Workflow Library
Workflow Library
Kim Landis (Unlicensed)
Owned by Kim Landis (Unlicensed)
EmpowerID comes with two types of workflows: permanent, and request. A request workflow is one that runs in response to a user clicking a button or a link. A permanent workflow either runs constantly or runs automatically on a consistent schedule. Developers can customize workflows or create new ones using templates in Workflow Studio. Here is a listing of all of the workflows that ship with EmpowerID.
Permanent Workflows
ID | Workflow | Description |
2 | Password Notification | Notifies users whose password is expiring. |
4 | AccountInbox | See the Account Inbox Overview topic. |
14 | CertificateExpirationNotification | Notifies admins when a certificate is expiring. |
15 | UpdateIPAddressesforComputers | Updates IP addresses for computers. |
16 | ADAccountExpirationNotification | Notifies users whose Active Directory account is expiring. |
17 | SubmitPersonTerminations | Submits person terminations. |
18 | PersonExpirationNotification | Notifies a manager when a person is expiring. |
20 | GroupMembershipNotification | Notifies a group member and group owner of membership changes. |
21 | Scheduled Start/Stop AWS Instances | Starts or stops AWS computers at scheduled times. |
22 | Unreviewed Recertification Task Notification | Notifies audit members when they have unreviewed tasks. Optionally escalates notifications to the person's manager after a specified number of days. |
23 | DeleteTemporaryPeopleCreatedDuringSignup | Deletes any temporary Person objects created during signup that were never claimed by a user. |
24 | Check in Shared Credential | Checks in any checked-out shared credentials when they expire. |
25 | ScheduledCredentialPasswordReset | Resets the passwords for any shared credentials that specify a password reset schedule. |
26 | ContinuousRecertification | Continuously recertifies group memberships. |
27 | Process SAP Group Owners | Processes SAP group owners. |
28 | Create Scheduled Certification Audit | When audits are scheduled, creates a certification audit. See Audits and Recertification for more information. |
29 | Close Revoke Re-certification Unreview Tasks After Due Date | After the expiration of a revoke audit task's due date, closes any unreviewed tasks. |
31 | ProvisionCoreIdentityBulk | Provisions core identities in bulk. |
Request Workflows
A request workflow is a representation of the corresponding workflow assembly, which is a protected resource. You can use any workflow name in a URL in your browser to run it with syntax like this:
ID | Workflow Name | Friendly Name |
1002 | CreatePersonFromAccount | Create Person From Account |
1003 | RestoreDeletedAccount | Restore Deleted Account |
1005 | RemoveResourceFromOrgZone | Remove Resource From Location |
1006 | CreateUserMailbox | Create User Mailbox |
1007 | TerminatePerson | Terminate Person |
1011 | AccountRequestwithGroup | Account Request with Group Membership |
1012 | ChangePassword | Change Password |
1014 | PasswordResetCenter | Password Reset Center |
1015 | ResetPassword | Reset Password |
1016 | CreateGroup | Create Group |
1017 | ProcessAccountInbox | Process Account Inbox |
1018 | EditPersonDemographics | Edit Person Demographics |
1019 | EditMailbox | Edit Mailbox |
1020 | EnableOWA | Enable OWA |
1023 | DeleteMailbox | Delete Mailbox |
1026 | MailEnableAccount | Mail Enable Account |
1030 | MoveMailbox | Move Mailbox |
1031 | CopyUser | Copy User |
1032 | CreateUser | Create User |
1034 | EnableWireless | Enable Wireless |
1035 | HideDLFromGAL | Hide In GAL |
1036 | HideMailbox | Hide Mailbox |
1037 | MailboxSizeDecrease | Mailbox Size Decrease |
1038 | MailboxSizeIncrease | Mailbox Size Increase |
1040 | ShowDLInGAL | Show In GAL |
1041 | ShowMailbox | Show Mailbox |
1044 | EditRejectMessagesFrom | Edit Reject Messages From |
1045 | ProfileManager | Profile Edit |
1046 | CreateADGroup | Create AD Group |
1048 | ChangePrimaryOrgRoleOrgZone | Change Primary Business Role |
1049 | AssignOrgRoleOrgZone | Assign Business Role |
1052 | RemovePersonOrgRoleOrgZone | Remove Business Role and Location |
1055 | Enrollment | Enroll for Password Self-Service Reset |
1068 | OrgZoneEdit | Edit Location |
1069 | OrgZoneNew | Create Location |
1070 | OrgRoleEdit | Edit Business Role |
1071 | OrgRoleNew | Create Business Role |
1072 | OrganizationEdit | Edit Organization |
1073 | OrganizationNew | Create Organization |
1074 | OrgZoneDelete | Delete Location |
1075 | OrganizationDelete | Delete Organization |
1076 | OrgRoleDelete | Delete Business Role |
1077 | AssignGroupOrgRoleOrgZone | Map Group to Business Role |
1078 | RemoveGroupOrgRoleOrgZone | Unmap Group from Business Role |
1079 | AssignPersonOrgRoleOrgZone | Assign Business Role and Location |
1080 | RemovePersonOrgRoleOrgZoneNoUI | Assign Business Role and Location No UI |
1084 | PersonNew | Create Person |
1085 | PersonEdit | Edit Person |
1087 | ExternalOrgZoneEdit | Edit External Location |
1088 | ExternalOrgRoleEdit | Edit External Business Role |
1089 | AddGroupResourceRole | Assign Resource Role to Group (No UI) |
1092 | ClaimAccount | Claim Account |
1093 | UnjoinAccountFromPerson | Unjoin Account From Person |
1094 | JoinAccountToPerson | Join Account To Person |
1096 | AddPeopleToGroups | Add People To Groups |
1097 | MoveGroup | Move Group |
1099 | EditGroup | Edit Group |
1101 | ViewPerson | View Person |
1109 | AddOrgRoleOrgZoneResourceRole | Assign Resource Role to Business Role (No UI) |
1110 | AddPersonResourceRole | Assign Resource Role to Person (No UI) |
1111 | AddResourceOrgZone | Assign Resource To Location |
1117 | HelpdeskPasswordReset | Helpdesk Password Reset |
1119 | ProcessAccountInboxBulk | Account Inbox Bulk |
1120 | RemoveGroupResourceRoleNoUI | Unassign Resource Role from Group No UI |
1121 | RemoveOrgRoleOrgZoneResourceRoleNoUI | Unassign Resource Role from Business Role No UI |
1122 | RemovePersonResourceRoleNoUI | Unassign Resource Role from Person No UI |
1127 | DisableOWA | Disable Outlook Web Access |
1132 | DisableAutoAccept | Disable AutoAccept Calendar Invitations |
1133 | DisableWireless | Disable ActiveSync |
1134 | EditSMTPAddresses | Edit SMTP Addresses |
1135 | DisableMailbox | Disable Mailbox |
1137 | EditAcceptMessagesFrom | Edit Accept Messages From |
1138 | EnableAutoAccept | Enable AutoAccept |
1143 | RemoveResourceOrgZoneNoUI | Remove Resource from Location No UI |
1163 | UnenrollPerson | Unenroll Person from Password Self-Service Reset |
1164 | MoveAccount | Move User |
1165 | RemoveGroupsFromGroup | Unassign Group Member Role from Groups |
1166 | AddGroupsToGroup | Assign Group Member Role to Groups |
1168 | ReinstateExchangeMailbox | Restore Deleted Mailbox |
1169 | PasswordExpirationNotification | Password Expiration Notification |
1170 | HelpdeskAccountUnlock | Helpdesk Account Unlock |
1171 | CreateRoomMailbox | Create Room Mailbox |
1173 | Enroll | Enroll for Password Self-Service Reset |
1174 | UnlockFromRecoveryCenter | Unlock From Password Reset Center |
1175 | DeleteAccount | Delete Account |
1176 | DisableAccount | Disable Account |
1177 | EnableAccount | Enable Account |
1178 | UnlockAccount | Unlock Account |
1184 | ResetAccountPassword | Reset Account Password |
1185 | AccountJoinToPerson | Account Join To Person |
1186 | AccountUnjoinPerson | Account Unjoin from Person |
1190 | EditMailForwarding | Edit Mail Forwarding |
1191 | EnableMailboxWithBasicQuota | Enable Mailbox With Small Quota |
1192 | EnableMailboxWithCorpQuota | Enable Mailbox With Large Quota |
