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If you are not using EmpowerID SaaS and want EmpowerID to manage one or more of your SharePoint tenants, you need to configure one of those tenants with all of the components shown on the “EmpowerID side” (left) of Figure 1. These components are necessary to inventory SharePoint. In addition to these, you also need to configure each SharePoint tenant to be managed by EmpowerID with all of the components shown on the “Self-hosted” side of Figure 1. The only exception is to this is the Azure AD SCIM app service. This service only needs to be set up once within Azure.


All of the components shown on the EmpowerID side of the image are required whether you are self-hosting EmpowerID or using EmpowerID SaaS. The only difference is when using EmpowerID SaaS, you do not need to set up these components. EmpowerID takes care of that for you.


EmpowerID Component


AzGeneralService Microservice

Service Principal application 2

  • Used to grant API permissions to Microsoft Graph and SharePoint API endpoints

App Service

  • Used to host the SharePoint Online app service

Key Vault

  • Stores certificate for certificate-based authentication between the microservice and the service principal registered in Azure for it

  • Stores an access policy that grants key, secret and certificate permissions to the SharePoint Online app service hosting the microservice

Cosmo DB

  • Stores configuration information needed by the SharePoint Online app service

Function App

  • Used to update SharePoint user profiles

Azure AD SCIM Microservice

  • Used to inventory and manage Azure AD information in EmpowerID. This microservice must be deployed to Azure before setting up the SPO microservice. For details, see Connecting to SharePoint Online.

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Next steps

Register Service Principal for App Service Authentication
