for it. 


  1. Image Added

  2. On the Connections Details page, click the Display Name link to put the connection in Edit mode.


  1. Image Added

  2. On the


  1. Edit page for the SAML connection, click the Attributes tab.

  2. Select Create a New SAML Attribute Statement and then select Create a SAML Attribute to open the SAML Attribute form.


  1. In this form, the following fields are the most important:

    • Name (required) – Name of the attribute

    • Display Name (required) – Name of the attribute that appears to users in EmpowerID

    • Mapped Attribute – Specifies whether the attribute is mapped to the value of an EmpowerID Person or Account property. If true, the attribute value stores the mapping formatted as {ComponentName.PropertyName}, where:

      • ComponentName is a:

        • Person

        • PersonPrincipal (pared-down version of Person)

        • Account

        • AccountPrincipal (pared-down version of Account)

      • and PropertyName is the mapped property on the component, such as EmployeeID

    • Attribute Value – Specifies the value of the attribute being passed to the service provider. For example, if your attribute is mapped to the EmployeeID of an EmpowerID Person, the value of this field is {Person.EmployeeID}.

    • Format – The format of the attribute as specified by the service provider. If the service provider has not specified a format, select Unspecified.

  2. Fill in the fields as needed and then click Add to close the SAML Attribute dialog.

  3. Click Save.