1194 | CreateEquipment | Create Equipment Mailbox |
1199 | MailDisableAccount | Mail-Disable Account |
1201 | MailEnableGroup | Mail Enable Group |
1203 | MailDisableGroup | Mail Disable Group |
1205 | RemoveOrgRoleOrgZoneFromGroups | Unassign Group Membership Role from Business Roles |
1207 | AddResourceRole | Request Access to Resources |
1208 | ExternalOrgRoleNew | Create External Business Role |
1209 | DeleteResourceRoleNoUI | Unassign Resource Role No UI |
1211 | AddGroupOrgZoneResourceTypeRole | Assign Resource Roles to Groups by Location |
1212 | AddOrgRoleOrgZoneResourceTypeRole | Assign Resource Roles to Business Roles by Location |
1213 | AddPersonOrgZoneResourceTypeRole | Assign Resource Roles to People by Location |
1215 | DeleteOrgZoneResourceTypeRoleNoUI | Unassign Resource Role by Location No UI |
1219 | ProvisionComputer | Provision Computer |
1220 | DeleteOrgZoneResourceTypeRoles | Unassign Resource Role Assignments By Location |
1221 | DeleteComputer | Delete Computer |
1229 | AssignPersonResourceRole | Assign Management Roles for Selected Resource to Person |
1238 | AssignGroupResourceRole | Assign Management Roles for Selected Resource to Groups |
1239 | AssignOrgRoleOrgZoneResourceRole | Assign Management Role to Business Role |
1249 | SetUserManager | Assign Manager for User |
1250 | EditAccount | Edit Account |
1252 | CreateOU | Create OU |
1253 | DeleteOUAndItsChildObjects | Delete OU And Its Child Objects |
1254 | EditOU | Edit OU |
1255 | RevokeResourceRoleNoUI | Unassign Resource Role (No UI) |
1259 | NewPartnerWorkflow | Provision New Partner Organization |
1260 | AssignManagementRolesToSingleBusinessRole | Assign Management Roles To Single Business Role |
1265 | ResourceManagerAccountUpdate | Account Edit |
1268 | RemoveGroupAccount | Remove Account from Group |
1269 | ResourceManagerEditGroup | Edit Group |
1270 | ResourceManagerAccountDelete | Account Delete |
1271 | ResourceManagerUpdateMailbox | Edit Mailbox |
1273 | EditOrgZoneResourceTypeRoleTimeConstraint | Edit Resource Role to Business Role Assignment Time Constraint |
1274 | EditBulkAccount | Bulk Account Edit |
1275 | BulkMailenableGroup | Bulk Mail-Enable Groups |
1276 | EnableComputer | Enable Computer |
1277 | DisableComputer | Disable Computer |
1278 | MoveComputer | Move Computer |
1279 | ProvisionAssetTypeRequest | Provision Asset Type Request |
1281 | ResourceManagerUpdatePerson | Update Person |
1282 | ResourceManagerDeletePerson | Delete Person |
1283 | AssetAccessRequestSelfService | Asset Access Request SelfService |
1284 | AssetAccessRequest | Asset Access Request On Behalf of |
1285 | ResourceManagerUpdateRequestWorkflow | Update Request Workflow |
1286 | ResourceManagerUpdateOrgZone | Update Location |
1287 | AssetProvision | Asset Provision On Behalf Of |
1288 | AssetProvisionSelfService | Asset Provision Self-Service |
1289 | PermanentWorkflowTemplate | Permanent Workflow Template |
1290 | ResourceManagerEditBusinessRole | Edit Business Role |
1291 | ResourceManagerUpdateOrgRole | Update Business Role |
1292 | BulkHideInGAL | Bulk Hide In GAL |
1294 | ResourceManagerUpdateProtectedApplicationResource | Update Application |
1295 | ResourceManagerUpdateComputer | Update Computer |
1296 | ResetComputer | Reset Computer |
1297 | ProvisionCatalogRequest | Provision Catalog Request |
1298 | RemoveRbacResourceRoleAssignment | Unassign Any Type of Resource Role From a Selected Resource |
1299 | BulkCreatePeople | Bulk Create People |
1300 | BulkCreatePeopleFromAccount | Bulk Create People From Accounts |
1303 | LaptopAssetProvision | Laptop Asset Provision |
1305 | LaptopAssetRegistration | Laptop Asset Registration |
1306 | LaptopAssetAssignment | Laptop Asset Assignment |
1307 | AddOrgZoneResourceTypeRoleAsSuggested | Flag As Resource Role Template |
1308 | AssignManagementRolesMultiResourcesMultiActors | Assign Resource Roles Multiple Resources Multiple Actors |
1309 | RemoveOrgZoneResourceTypeRoleAsSuggestedNoUI | Remove Flag As Resource Role Template |
1310 | RemoveRbacResourceRoleAssignmentAsActor | Unassign Any Type of Resource Role From Person Group or Business Role |
1311 | ChangePrimaryBusinessRoleLocationSimpleUI | Change Primary Business Role Location Simple UI |
1312 | AddExchangeMailboxAddress | Add Exchange Mailbox Address |
1313 | DeleteExchangeMailboxAddress | Delete Exchange Mailbox Address |
1314 | AddRbacResourceRoleAssignment | Assign Resource Role All Assignment Types Possible |
1315 | EditExchangeMailboxAddress | Edit Exchange Mailbox Address |
1316 | SetAsPrimaryExchangeMailboxAddress | Set As Primary Exchange Mailbox Address |
1318 | AssignSecondaryBusinessRoleandLocationSimpleUI | Assign Secondary Business Role and Location Simple UI |
1319 | PasswordResetCenterOTP | Password Reset Center OTP |
1321 | HelpdeskSendOTP | Helpdesk Send OTP |
1322 | CreatePersonSimple | Simple Create Person |
1324 | CreateExchangeMailbox | Create Exchange Mailbox |
1325 | PersonEditNonResourceManager | Person Edit |
1328 | ProvisionManagementRole | Provision Management Role |
1329 | ProvisionManagementRoleDefinition | Provision Management Role Definition |
1330 | DeleteManagementRole | Delete Management Role |
1331 | DeleteManagementRoleDefinition | Delete Management Role Definition |
1332 | EditManagementRoleNoUI | Edit Management Role NoUI |
1333 | AddRbacAssignmentToManagementRole | Assign Resources Roles to Management Role |
1334 | RemoveRbacAssignmentFromManagementRole | Unassign Resources Roles from Management Role |
1335 | EditManagementRoleDefinitionNoUI | Edit Management Role Definition NoUI |
1336 | UnlockPersonAndAccounts | Unlock Person And Accounts |
1340 | CreatePersonAndAccount | Create Person and Account |
1342 | BulkChangePrimaryBusinessRoleAndLocationNonUI | Bulk Change Primary Business Role And Location NonUI |
1343 | CreateResourceTypeRole | Create Resource Type Role |
1344 | DeleteResourceTypeRole | Delete Resource Type Role |
1345 | AssignOperationsToResourceTypeRole | Assign Operations to Resource Type Role |
1346 | EditResourceTypeRole | Edit Resource Type Role |
1347 | CreateProtectedApplication | Create Protected Application Resource |
1348 | EditProtectedApplication | Edit Protected Application |
1349 | DeleteProtectedApplication | Delete Protected Application |
1352 | CreateUserHomeFolder | Create User Home Folder |
1353 | EditADUserHomeFolder | Edit AD User Home Folder |
1354 | EditUserDemographics | Edit User Demographics |
1355 | RETDeprovisionADAccount | RET Deprovision AD Account |
1356 | EditSharePointPersonProfile | Edit Share Point Person Profile |
1358 | GetAndUpdateProfileWF | Get And Update Profile WF |
1371 | MovePeopleFromOrgRoleOrgZoneToAnother | Move People From OrgRoleOrgZone To Another |
1375 | SelfServiceAccountJoinGroup | Self-Service Account Join Group |
1376 | SelfServicePersonJoinGroup | Self-Service Person Join Group |
1377 | SelfServicePersonLeaveGroup | Self-Service Person Leave Group |
1378 | CreateUserAndMailbox | Create User and Mailbox |
10002 | AddAccountsToGroups | Add Accounts to Groups |
10003 | AssignResourceRoleToAccessRequest | Assign Resource Role To Access Request |
10004 | AssignOrgZoneResourceTypeRoleToAccessRequest | Assign OrgZone Resource Type Role To Access Request |
10005 | AssignManagementRoleToAccessRequest | Assign Management Role To Access Request |
10006 | RemoveResourceRoleFromAccessRequest | Remove Resource Role From Access Request |
10007 | RemoveOrgZoneResourceTypeRoleFromAccessRequest | Remove OrgZone Resource Type Role From Access Request |
10008 | RemoveManagementRoleFromAccessRequest | Remove Management Role From Access Request |
