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Most pages in EmpowerID can be overriden. Simply copy overridden by copying the original file to the appropriate folder in the overrides directory to override the original page. Follow the appropriate folder structure detailed below.


Styles and scripts can be overriden overridden in the overrides.css and overrides.js files, respectively. A basic knowledge of CSS and/or Javascript JavaScript is required to create overrides. For more information, refer to the MDN Web Docs.


To create custom or overwrite existing JavascriptJavaScript, save your code to the overrides.js file.

  • To override existing Javascript JavaScript (e.g., properties in eid-nav.js), one must override (that is, copy) the entire IIFE in which the code is encapsulated into the overrides.js file. For more information refer to IIFE on MDN.

  • The EmpowerID web app uses an MVVM pattern that uses Knockout.js to create View Models. For more information, refer to the Knockout.js docs.

  • Always remember to clear cache and reload the page after every change to these files.

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IL:External Stylesheet - Test
IL:External Stylesheet - Test