To enable the EmpowerID Agent to protect the Andy's Beans Web site, you neet to create an application for it with URL subcomponents for each URL or group of URLs on the site you want to protect in EmpowerID and link that application to a SAML SSO Connection to provide single sign-on capabilities to all authorized users.
For the AndysBeans Web site, there are a number of URLs that need to be restricted. These include the following:
- AndysBeans/Employees
- AndysBeans/Employees/Details
- AndysBeans/Employees/MyHR
- AndysBeans/Employees/MyMedical
- AndysBeans/Employees/UpdatePlan
- AndysBeans/EmployeeManager/
- AndysBeans/EmployeeManager/Create
- AndysBeans/EmployeeManager/Details
- AndysBeans/EmployeeManager/Edit
- AndysBeans/EmployeeManager/Delete
- AndysBeans/ProductManager
- AndysBeans/ProductManager/Create
- AndysBeans/ProductManager/Details
- AndysBeans/ProductManager/Edit
- AndysBeans/ProductManager/Delete
There are a number of ways in which these URLs can be protected, depending on the granularity of your security policy: You can add a URL subcomponent that is an exact match for a specific URL, limiting the scope of the subcomponent to that one URL; you can create a URL subcomponent that uses a javascript regular expression to block access to all URLs meeting the condition (pattern match) of the expression; or, you can create a path-specific URL subcomponent that restricts access to any URL with a matching beginning path. For our purposes, we will use a combination of pattern matches and beginning paths to protect the URLs on the AndysBeans Web site.
This topic demonstrates how to create an application for AndysBeans and add to it URL subcomponents for each path that needs to be protected from unauthorized access.
To create an WAM SSO application for AndysBeans
From the Navigation Sidebar of the EmpowerID Web interface, navigate to the Application page by expanding Applications and clicking Manage Applications. From the Application page, click the Create Application Action link.This opens the Application Details form for the application. This form provides you with fields and options for registeringapplications in EmpowerID.
In the General section of the form, do the following:- Type AndysBeans in the Name field.
- Type Andy's Beans Web Site in the Display Name and Description fields.
- Leave the Icon field as is.
- Leave the Full URL (Exact Match Path) blank. This field is used with Reverse Proxy applications.
- Type the Base URL for the HTTP Module in the Base URL for HTTP Module field. For the sample app, the value
- Leave Allow Access Requests checked. When this option is selected, the application appears in the IT Shop,allowing users to request or claim an account in the application.
- Leave Allow Claim Account checked. When this option is selected, users can claim their accounts and gaininstant access after passing the requisite identity proofs.
- Select Login Is Email Address (Receive OTP to Claim). This setting is necessary for receiving a one-time password to claim the account as well as for passing the appropriate identity assertion to the application when logging in from EmpowerID.
- Leave Allow Request Account checked. When this option is selected and Allow Access Requests is selected, users can request an account in the application.
- Tick Make me the Application Owner so that the option is selected. Application owners have the abilityto manage the application and approve or deny access requests.
- Leave Configure Advanced Claim and Request Account Options deselected.
The following image shows what the General section of the Application Details form looks like after completingthe above steps.
Click the Single Sign-On tab, select Web Access Management (HTTP Header) from the Single Sign-On Connection Type drop-down.This opens the WAM Connection Information section of the form. You use this section to build the SSO Connection forthe Web application.
In the WAM Connection Information section, do the following: Leave the Display Name field as is. Enter in the Base URL for Reverse Proxy field, replacing sso.empowersso with the FQDN of the server hosting the application in your environment. Enter Andy's Beans WAM connection in the Description field. Leave Allow Anonymous Access to Unprotected paths deselected. Leave Use Target Hostname in Requests (Reverse Proxy Only) deselected. Select the certificate used in your environment for signing SAML assertions from the Certificate drop-down.To generate and map a self-signed certificate
C:\Program Files\TheDotNetFactory\EmpowerID\Programs\EmpowerID.CertificateManager.exe
- Select the X509 Certificate certificate type.
- Enter a password for the certificate in the Password field.
- Browse to and select an Output Folder for the certificate.
- Check Import to EmpowerID Certificate store.
- Check Import to Local Certificate Store.
- Click Generate.
Next, map the certificate to an EmpowerID Person with the access to make API calls by doing the following:
- From the EmpowerID Web interface, navigate to the View page for the Person to whom you want to map the certificate.
- From the View page for the person, expand the Role, Accounts, and Login Security accordion and then click the Edit link in the Mapped Login Certificates pane.
- Search for and select the self-signed certificate and then click Save.
When you have finished the above, the WAM Connection Information section should look similar to the following image.