10009 | AccessRequestCatalogItemEdit | Access Request Catalog Item Edit |
10010 | AssetCatalogItemEdit | Asset Request Edit |
10011 | AccessRequestCatalogItemDelete | Access Request Catalog Item Delete |
10012 | AssetCatalogItemDelete | Asset Catalog Item Delete |
10013 | RemoveAccountsFromGroups | Remove Accounts from Groups |
10015 | RollbackAccountAttributeChanges | Rollback Account Attribute Changes |
10016 | CreateApplicationPool | Create Application Pool |
10037 | AddRelativeResourceRoleAssignment | Add Relative Resource Role Assignment |
10041 | RemoveRelativeResourceRoleAssignment | Remove Relative Resource Role Assignment |
10042 | MoveOrgZone | Move Location |
10043 | MoveOrgRole | Move Business Role |
10048 | CreatePeopleFromFile | Create People From File |
10053 | DeleteRequestWorkflow | Delete Request Workflow |
10056 | ExpenseReportApprovalWF | Expense Report Approval WF |
10091 | PasswordSyncDCFilter | Password Sync DC Filter |
10122 | AssignGroupToCatalogCategory | Assign Group To Catalog Category |
10123 | UnassignGroupFromCatalogCategory | Unassign Group From Catalog Category |
10124 | RemoveManagementRoleAssignment | Remove Management Role Assignment |
10136 | CreatePersonSuperSimple | Create Person Super Simple |
10139 | DeleteAssetTypeNoUI | Delete Asset Type No UI |
10144 | CreateLinkedMailbox | Create Linked Mailbox |
10145 | CreateAccountBulk | Create Account Bulk |
10146 | CreateGroupBulk | Create Group Bulk |
10158 | UpdatePersonManagementRoleAssignments | Add or remove Person from Management Role |
10159 | EnableGroupAsJoinable | Enable Group As Joinable |
10160 | DisableGroupAsJoinable | Disable Group As Joinable |
20001 | CreateAccountStoreswithComputers | Create Account Stores with Computers |
20008 | AbsenceRequestWorkflow | Absence Request Workflow |
20009 | PersonDataWorkflow | Person Data Workflow |
20010 | CreateTaskWorkflow | Create Task Workflow |
20011 | DocumentApproval | Document Approval |
20012 | TaskTrackerWorkflow | Task Tracker Workflow |
20018 | AddSetGroupsToOrgZones | Add Set Groups To OrgZones |
20019 | RemoveSetGroupOrgZoneNoUI | Remove Set Group OrgZone No UI |
20020 | ProvisionSeparationOfDuties | Create SoD Policy |
20021 | EditSeparationOfDutiesPolicyNoUI | Edit SoD Policy |
20022 | RequestApprovalWF | Request Approval WF |
20025 | RemoveSeparationOfDutiesPolicyManagementRoleGroups | Remove Separation Of Duties Policy Management Role Groups |
20026 | RemoveSeparationOfDutiesPolicyResourceRoleGroupsNo | Remove Separation Of Duties Policy Resource Role Groups No |
20027 | AddSeparationOfDutiesPolicyManagementRoleGroups | Add Separation Of Duties Policy Management Role Groups |
20028 | AddSeparationOfDutiesPolicyResourceRoleGroups | Add Separation Of Duties Policy Resource Role Groups |
20029 | ProvisionAttestationPolicy | Create Attestation Policy |
20030 | DeleteSeparationOfDutiesPolicy | Delete Separation Of Duties Policy |
20031 | DeleteAttestationPolicy | Delete Attestation Policy |
20032 | EditAttestationPolicyNoUI | Edit Attestation Policy No UI |
20034 | AddSeparationOfDutiesSODGroups | Add Separation Of Duties SOD Groups |
20035 | RemoveSeparationOfDutiesPolicySODGroupsNoUI | Remove Separation Of Duties Policy SOD Groups No UI |
20037 | CompileSeparationOfDutiesPolicy | Compile Separation Of Duties Policy |
20038 | CompileAttestationPolicy | Compile Attestation Policy |
20039 | CompileSetGroup | Compile Set Group |
20044 | RequestManagementRole | Request Management Role |
20045 | SelfServiceRequestManagementRole | Self Service Request Management Role |
20046 | SelfServiceRequestApplicationRole | Self Service Request Application Role |
20047 | ProvisionExternalApproval | Provision External Approval |
20048 | EditExternalApprovalNoUI | Edit External Approval No UI |
20050 | DeleteExternalApproval | Delete External Approval |
20051 | AddPeopleToExternalApproval | Add People To External Approval |
20052 | RemovePeopleFromExternalApproval | Remove People From External Approval |
20053 | AddGroupsToExternalApproval | Add Groups To External Approval |
20054 | AddSetGroupsToExternalApproval | Add Set Groups To External Approval |
20055 | AddManagementRolesToExternalApproval | Add Management Roles To External Approval |
20056 | RemovePeopleFromExternalApprovalNoUI | Remove People From External Approval No UI |
20057 | RemoveGroupsFromExternalApprovalNoUI | Remove Groups From External Approval No UI |
20058 | RemoveManagementRolesFromExternalApprovalNoUI | Remove Management Roles From External Approval No UI |
20059 | RemoveSetGroupsFromExternalApprovalNoUI | Remove Set Groups From External Approval No UI |
20060 | RemoveOrgRoleOrgZonesFromExternalApprovalNoUI | Remove OrgRole OrgZones From External Approval No UI |
20061 | AddOrgRoleOrgZonesToExternalApproval | Add OrgRole OrgZones To External Approval |
20064 | AddGroupsToLocation | Add Groups To Location |
20067 | CreateAccountLyncUser | Create Account LyncUser |
20068 | ResourceManagerUpdateLyncUser | Update Lync User |
20069 | DeleteLyncUser | Delete Lync User |
20076 | EditSSOApplicationDefinition | Edit SSO Application Definition |
20077 | EditSSOApplication | Edit SSO Application |
20078 | CreateSSOApplication | Create SSO Application |
20079 | CreateSSOApplicationDefinition | Create SSO Application Definition |
20080 | DeleteSSOApplication | Delete SSO Application |
20081 | DeleteSSOApplicationDefinition | Delete SSO Application Definition |
20082 | LoginWF | Login Workflow |
20083 | GenericRequest | Generic Request |
20084 | CreatePersonAndRegisterAccount | Create Person And Register Account |
20090 | DeleteMultiplePeopleWf | Terminate People |
20091 | DisableMultiplePeopleWf | Disable Multiple People Wf |
20092 | EnableMultiplePeopleWf | Enable Multiple People Wf |
20093 | EmailLostUsername | Email Lost Username |
20096 | ResetForgottenPassword | Reset Forgotten Password |
20098 | DeleteMultipleGroups | Delete Groups |
20099 | RestoreMultipleDeletedPeople | Restore Multiple Deleted People |
20102 | DeleteSharedFolderMulti | Delete Shared Folder Multi |
20106 | RemoveRbacAssignmentFromManagementRoleDefinition | Remove Rbac Assignment From Management Role Definition |
20110 | DeleteComputerBulk | Delete Computer Bulk |
20111 | CreateSharedFolders | Create Shared Folders |
20112 | UnshareFolderMulti | Unshare or Delete Folder |
20114 | RemovePersonRelationships | Remove Person Relationships |
20115 | AddPersonRelationships | Add Person Relationships |
20117 | RestoreDeletedComputersBulk | Restore Deleted Computers Bulk |
20118 | RestoreDeletedGroupsBulk | Restore Deleted Groups Bulk |
20121 | RegisterAccount | Register Account |
20122 | AddGroupsToGroupLDAP | Add Groups To Group LDAP |
20124 | RemoveGroupsFromGroupsLDAP | Remove Groups From Groups LDAP |
20125 | AssignResourceRoleToCategory | Assign Resource Role To Category |
20129 | ClaimSSOAccount | Claim SSO Account |
20130 | DisableSetGroupFullEnforcementLevel | Disable Set Group Full Enforcement Level |
20131 | EnableSetGroupFullEnforcementLevel | Enable Set Group Full Enforcement Level |
20135 | CreateSAMLSingleSignOn | Create SAML Single Sign On |
20136 | DeleteSAMLSingleSignOnConnection | Delete SAML Single Sign On Connection |
20137 | EditSAMLSingleSignOnConnection | Edit SAML Single Sign On Connection |
20138 | AddCommunicationZoneRoute | Add Communication Zone Route |
20140 | DeleteCommunicationZoneRoute | Delete Communication Zone Route |
20141 | EditCommunicationZoneRoute | Edit Communication Zone Route |
20142 | CreateWSFederationSingleSignOnConnection | Create WS Federation Single Sign On Connection |
