Tip |
After a major update patched into EmpowerID versions 209, 210, 211, 212, and 213, dynamic on-demand tree loading and enhanced server-side full-text search capabilities were implemented in location trees, business role trees, external location trees, and external business role trees. These updates significantly improve performance by loading only required nodes on demand and delivering more accurate search results. Application trees, company trees, and catalog trees remain on the previous implementation as they do not require these enhancements due to their smaller size. |
Note |
Please be aware of selection behavior while you are following the steps below.
On the navbar, expand Identity Lifecycle and click Role and Location Mapper.
Select the Location Mapper tab.
From the External Source Location, search and select the external location you want to map,
(Optional) Select an Account Store from the first drop-down list if applicable.
(Optional) Enter a location to narrow the search criteria.
Click the Search icon to filter the results. Notethat Only two only specific levels of the hierarchy load initially. To select a location, Hover over the location node until a checkbox appears. Click on the checkbox to select the location. Ensure all relevant nodes are expanded before making selections, as the system only selects visible child nodes automatically when a parent node is checked.
Select the Internal Destination location from the tree.
Enter the search text, click the Search icon or press Enter. Initially, only two levels of the hierarchy load.
To see more child nodes, click the (+) or Expand Location option. You can repeat this step to expand and view more child nodes as needed.
Hover over the location node until the checkbox appears. Click on the checkbox to select the location, or simply click on the node to select. Ensure all relevant nodes are expanded before making selections, as the system only selects visible child nodes automatically when a parent node is checked.
Click Save to save the mapping.
Repeat for any other mappings you wish to create.