Click the Users tab and tick Create a New Account Directory so that the option is selected. In this way, EmpowerID will create a special type of account store for AndysBeans, known as a "tracking-only" account store. A tracking-only account store exists as a container within EmpowerID for storing user and group records for SSO or attestation withoutmaking a connection to the external directory associated with the application. Opting to create a new accountstore when registering applications in EmpowerID is advantageous in that doing so creates a one-to-one correlationbetween the account store and the application, as well as the SSO connection for the application.Now that the WAM application has been created, the next step is to add protected application subcomponents for each of the URLs that need to be protected for unauthorized access.
To add protected application subcomponents (URLs)
From the Navigation Sidebar of the EmpowerID Web interface, navigate to the Application page by expanding Applications and clicking Manage Applications. Search for Andy's Beans Web Site and then click the Display Name link for it. This directs you to the View One page for the application. View One pages allow to view information about an object in Empoweridand manage it as needed. From the View One page, expand the Protected Application Components accordion and then click the Add Protected Application Subcomponent (+) button. In the dialog that appears do the following to protect all pages of Andy's Beans that start withproductmanager:- Select URL from the Type drop-down.
- EnterAB Product Manager Pages in the Name, Display Name and Description fields.
- Leave the Icon field as is.
- Check Allow Access Requests. This allows users to request access to the page from the IT Shop.
- Enter andysbeans/productmanager in the Starts With Path field.
- Leave ABAC Check deselected.
- Click Save.
- Select URL from the Type drop-down.
- Enter AB Employee Pages in the Name, Display Name andDescription fields.
- Leave the Icon field as is.
- Check Allow Access Requests. This allows users to request access to the page from the IT Shop.
- Enter andysbeans/employees in the Starts With Path field.
- Leave ABAC Check deselected.
- Click Save.
- Select URL from the Type drop-down.
- Enter AB Employee Manager Pages in the Name, Display Name and Description fields.
- Leave the Icon field as is.
- Check Allow Access Requests. This allows users to request access to the page from the IT Shop.
- Enter andysbeans/employeemanager in the Starts With Path field.
- Leave ABAC Check deselected.
- Click Save.
The Protected Application Subcomponents accordion should look like the below image:
Now that the application and the protected application subcomponents for the application have been created, the next step is to create a number of people in EmpowerID with accounts in Andy's Beans. For the full list of these user accounts see
To add user accounts to the Andy's Beans WAM application account store
Navigate to the User Accounts page by expanding Identities and clicking User Accounts. Click the Create User (Person Optional) action link.This opens the Create User form.
Select Personal Standard from the Account Type drop-down. Enter Charles in the First Name field. Enter Stripe in the Last Name field. Enter Charles Stripe in the Display Name field.After EmpowerID creates the user account and the person owning the account, your browser will be directed the Account Details page for the account.
From the Account Details page, click the EmpowerID Logon link. This will direct your browser to the View page for the Charles Stripe person. From the View page for Charles Stripe, expand the Access Assignments accordion. From the Access Assignments accordion, do the following to give Charles Stripe access to the employees and employeemanager pages of the AndysBeans application.- Click the Add New Assignment (+) button.
- Select Direct from the Assign direct to resource or other method drop-down.
- Select Pages and Reports from the Resource Type drop-down.
- In the Enter a Pages and Reports Name to Search field, enter AB Employee Manager Pages and then click the tile to select the resource.
- Select Viewer from the Access Level drop-down.
- Click Save to add the assignment to the Shopping Cart.
- Repeat the above, this time giving Charles Stripe Viewer access to AB Employee Pages.
Next, change the EmpowerID Login for Charles Stripe from the click the Edit link to put the page in edit mode.
From the View page for Charles Stripe, click the Edit link to put the page in edit mode. Locate the Login field and change the value from to charles.stripe. Enter Self-Service User in the Management Roles field and then click the tile for the role to select it. Click Save. Finally, click the Shopping Cart and in the dialog that appears, enter a reason for the assignment and then click Submit. Repeat the above steps for the following Andy's Beans users:- George Varghese - George Varghese is the Product Manager for Andy's Beans and needs access to the employees and productmanager pages of Andy's Beans.
- Barry Chandler - Barry Chandler is an employee of Andy's Beans and needs access to the employees pages of Andy's Beans.
- Fritz Dame - Fritz Dame is an employee of Andy's Beans and needs access to the employees pages of Andy's Beans.
- Tim Johnson - Tim Johnson is an employee of Andy's Beans and needs access to the employees pages of Andy's Beans.
- Maria Hansen - Maria Hansen is an employee of Andy's Beans and needs access to the employees pages of Andy's Beans.
- Rhonda Black - Rhonda Black is an employee of Andy's Beans and needs access to the employees pages of Andy's Beans.
Now that you have created the WAM application for AndysBeans, the next step is to create an OAuth application for it.
- Related Topics
Administrative Procedures:
- Installing the EmpowerID Reverse Proxy
- Creating an OAuth app the Sample App
- Configuring the Sample App for the EmpowerID Web Agent
- Testing WAM