20143 | DeleteWSFederationSingleSignOnConnection | Delete WS Federation Single Sign On Connection |
20144 | EditWSFederationSingleSignOnConnection | Edit WS Federation Single Sign On Connection |
20145 | CreateSAMLSingleSignOnConnection | Create SAML Single Sign On Connection |
20147 | ProvisionSetGroup | Provision Set Group |
20148 | DeleteSetGroups | Delete Set Groups |
20149 | CreateAlertConfiguration | Create Alert Configuration |
20150 | EditAlertConfiguration | Edit Alert Configuration |
20151 | DeleteAlertConfiguration | Delete Alert Configuration |
20153 | EditGenericAssetDetails | Edit Generic Asset |
20154 | AssignPeopleToAlerts | Assign People To Alerts |
20155 | UnassignPeopleFromAlerts | Unassign People From Alerts |
20156 | AssignGroupsToAlerts | Assign Groups To Alerts |
20157 | UnassignGroupsFromAlerts | Unassign Groups From Alerts |
20158 | AssignManagementRolesToAlerts | Assign Management Roles To Alerts |
20159 | AssignSetGroupsToAlerts | Assign Set Groups To Alerts |
20160 | UnassignSetGroupsFromAlerts | Unassign Set Groups From Alerts |
20161 | DirectReportAttestationExample | Direct Report Attestation Example |
20162 | SODViolationsExample | SOD Violation with Email Notification |
20163 | EditSetGroup | Edit Set Group |
20164 | AddSetsToSetGroup | Add Sets To Set Group |
20165 | RemoveSetsFromSetGroup | Remove Sets From Set Group |
20166 | UnassignManagementRolesFromAlerts | Unassign Management Roles From Alerts |
20167 | AssignRequestWorkflowsToAlerts | Assign Request Workflows To Alerts |
20168 | UnassignRequestWorkflowsFromAlerts | Unassign Request Workflows From Alerts |
20169 | AssignBPMTeamPackagesToAlerts | Assign BPM Team Packages To Alerts |
20170 | UnassignBPMTeamPackagesFromAlerts | Unassign BPM Team Packages From Alerts |
20171 | AssignExecutionRuntimeJobsToAlerts | Assign Execution Runtime Jobs To Alerts |
20172 | UnassignExecutionRuntimeJobsFromAlerts | Unassign Execution Runtime Jobs From Alerts |
20173 | DeleteSAMLDomainNames | Delete SAML Domain Names |
20174 | CreateSAMLDomainNameAssociation | Create SAML Domain Name Association |
20175 | AssignBusinessRolesToAlerts | Assign Business Roles To Alerts |
20176 | UnClaimSSOAccount | UnClaim SSO Account |
20177 | UnassignBusinessRolesFromAlerts | Unassign Business Roles From Alerts |
20178 | TerminateWorkflow | Cancel Workflow |
20185 | SetLinkedMailboxMasterAccount | Set Linked Mailbox Master Account |
20190 | EditCatalogRequest1 | Edit Catalog Request 1 |
20191 | WPFLogin | WPF Login Workflow |
20192 | AssignAccountToSSOApplication | Assign Account To SSO Application |
20193 | UnAssignAccountFromSSOApplication | UnAssign Account From SSO Application |
20195 | EditPersonPhotoApproval | Edit Photo Approval for Person |
20201 | EditAssetCatalogItemDetails | Edit Asset Request |
20203 | EditAccessRequestCatalogItemDetails | Edit Access Request Catalog Item Details |
20210 | DeleteAssetCatalogItem | Delete Asset Request |
20221 | CreateOAuthApplication | Create OAuth Application |
20225 | AuthenticationLevel2Login | Authentication Level 2 Login |
20226 | AuthenticationLevel3Login | Authentication Level 3 Login |
20227 | AuthenticationLevel4Login | Authentication Level 4 Login |
20229 | DisconnectMailbox | Disconnect Mailbox |
20231 | EditSAMLAuthenticationLevel | Edit SAML Authentication Level |
20232 | CreateSAMLAuthenticationLevel | Create SAML Authentication Level |
20233 | DeleteSAMLAuthenticationLevelNoUI | Delete SAML Authentication Level No UI |
20236 | DeleteMultiplePeopleNoRET | Delete People No RET |
20244 | ResumeWorkflows | Resume Workflows |
20263 | UpdatePersonGroupMembership | Add and Remove Person from Groups |
20264 | EditServiceAccountPassword | Vault Password |
20265 | ChangeEmpowerIDServiceAccount | Change EmpowerID Service Account |
20266 | AddCommentToTask | Add Comment To Task |
20267 | AddUIVerb | Add UI Verb |
20268 | AddUINoun | Add UI Noun |
20269 | AddUIAction | Add UI Action |
20270 | EditUIAction | Edit UI Action |
20271 | EditUINoun | Edit UI Noun |
20272 | EditUIVerb | Edit UI Verb |
20273 | DeleteUIVerb | Delete UI Verb |
20274 | DeleteUINoun | Delete UI Noun |
20275 | DeleteUIAction | Delete UI Action |
20278 | UpdateAccountGroupMembership | Add and Remove User from Group |
20281 | DirectReportAttestationExampleAdvanced | Direct Report Attestation Example Advanced |
20282 | UpdateResourceLocations | Update Resource Location Assignments |
20284 | UpdatePersonBusinessRoles | Update Person Business Roles |
20285 | UpdateGroupMemberGroups | Add and Remove Groups from Group |
20286 | UpdatePersonAccounts | Update Person Owned Accounts |
20287 | UpdatePersonRelationships | Update Person Relationships |
20293 | UpdateOAuthAccessTokens | Update OAuth Access Tokens |
20295 | ClaimPasswordVaultAccount | Claim Password Vault Account |
20301 | UpdateSSOApplication | Update SSO Application |
20302 | UpdateSSOApplicationDefinition | Update SSO Application Definition |
20303 | ResetPasswordVaultAccountPassword | Reset Password Vault Account Password |
20305 | EditPasswordVaultAccount | Edit Password Vault Account |
20306 | UpdateGroupAccountMembership | Add and Remove Users from Group |
203307 | UpdateResourceAssignments | Grant or Revoke Access to Resource |
20312 | UpdateResourceAssignmentsByResource | Grant or Revoke Access to Resource |
20314 | AssignAssetToPerson | Assign Asset To Person |
20316 | AssignTokenToPerson | Assign Token To Person |
20317 | AuthenticationLevel2OATHLogin | Authentication Level 2 OATH Login |
20318 | UpdateManagementRoleAssignments | Update Management Role Assignments |
20319 | UpdateGroupBusinessRoles | Update Group Business Role Mappings |
20320 | ImportOathTokens | Import OATH Tokens |
20322 | EditPerson | Edit Person |
20323 | CreateTOTPToken | Create OATH Token |
20324 | PasswordResetCenterTOTP | I forgot my password - TOTP |
20327 | UpdateOrgRoleListAsSuggestedOrgZones | Edit Business Role and Location List as Suggested |
20329 | UpdateOrgRoleOrgZoneSetGroupID | Edit Business Role and Location Mapped SetGroup |
20330 | UpdateOrgRoleOrgZonePasswordManagerPolicyID | Edit Business Role and Location Password Manager Policy |
20331 | UpdateOrgRoleOrgZoneProfileManagerPolicyID | Edit Business Role and Location Profile Manager Policy |
20332 | UpdateOrgRoleOrgZoneGroups | Update Group to Business Role and Location Mapping |
20333 | UpdateResourceTypeRoleOperations | Update Resource Type Role Operations |
20334 | UpdateResourceTypeRoleRights | Update Resource Type Role Rights |
20335 | UpdateOrgRoleOrgZonePeople | Update Business Role and Location Person Assignment |
20336 | UpdateOrgZoneSetGroups | Update Business Role and Location Mapped SetGroup |
20337 | SubmitSingleAttestationResponse | Submit Attestation Decision |
20338 | LDAPCreateAccount | LDAP Create Account |
20339 | BulkAddRemoveExchangeMailboxEmailAddresses | Bulk Add Remove Exchange Mailbox Email Addresses |
20340 | LDAPCreateOU | LDAP Create OU |
20341 | LDAPCreateGroup | LDAP Create Group |
20342 | SubmitSingleSodViolationResponse | Submit SoD Violation Response |
20343 | CreateBusinessRole | Create Business Role |
20344 | CreateLocation | Create Location |
20345 | PersonPhotoApproval | Add or Remove Person Photo |
21207 | UpdateDirectAssignmentTimeConstraint | Update Direct Assignment Time Constraint |
21208 | UpdateAttestationPolicyScheduleInterval | Update Attestation Policy Schedule Interval |
21212 | UpdateSetGroupSets | Update SetGroup Sets |
21213 | ReclaimTokensFromPerson | Reclaim Tokens From Person |
21214 | DeleteTOTPToken | Delete Time-based-one-time-password Token |
