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As an administrator, you can completely customize the navbar to present users with navigation that is appropriate for your environment. Setting up custom navigation in EmpowerID is an easy process that you can perform without needing to write any custom code or create overrides files. You simply enable the navbar sections you want to customize, edit the localized text entry for that navbar section you are adding to the navbar, and add the appropriate UIActions to the UINoun and UIVerb you want to associate with those customized sections.
Enable custom navbar sections
On the navbar, expand Infrastructure Admin > EmpowerID Servers and Settings and click EmpowerID System Settings.
This takes you to the EmpowerID System Settings page, where you can configure certain aspects of the application.
Search for navbar.
You should see settings for NavBarSection*Enabled, NavBarSection*Noun, NavBarSection*Verb, where * represents a whole number such as 10.
Filter the search to NavBarSection10 to reduce the number of objects returned to just those settings for that custom section.
Click the Edit button for NavBarSection10Enabled.
Change the Value from false to true and then click SAVE Save.
Recycle the EmpowerID IIS app pools and then refresh the browser.
You should the new navbar section on the navbar. If you don’t see the new section, try clearing the browser cache.
Next, let’s edit the localized text entry so that the section displays something other than NavBarSection10Title.
Edit the localized text entry for NavBarSection10
On the navbar, expand Admin > Miscellaneous and click Localized Text.
This takes you to the LocaleKeyEntry page, where you can create new localized strings and well as edit exiting ones.
From the Localized Strings tab of the page, search for NavBarSection10Title and then click the Local Key (Unique Name) link.
On the Locale Key Details page that appears, click the Edit icon to put the Locale Key in edit mode.
Change the Default Value from NavBarSection10Title to something more meaningful. In our example, we are changing the value to I want to.
Save your changes and recycle the EmpowerID IIS app pools.
Refresh your browser.
You should the title text for new navbar section update to reflect your change.
Next, let's update the values for the NavBarSection10Verb and NavBarSection10Noun settings to the appropriate UINouns and UIVerbs in the system that represent what do users can do in the new section. For example, if you want users to be able to reset their passwords, you could change the Noun to Password and the verb to ChangePassword.
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Update NavBarSection10 Noun and Verb
On the navbar, expand Infrastructure Admin > EmpowerID Servers and Settings and click EmpowerID System Settings.
Search for NavBarSection10.
Click the Edit button for NavBarSection10Noun.
Replace the Value with the desired UINoun, which in this example is Password.
Click Save.
Click the Edit button for NavBarSection10Verb.
Replace the Value with the desired UIVerb, which in this example is ChangePassword.
Click Save.
Next, lets create a custom UIAction named ChangeMyPassword and configure the UIAction with the as neededrelevant UINoun and UIVerb.
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Create a custom UIAction
On the navbar, expand Admin > Miscellaneous and click Noun Verb Action Navigation.
This takes you to the NounVerbsAction page, which where you create new UINouns, UIVerbs and UIActions, as well as view and edit existing ones.
Go to the UIAction tab, and then click the Create New UIAction
Fill in the Actions Details form with the following information:
Action Name (no spaces) – ChangeMyPassword
Display Name – Change My Password
Description – Change My Password
Locale Key (Unique Name) – Optional
Locale Key for Description – Optional
Verb – Change Password
Noun – Password
Toggle Is a Contextual Action Only so that it is not selected.
Select Workflow and then select Change Password
Click Save.
Recycle the EmpowerID IIS app pools and then refresh your browser.
You should see the new UIAction underneath the custom navbar section.
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