The Reports page contains clickable cards that direct you a page of report data corresponding to the clicked card. Data can be viewed, searched for and downloaded as Excel sheets.
As an ALM administrator, the Configuration page is where you will do most of your work. This page contains three four tabs, each giving access to different features. Here are the features you’ll find on the tabs.
This tab is for viewing access to ALM granted to people within your organization. You can search for access by the Display Name of a person, by the Login of a person, or by Management Role. granted to processed by the queue.
Feature | What its for |
Search | Allows you to search access to ALM granted to application users. |
Advanced Search — This feature is available by clicking the drop-down arrow on the search field. Image Removed Image Added | Allows you to search for access using parameters: Person Display Name — Returns all access to ALM given to the person specified by the person’s display name. Login — Returns all access to ALM given to the person specified by the person’s login. Management Role Friendly Name — Returns all people who have the specified Management Role.
Export Button Image Removed Image Added | Allows you to download grid data as an Excel sheet. ![](https://dotnetworkflow.jira.com/wiki/download/attachments/795213903/image-20200511-062227.png?version=1&modificationDate=1589178128537&cacheVersion=1&api=v2) |
Grid Image Removed Image Added | The grid returns application access data and provides additional features, such as links to other pages in Azure License Manager. Add New Button — Opens an Application Access form that allows you to assign an Management Role to a person. Delete Button — Removes the target person from the Management Role displayed in the grid. Display Name — Displays the display name attribute of the person with access to ALM. EmpowerID Login — Displays the EmpowerID login attribute of the person with access to ALM as a hyperlink. Clicking the hyperlink directs your browser to the View One page for the person, where you can view more information about that person. Company — Displays the company attribute of the person, if any. Management Role — Displays the name of the Management Role assigned to the person as a hyperlink. Clicking the hyperlink directs your browser to the View One page for the Management Role, where you can view more information about that Management Role. Time Constraint Button — Opens a modal that allows you to make the access to ALM given to the user temporary by setting Access Starts and Access Ends dates and times.
Feature | What its for |
Search | Allows you to search connected tenants. |
Export Button Image Removed | Allows you to download grid data as an Excel sheet. Image Removed |
Grid Image RemovedAdvanced Search — This feature is available by clicking the drop-down arrow on the search field. Image Added | Allows you to search connected tenants using parameters: Display Name — Returns tenants by display name. Domain or Directory — Returns tenants by domain or directory. System Type — Returns tenants by system type.
Export Button Image Added | Allows you to download grid data as an Excel sheet. Image Added |
Grid Image Added | The grid returns existing tenant data and provides additional features, such as the ability to create new tenants and links to other pages in Azure License Manager. Add New Button — Opens an Tenant form that allows you to create a new Azure AD tenant. For the details on creating a new tenant, see Connect EmpowerID to Azure AD. Edit Button — Opens the edit form for the tenant. This form is where you specify configuration settings for a tenant. For details, see Connect EmpowerID to Azure AD. Tenant — Displays the name of the tenant as a hyperlink. Clicking the hyperlink directs your browser to the View One page for the tenant, where you can view more information about that tenant. URL — Displays the URL for the Azure App Service for the tenant. Actions — Displays hyperlinks for actions that can be performed for tenants.
This tab is where you set the URLs for setting the URL for the Azure License Analytics and IT Shop Microservices. For more information on setting these, see Publish the IT Shop Microservice to Azure and Publish the Analytics Microservice to Azure.
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Reclamation Policies
This tab is for viewing information about the Reclamation policies currently used within your organization and for creating new policies as needed.
Feature | What its for |
Search | Allows you to search for a specific policy. |
Advanced Search — This feature is available by clicking the drop-down arrow on the search field. Image Added | Allows you to search Reclamation policies using parameters: |
Export Button Image Added | Allows you to download grid data as an Excel sheet. Image Added |
Grid Image Added | The grid returns existing Reclamation policy data and provides access for creating new Reclamation policies. Add New Button — Opens a blank Reclamation Policy form for creating a new Reclamation policy. Edit Button — Opens the edit form for the selected Reclamation policy. Delete Button— Deletes the selected Reclamation policy. Name — Displays the name of the Reclamation policy. Display Name — Displays the Display Name of the Reclamation policy. Pending Savings/Mo — Displays the monthly savings that will be achieved when the policy runs. Saved/Mo — Display current monthly savings achieved by the policy, if any, Is Enabled — Displays whether the policy is enabled (checked). Report Mode Only — Displays whether the policy is configured to run a report of what would occur if enabled. Reclaim for Disabled Accounts — Displays whether the policy is configured to reclaim licenses used by disabled accounts. Reclaim for Never Logged In — Displays whether the policy is configured to reclaim licenses used by accounts where the user has never logged in. Reclaim for 90 Days No Login — Displays whether the policy is configured to reclaim licenses used by accounts where the user has not logged in during the past 90 days. Reclaim for Person Terminated — Displays whether the policy is configured to reclaim licenses used by people who have been terminated in EmpowerID with user accounts owning a license in Azure. Reclaim for Unused License — Displays whether the policy is configured to reclaim licenses from accounts not using them. Custom Query Group Reclaim — Displays whether the policy is configured with a custom query group to reclaim licenses. Auto Approve Unused — Displays whether the policy is configured to allow the system to automatically reclaim licenses from users not using those products. If the policy is not configured for auto approval, then a human must approve or reject the license
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