21215 | EditPrimaryGroup | Edit Primary Group |
21216 | RequestOathToken | Request Software Token for Login |
21217 | SendPersonOneTimePassword | Send Person One Time Password |
21218 | ReevaluateRETPoliciesForPerson | Reevaluate RET Policies For Person |
23069 | ResourceEntitlementEditNonResourceManager | Resource Entitlement Edit NonResource Manager |
23070 | ResourceEntitlementCreateNonResourceManager | Resource Entitlement Create NonResource Manager |
23349 | EditOauthConsumer | Edit Oauth Consumer |
23350 | UpdateResourceTags | Update Resource Tags |
23351 | EditAttestationPolicy | Edit Attestation Policy |
23352 | PersonAttributeDefaultValueEditNonResourceManager | Person Attribute Default Value Edit NonResource Manager |
23353 | PersonAttributeDefaultValueCreateNonResourceManage | Person Attribute Default Value Create NonResource Manager |
23356 | CreateSetGroupAndSet | Create Set Group And Set |
23358 | CreatePerson | Create Person |
23360 | ProvisionSet | Provision Set |
23361 | EditSet | Edit Set |
23362 | UpdatePersonAssets | Update Person Assets |
23363 | CreateAssetMailbox | Create Asset Mailbox (With Approval Form) |
23364 | CreateLaptopAsset | Create Laptop Asset |
23365 | CreateAsset | Create Asset (Automated No Approval Form) |
23366 | CreateProtectedApplicationURL | Create Protected Application URL |
23367 | UpdatePasswordManagerPolicyAssignments | Update Password Manager Policy Assignments |
23369 | ProvisionVisibilityRBACObjectFilter | Provision Visibility RBAC Object Filter |
23370 | EditVisibilityRBACObjectFilter | Edit Visibility RBAC Object Filter |
23371 | ProvisionVisibilityRBACObjectSelectColumn | Provision Visibility RBAC Object Select Column |
23372 | EditVisibilityRBACObjectSelectColumn | Edit Visibility RBAC Object Select Column |
23373 | AddParticipantsToTasks | Add Participants To Tasks |
23374 | UpdateResourceEntitlementAssignments | Update Resource Entitlement Assignments |
23377 | GroupExpirationNotification | Group Expiration Notification |
23378 | ManageOauthProviderApplication | Manage Oauth Provider Application |
23379 | ManageOauthProviderScopes | Manage Oauth Provider Scopes |
23380 | LDAPEditAccount | LDAP Edit Account |
23381 | LDAPEditGroup | LDAP Edit Group |
23382 | LDAPEditOU | LDAP Edit OU |
23384 | ProvisionPersonAccountAsset | Provision Person Account Asset |
23385 | UpdateResourcePackageResources | Update Resource Package Resources |
23386 | AddResourcePackage | Add Resource Package |
23387 | EditResourcePackage | Edit Resource Package |
23389 | ResourceManagerUpdateSharePointGroup | Update Share Point Group |
23391 | UpdatePersonDelegateTimeConstraint | Update Person Delegate Time Constraint |
23392 | UpdatePersonDelegates | Update Person Delegates |
23394 | EditAccountStore | Edit Account Store |
23395 | CreateAccountStore | Create Account Store |
23397 | UpdateSSOApplicationAccounts | Update SSO Application Accounts |
23399 | AddNewResourceEntitlementForNewWeb | Add New Resource Entitlement For New Web |
23418 | ResourceTypeRoleEdit | Resource Type Role Edit |
23419 | ResourceTypeRoleCreate | Resource Type Role Create |
23420 | EditGroupHierarchyPolicy | Edit Group Hierarchy Policy |
23421 | CreateGroupHierarchyPolicy | Create Group Hierarchy Policy |
23422 | DeleteGroupHierarchyPolicy | Delete Group Hierarchy Policy |
23423 | EditDynamicHierarchyPolicy | Edit Dynamic Hierarchy Policy |
23424 | CreateDynamicHierarchyPolicy | Create Dynamic Hierarchy Policy |
23425 | DeleteDynamicHierarchyPolicy | Delete Dynamic Hierarchy Policy |
23427 | UpdatePersonAttributeDefaultValueAssignments | Update Person Attribute Default Value Assignments |
23428 | UpdateProtectedUrls | Update Protected Urls |
23429 | UpdateAssignments | Update Access Assignments |
23430 | CreateOffice365UserMailbox | Create O365 User Mailbox |
23431 | Activateo365License | Activate o365 License |
23432 | UpdateProtectedApplications | Update Application |
23433 | SendOTPAnonymous | Send One Time Password Anonymous |
23434 | EditSAMLSingleSignOn | Edit SAML Connection |
23436 | UpdateSSOApplicationGroups | Update Application Groups |
23437 | UpdateSSOApplicationGroups1 | Update SSO Application Groups 1 |
23438 | RequestDecisions | Request Decisions |
23439 | DeleteResourceEntitlement | Delete Resource Entitlement |
23440 | CreateApplication | Create Application |
23441 | EditAndValidateMobilePhone | Edit And Validate Mobile Phone |
23442 | UpdateBusinessProcessTaskDelayedExecution | Update Business Process Task Delayed Execution |
23443 | UpdatePersonDirectAssignment | Access Request |
23444 | ProcessAttestationDecision | Update Attestation Decision |
23445 | UpdatePersonManagementRoles | Management Role Membership Request |
23446 | UpdateApplication | Update Application |
23447 | UpdatePersonLoginAssociations | Edit Able to Login As for Person |
23448 | ManageIpRanges | Manage IP Ranges |
23449 | UpdateVaultedPassword | Update Vaulted Password |
23450 | DeleteOwnSSOAccount | Delete Personal SSO Account |
23451 | UpdatePersonLoginAssociationTimeConstraint | Update Person Login As Time Constraint |
23453 | ManagementRoleNew | Create Management Role |
23454 | ManagementRoleDefinitionNew | Create Management Role Definition |
23455 | RehireCheckWorkflow | Rehire Check |
23456 | AssetCatalogItemNew | Create Asset Request |
23457 | AssetNew | Create Asset (AssetNew) |
23458 | AssetTypeNew | Create Asset Type |
23460 | EditSharePointWebDetails | Edit SharePoint Web |
23461 | EditSharePointGroupDetails | Edit SharePoint Group |
23462 | EditAssetTypeDetails | Edit Asset Type |
23463 | EditAssetDetails | Edit Asset |
23464 | EditPasswordManagerPolicyDetails | Edit Password Manager Policy |
23465 | PasswordManagerPolicyNew | Create Password Manager Policy |
23466 | ProvisionAssetForPerson | Provision Asset For Person |
23468 | LocaleKeyEntryNew | Create Locale Key Entry |
23469 | LocaleDataNew | Create Locale Data |
23470 | LocaleKeyEntryDetails | Edit Locale Key Entry |
23471 | LocaleDataDetails | Edit Locale Data |
23472 | ListDataItemSetNew | Create List |
23473 | ListDataItemSetDetails | Edit List |
23474 | ListDataItemDetails | Edit List Item |
23475 | SharedFolderNew | Create Shared Folder |
23476 | EditSharedFolderDetails | Edit Shared Folder |
23477 | AuditNew | Create Audit |
23478 | EditAuditDetails | Edit Audit |
23479 | UpdateAuditAttestationPolicies | Edit Audit Policies |
23481 | UpdateAttestationPolicyTargets | Update Attestation Policy Targets |
23482 | CheckOutAccountVaultedPassword | Check out Account Vaulted Password |
23491 | UpdatePersonApplicationGroupMembership | Application Group Membership Change |
23492 | CreateApplicationUser | Request Application User Account |
23493 | AttestationPolicyNew | Create Attestation Policy |
23494 | CreateWSFederationSingleSignOn | Create WS-Fed Connection |
23495 | EditWSFederationSingleSignOn | Edit WS-Fed Connection |
23496 | DeleteAudit | Delete Audit |
23497 | CreateUserAccount | Create User Account |
23498 | ApproveResourceEntitlementInbox | Approve RET |
23499 | UpdatePersonCatalogCategoryRequestableEntitlements | Edit IT Shop Category Assignment |
23500 | EditCatalogCategory | Edit IT Shop Category |
23501 | CreateCatalogCategory | Create IT Shop Category |
23502 | DeleteCatalogCategory | Delete IT Shop Category |
23503 | UpdateListaDataItemSetItems | Update Lista Data Item Set Items |
23504 | UpdateListDataItemSetItems | Update List Data Item Set Items |
23505 | UpdateLocaleKeyEntryDatas | Edit Localized Text |
23506 | SelfRegister | Self Register |
23507 | UpdatePasswordManagerPolicyQuestions | Edit Password Manager Policy Questions |
23508 | SetBusinessProcessTaskDelegate | Delegate Task Approval |
23509 | RemoveBusinessProcessTaskDelegate | Unassign Task Delegate |
23510 | ClaimBusinessProcessTask | Claim Workflow Task |
23511 | UnclaimBusinessProcessTask | Unclaim Workflow Task |
23512 | DeleteApplication | Delete Application |
23513 | AddBusinessProcessTaskComment | Add Workflow Comment |
23514 | AddResourceAttestationComment | Add Attestation Comment |
23518 | EditPersonAccessSummaryTimeConstraint | Edit Person Access Summary Time Constraint |
23520 | EditResourceSystem | Edit Resource System |
23521 | CreateGenericAsset | Asset Provision Request (With Approval Form) |
23522 | ClaimResourceAttestation | Claim Resource Attestation |
23523 | RemoveResourceAttestationDelegate | Remove Resource Attestation Delegate |
23524 | UnclaimResourceAttestation | Unclaim Resource Attestation |
23525 | SetResourceAttestationDelegate | Set Resource Attestation Delegate |
23526 | UpdateOrgZoneExternalOrgZones | Map Location |
23527 | UpdatePrivAccountOwnerAndDelegates | Update Privileged Account Owner And Delegates |
23528 | CreatePrivAccount | Create Privileged Account |
23529 | ClaimPrivAccountAsOwner | Claim Privileged Account As Owner |
23530 | CheckInAccountVaultedPassword | Check In Privileged Account |
23531 | UpdatePersonSecrets | Update Person Secrets |
23537 | ChangePersonBusinessRoleAndLocation | Change Person Business Role and Location |
23538 | UpdateMailEnabledObjectAcceptForm | Edit Accept Email From |
23539 | UpdateMailEnabledObjectRejectForm | Edit Reject Email From |
23542 | AttestationRevokeGroupMembership | Attestation Revoke Group Membership |
23548 | CreateMailbox | Create Mailbox |
23550 | DeletePasswordManagerPolicy | Delete Password Manager Policy |
23557 | CloneManagementRoleDefinition | Clone Management Role Definition |
23558 | CloneManagementRole | Clone Management Role |
23559 | CloneResourceTypeRole | Clone Access Level |
23560 | ClonePasswordManagerPolicy | Clone Password Manager Policy |
23562 | CreateSamlDomainName | Create Saml Domain Name |
23563 | EditSamlDomainName | Edit Saml Domain Name |
23564 | CreateSamlAuthnRequest | Create Saml Authn Request |
23565 | EditSamlAuthnRequest | Edit Saml Authn Request |
23566 | CreateSamlAttribute | Create Saml Attribute |
23567 | EditSamlAttribute | Edit Saml Attribute |
23568 | CreateSamlAttributeStatement | Create Saml Attribute Statement |
23569 | EditSamlAttributeStatement | Edit Saml Attribute Statement |
23570 | ClonePerson | Clone Person |
23576 | CreateOAuthProviderScopeItem | Create OAuth Provider Scope Item |
23577 | CreateOAuthProviderScope | Create OAuth Provider Scope |
23580 | EditOAuthProviderScope | Edit OAuth Provider Scope |
23581 | EditOAuthProviderScopeItem | Edit OAuth Provider Scope Item |
23586 | ProvisionVisibilityRBACObjectAssignment | Create Visibility Restriction Policy |
23587 | EditVisibilityRBACObjectAssignment | Edit Visibility Restriction Policy |
23588 | UpdateVisibilityRBACObjectAssignments | Update Visibility Restriction Policy |
23591 | RegisterSharedFolders | Register Shared Folders |
23596 | BulkAddRemoveAccountEmailAddresses | Remove Account Email Addresses |
23597 | EditFormsBasedSSOApplication | Edit Forms Based SSO Application |
23598 | DeleteFormsBasedSSOApplication | Delete Forms Based SSO Application |
23599 | DeleteTrackingOnlyAccount | Delete Tracking Only Account |
23600 | EditFormsSSOApplicationPage | Edit Forms SSO Application Page |
23601 | EditFormsSSOCredential | Edit Forms SSO Credential |
23602 | TemporaryGroupMembership | Temporary Group Membership |
23605 | DeleteFormsSSOCredential | Delete Forms SSO Credential |
23606 | UpdateFormsSSOCredentialSharedPeople | Update Forms SSO Credential Shared People |
23607 | SelfRegisterOTP | Self-Register OTP |
23608 | CreateOauthProviderApplication | Create Oauth Provider Application |
23609 | EditOauthProviderApplication | Edit Oauth Provider Application |
23610 | DeleteAsset | Delete Asset |
23613 | UpdateSecretSharedPeople | Update Secret Shared People |
23614 | EditExchangeMailboxDatabase | Edit Exchange Mailbox Database |
23615 | CreateExchangeMailboxDatabase | Create Exchange Mailbox Database |
23616 | DeleteVisibilityRBACObjectAssignment | Delete Visibility RBAC Object Assignment |
23617 | DeleteVisibilityRBACObjectFilter | Delete Visibility RBAC Object Filter |
23618 | DeleteVisibilityRBACObjectSelectColumn | Delete Visibility RBAC Object Select Column |
23619 | UpdateFormsSSOApplicationPageControls | Update Forms SSO Application Page Controls |
23620 | UpdateProtectedApplicationResourcePages | Update Protected Application Resource Pages |
23621 | CreateComputer | Create Computer |
23622 | UpdateLocaleData | Update Locale Data |
23623 | AuthenticationLevel5Login | Authentication Level 5 Login |
23625 | AuthenticationLevel6Login | Authentication Level 6 Login |
23627 | EditEmpowerIDEventReceiver | Edit EmpowerID Event Receiver |
23628 | EditArchivingRule | Edit Archiving Rule |
23630 | UpdatePersonCertificateStores | Update Person Certificate Stores |
23631 | EditEMailMessage | Edit Email Message |
23632 | EMailMessageNew | Email Message New |
23635 | EditResourceTypeFormIdentifier | Edit Resource Type Form Identifier |
23636 | ResourceTypeFormIdentifierNew | Resource Type Form Identifier New |
23637 | EditPermanentWorkflow | Edit Permanent Workflow |
23638 | PermanentWorkflowNew | Permanent Workflow New |
23639 | EditResourceTypeOperation | Edit Resource Type Operation |
23640 | ResourceTypeOperationNew | Resource Type Operation New |
23641 | EditEmpowerIDService | Edit EmpowerID Service |
23642 | EditResourceTypeRight | Edit Resource Type Right |
23643 | DeletePermanentWorkflow | Delete Permanent Workflow |
23644 | ArchivingRuleNew | Archiving Rule New |
23645 | RestartComputer | Restart Computer |
23647 | DeleteSAMLDomainName | Delete SAML Domain Name |
23648 | DeleteSAMLAuthnRequest | Delete SAML Authn Request |
23649 | DeleteSAMLAttributeStatement | Delete SAML Attribute Statement |
23650 | DeleteSAMLAttribute | Delete SAML Attribute |
23651 | DeleteCertificateStore | Delete Certificate Store |
23652 | CloneSelectedAccess | Clone Selected Person Access |
23653 | EditEMailMessageLocale | Edit Email Message Locale |
23654 | UpdateRequestWorkflowParameters | Update Request Workflow Parameters |
23655 | CreateAccountsFromFile | Create Accounts From File |
23657 | CreateGroupsFromFile | Create Groups From File |
23658 | UpdateLocalizedEmailMessages | Update Localized Email Messages |
23660 | UpdateExchangeServerWorkflow | Update Exchange Server Workflow |
23661 | EditAddress | Edit Address |
23662 | CreateAddress | Create Address |
23663 | EditSecurityBoundaryType | Edit Security Boundary Type |
23664 | CreateSecurityBoundaryType | Create Security Boundary Type |
23665 | EditResourceSystemType | Edit Resource System Type |
23666 | CreateResourceSystemType | Create Resource System Type |
23667 | DeleteAddress | Delete Address |
23668 | EditAccountStoreTrustWorkflow | Edit Account Store Trust Workflow |
23669 | CreateAccountStoreTrust | Create Account Store Trust |
23670 | DeleteAccountStoreTrust | Delete Account Store Trust |
23671 | EditRADIUSConnection | Edit RADIUS Connection |
23672 | CreateRADIUSConnection | Create RADIUS Connection |
23673 | DeleteRADIUSConnection | Delete RADIUS Connection |
23674 | EditExecutionRuntimeJob | Edit Execution Runtime Job |
23675 | CreateExecutionRuntimeJob | Create Execution Runtime Job |
23676 | EditObjectAttribute | Edit Object Attribute |
23677 | EditSecurityBoundaryAttribute | Edit Security Boundary Attribute |
23678 | DeleteSecurityBoundaryAttribute | Delete Security Boundary Attribute |
23679 | DeleteObjectAttribute | Delete Object Attribute |
23680 | CreateSecurityBoundaryAttribute | Create Security Boundary Attribute |
23681 | CreateObjectAttribute | Create Object Attribute |
23682 | EditAccountStoreObjectAttributeSync | Edit Account Store Object Attribute Sync |
23683 | DeleteExecutionRuntimeJob | Delete Execution Runtime Job |
23684 | EditMobilePhoneProvider | Edit Mobile Phone Provider |
23685 | CreateMobilePhoneProvider | Create Mobile Phone Provider |
23686 | DeleteMobilePhoneProvider | Delete Mobile Phone Provider |
23687 | CreateCertificateStore | Create Certificate Store |
23688 | EditEmpowerIDServerWcfComponent | Edit EmpowerID Server Wcf Component |
23689 | UpdateResourceEntitlementConfiguration | Update Resource Entitlement Configuration |
23690 | UpdateResourceSystemConfigSettings | Update Resource System Config Settings |
23691 | CreateGroupAccountsFromFile | Create Group Accounts From File |
23692 | DeletePersonAttributeDefaultValue | Delete Person Attribute Default Value |
23693 | UpdateExternalCredentials | Update External Credentials |
23694 | CertificateExpirationNotification | Certificate/License Expiration Notification |
23695 | DeleteResourceTypeOperation | Delete Resource Type Operation |
23696 | UpdateExternalCredentialComputers | Update External Credential Computers |
23697 | UpdateExternalCredentialAccounts | Update External Credential Accounts |
23698 | EditResourceRole | Edit Resource Role |
23699 | UpdateResourceRoles | Update Resource Roles |
23701 | UpdatePersonOrgRoleOrgZoneTimeConstraint | Update Person OrgRole OrgZone Time Constraint |
23702 | EditSetGroupDetails | Edit Set Group Details |
23706 | CreateVaultedCredential | Create Vaulted Credential |
23710 | UpdateExternalCredentialSharedPeople | Update External Credential Shared People |
23711 | EditRBACObject | Edit RBAC Object |
23712 | EditRBACObjectAttribute | Edit RBAC Object Attribute |
23713 | EditRBACObjectMethod | Edit RBAC Object Method |
23714 | UpdatePersonSecretTimeConstraint | Update Person Secret Time Constraint |
23715 | UpdatePersonFormsSSOCredentialTimeConstraint | Update Person Forms SSO Credential Time Constraint |
23716 | CreateFormsSSOCredential | Create Forms SSO Credential |
23717 | UpdatePersonExternalCredentialTimeConstraint | Update Person External Credential Time Constraint |
23718 | UpdateOAuthConsumers | Update OAuth Consumers |
23719 | EditOAuthServiceProvider | Edit OAuth Service Provider |
23720 | CreateOAuthServiceProvider | Create OAuth Service Provider |
23721 | DeleteOAuthServiceProvider | Delete OAuth Service Provider |
23722 | DeleteOAuthProviderApplication | Delete OAuth Provider Application |
23723 | DeleteFormsSSOApplicationCredential | Delete Forms SSO Application Credential |
23724 | UpdateOrgZoneResources | Update OrgZone Resources |
23726 | ResetMasterPassword | Reset Master Password |
23727 | CallMe | Call Me |
23728 | UpdateIPAddressesforComputers | Update IP Addresses for Computers |
23729 | ADAccountExpirationNotification | AD Account Expiration Notification |
23730 | UpdateComputerVirtualMachine | Update Computer Virtual Machine |
23731 | RevokeResourceAttestion | Revoke Resource Attestation |
23732 | SubmitPersonTerminations | Submit Person Terminations |
23733 | TerminatePersonAdvanced | Terminate Person Advanced |
23734 | ProcessRevokeResourceAttestation | Process Attestation Revoke |
23735 | DeleteMultiplePeopleByLocation | Bulk Delete People By Location |
23737 | PersonExpirationNotification | Person Expiration Notification |
23739 | CreateIpRange | Create IP Range |
23739 | EditIpRange | Edit IP Range |
23740 | DeleteIPRange | Delete IP Range |
23741 | InvokeRoleMiningScript | Analyze Role Mining Data |
23743 | CreateRoleMiningCampaign | Create Role Mining Campaign |
23744 | EditRoleMiningCampaign | Edit Role Mining Campaign |
23746 | CreateRoleMiningCampaignRun | Create Role Mining Campaign Run |
23747 | PublishCandidateRoleAsManagementRole | Publish Candidate Role As Management Role |
23748 | PublishCandidateRoleAsBusinessRole | Publish Candidate Role As Business Role |
23749 | UpdateRoleMiningCampaignTargets | Update Campaign Targets |
23750 | OrgRoleImport | OrgRole Import |
23751 | OrgZoneImport | OrgZone Import |
23752 | OrgRoleExport | OrgRole Export |
23753 | DeleteRoleMiningCampaign | Delete Role Mining Campaign |
23754 | OrgZoneExport | OrgZone Export |
23755 | CreateRequestWF | Create Request WF |
23763 | SetAllowJoinRequestsOnGroups | Set Allow Join Requests On Groups |
23765 | AddIPLocationDetailsToPersonLoginHistory | Add IP Location Details To Person Login History |
23766 | UpdateRbacObjectAssignmentContextsGrid | Update Context |
23767 | UploadPersonPhoto | Upload Person Photo |
23768 | EditProvider | Edit Provider |
23770 | EditRoleMiningCampaignRunCandidateRole | Edit Role Mining Campaign Candidate Role |
23771 | UpdateRoleMiningCampaignPersonAttributes | Update Role Mining Campaign Person Attributes |
23772 | UpdateRoleMiningCampaignRunAttributes | Update Role Mining Campaign Attributes |
23773 | GroupMembershipExpirationNotification | Group Membership Expiration Notification |
23774 | EditWindowsServerService | Edit Windows Service |
23775 | RefreshComputer | Refresh Computer |
23776 | StartStopAWSInstancesPermWF | Start Stop AWS Instances Perm WF |
23777 | SetRoleMiningCampaignRunCandidateRoleFriendlyName | Update Candidate Role Friendly Name |
23778 | CloneRoleMiningCampaign | Clone Role Mining Campaign |
23779 | ExcludeCandidateRoleEntitlementsFromCampaign | Exclude Candidate Role Entitlements From Campaign |
23780 | EditPrivSession | Edit Privileged Session |
23781 | AddRoleMiningCampaignRunCandidateRoleComment | Add Role Mining Campaign Run Candidate Role Comment |
23782 | AddRoleMiningCampaignRunComment | Add Role Mining Campaign Run Comment |
23783 | UpdateRoleMiningCampaignExcludedPeople | Update Role Mining Campaign Excluded People |
23784 | UpdateRoleMiningCampaignExcludedEntitlements | Update Role Mining Campaign Excluded Entitlements |
23785 | CreateResourceTagPolicy | Create Resource Tag Policy |
23786 | ValidateOTP | Validate OTP |
23787 | PasswordResetCenterSkipIdentification | Password Reset Center Skip Identification |
23788 | EditWindowsServerAppPool | Edit Windows Server App Pool |
23789 | ConvertGroupMembershipToRbacAssignment | Convert Group Membership To Rbac Assignment |
23790 | UpdateDiscoveredPeople | Update Discovered People |
23791 | UpdateDiscoveredEntitlements | Update Discovered Entitlements |
23792 | CompileRoleMiningCampaignGroupMatches | Compile Role Mining Campaign Group Matches |
23793 | PublishRoleMiningCampaignGroupMatches | Publish Role Mining Campaign Group Matches |
23794 | UpdateRoleMiningCampaignGroupMatches | Update Role Mining Campaign Group Matches |
23795 | DiscoverRoleMiningCampaignPeople | Discover Role Mining Campaign People |
23796 | DiscoverRoleMiningCampaignEntitlements | Discover Role Mining Campaign Entitlements |
23797 | DeleteRoleMiningCampaignRun | Delete Role Mining Campaign Run |
23799 | UploadPersonPhotoBulk | Upload Person Photo Bulk |
23800 | UpdateResourceOrgZones | Update Resource OrgZones |
23801 | InviteUserToJoinOrganization | Invite User To Join Organization |
23802 | UserInvitationToJoinOrganization | User Invitation To Join Organization |
23803 | CreatePartnerOrganizationWorkflow | Create Partner Organization |
23804 | UpdateObjectTypeSecurityBoundaryAttributes | Update Object Type Security Boundary Attributes |
23805 | ManageVirtualMachine | Manage Virtual Machine |
23806 | UpdateResourceTagPolicyAssignments | Update Resource Tag Policy Assignments |
23807 | EditResourceTagPolicy | Edit Resource Tag Policy |
23808 | ImportSamlMetadataBulk | Import Saml Metadata Bulk |
23809 | ReprocessAccountInbox | Reprocess Account Inbox |
23810 | EditResourceAttestationPersonAccessSummarySnapshot | Edit Resource Attestation Person Access Summary Snapshot |
23811 | CreateComputerAndCredential | Create Computer And Credential |
23813 | UpdatePersonDirectSnapshotComments | Update Person Direct Snapshot Comments |
23815 | DelegateTask | Delegate Task |
23816 | UpdateAuditAttestationPolicyExcludedTargets | Update Audit Attestation Policy Excluded Targets |
23818 | UpdateAuditAttestationPolicyExcludedTypes | Update Audit Attestation Policy Excluded Types |
23819 | UpdateOrgRoleOrgZone | Update OrgRole OrgZone |
23820 | CloseResourceAttestation | Close Resource Attestation |
23822 | ProcessAuditorAttestationDecision | Process Auditor Attestation Decision |
23824 | UpdatePersonGroupMembershipQueue | Update Person Group Membership Queue |
23825 | ProcessResourceAttestationPersonDirectEntitlementS | Process Resource Attestation Person Direct Entitlement Snapshot |
23858 | ProcessResourceAttestationRevokesAppOwner | Process Resource Attestation Revokes App Owner |
23830 | IgnoreResourceAttestationRevokesAppOwner | Ignore Resource Attestation Revokes App Owner |
23831 | GetOrSelectTargetAudit | Get Or Select Target Audit |
23832 | UpdateEMailMessageTemplateFormatters | Update Email Message Template Formatters |
23833 | EditAccountStoreScreen | Edit Account Store Screen |
23836 | UnreviewedRecertificationTaskNotification | Unreviewed Recertification Task Notification |
23837 | NotifyAuditParticipants | Notify Audit Participants |
23843 | CreatePasswordManagerPolicyMultiFactorAuthType | Create Password Manager Policy Multi Factor Auth Type |
23844 | CreatePersonMultiFactorAuthType | Create Person Multi Factor Auth Type |
23845 | UpdatePersonMultiFactorAuthType | Edit Person Multi Factor Options |
23846 | UpdatePasswordManagerPolicyMultiFactorAuthType | Update Password Manager Policy MFA |
23847 | UpdateApplicationMultiFactorAuthType | Update Application MFA Options |
23854 | RefreshRbacAndRecycleAppPool | Refresh RBAC and IIS App Pools |
23855 | CreatePersonWorkflow | Create Person Workflow |
23856 | RefreshRBAC | Refresh RBAC |
23857 | RecycleEmpowerIDAppPools | Recycle EmpowerID App Pools |
23858 | ElevateMeTemporarily | Elevate Me Temporarily |
23859 | ResetAccountPasswordVaultAndRestart | Reset Password Vault and Restart |
23866 | UpdatePersonWorkflow | Update Person Workflow |
23867 | UpdatePersonCommunicationTypes | Update Person Communication Types |
23868 | ProgressiveProfilingWorkflowTemplate | Progressive Profiling Workflow Template |
23870 | UpdateSetExclusions | Update Set Exclusions |
23871 | UpdateSetInclusions | Update Set Inclusions |
23872 | UpdateProtectedApplicationProgressiveProfileRules | Update Protected Application Progressive Profile Rules |
23873 | UpdatePasswordManagerProgressiveProfileRules | Update Password Manager Progressive Profile Rules |
23874 | UpdateMultiFactorAuthTypes | Update Multi Factor Auth Types |
23876 | StartMyComputers | Start My Computers |
23877 | StopMyComputers | Stop My Computers |
23878 | EnrollAllInOne | Enroll All In One |
23879 | UpdateAdaptiveAuthenticationRules | Update Adaptive Authentication Rules |
23885 | UpdateProviders | Update Providers |
23886 | UpdateExternalCredentialPolicies | Update External Credential Policies |
23887 | UpdateCommunicationTypes | Update Communication Types |
23888 | CreateExternalCredentialPolicy | Create External Credential Policy |
23889 | EditExternalCredentialPolicy | Edit External Credential Policy |
23890 | DeleteExternalCredentialPolicy | Delete External Credential Policy |
23892 | Signup | Signup |
23894 | DeleteTemporaryPeopleCreatedDuringSignup | Delete Temporary People Created During Signup |
23895 | DeleteResourceTagPolicy | Delete Resource Tag Policy |
23896 | ProvisionSetWithGroup | Provision Set With Group |
23898 | AssignComputersToLocations | Assign Computers To Locations |
23899 | DeleteSets | Delete Sets |
23903 | PasswordlessLogin | Passwordless Login |
23904 | UpdateOAuthProviderApplicationRedirectUrls | Update OAuth Provider Application Redirect Urls |
23906 | PersonRemoveResourceAssignment | Person Remove Resource Assignment |
23907 | DeleteAccountWF | Delete Account WF |
23908 | ResetMultiFactor | Reset Multi Factor |
23909 | CheckoutSharedCredential | Check-Out Credential |
23910 | GrantPeopleMultiLocationResourceAssignment | Grant People Multi Location Resource Assignment |
23914 | CheckInExternalCredential | Check-In Credential |
23915 | SystemExternalCredentialCheckIn | System Credential Check In |
23918 | ElevateToComputerAdmin | Elevate to Computer Admin |
23919 | CreateTempComputerAdmin | Create Temp Computer Admin |
23920 | CheckComputerState | Check Computer State |
23921 | DoMultiFactorAuthentication | Do Multi Factor Authentication |
23923 | EditComputersBulk | Edit Computers Bulk |
23927 | ScheduledCredentialPasswordReset | Scheduled Credential Password Reset |
23932 | UpdateVisibilityRbacObjectFilters | Update Visibility Rbac Object Filters |
23939 | RevokeAllPersonAccess | Revoke All Person Access |
23944 | ProcessGroupAccountPendingRecertification | Review Continuous Recertification Change |
23947 | ResourceTypeRightNew | Create Right |
23948 | EnforcePersonAttributeDefaultValue | Enforce Person Attribute Default Value |
23949 | ImportADSSEnrollmentData | Import ADSS Enrollment Data |
23951 | UpdatePersonConfigSettings | Update Person Config Settings |
23957 | DoAnonymousMultiFactorAuthentication | Do Anonymous Multi Factor Authentication |
23959 | BulkCreateExternalCredentialsFromAccounts | Create Shared Credentials From Accounts |
23968 | CreateAccountAndLinkCredToComputer | Create Local Admin and Vault as Credential |
23969 | CreateCredandLinkToComputer | Create Cred and Link To Computer |
23972 | Profiling_MultiFactorImpossibleJourney | Profiling MultiFactor Impossible Journey |
23973 | Profiling_EditPersonDemographics | Profiling Edit Person Demographics |
23974 | ContinuousRecertification | Continuous Group Membership Recertification |
23975 | DeleteMultiplePeopleWithOptions | Delete Multiple People With Options |
23977 | UpdateExternalRoleMappings | Update External Role Mappings |
23978 | UpdateExternalZoneMappings | Update External Zone Mappings |
23980 | DeleteOrgRoleExternalOrgRole | Delete OrgRole External OrgRole |
23981 | DeleteOrgZoneExternalOrgZone | Delete OrgZone External OrgZone |
23982 | RequestEmpowerIDOathToken | Request EmpowerID Software Token for Login |
23983 | ProcessSAPGroups | Process SAP Groups |
23984 | ProcessSAPGroupsOwnerAssignment | Process SAP Groups Owner Assignment |
23985 | UpdateAccountStoreObjectAttributeSync | Update Account Store Object Attribute Sync |
23986 | CreatePersonFromExistingAccount | Create Person From Existing Account |
23990 | TrainingExample | Training Example |
23994 | UpdateListDataItemSetOrgZones | Update List Data Item Set Org Zones |
23995 | ProvisionSetWithSetGroup | Provision Set With Set Group |
23996 | UpdateObjectTypepSecurityBoundaryAttributes | Update Object Type Security Boundary Attributes |
23998 | ADUserCreatePostProcessingWF | AD User Create Post Processing WF |
23999 | EditCompany | Edit Company |
24000 | CreateCompany | Create Company |
24001 | UpdateCompanyConfigSettings | Update Company Config Settings |
24004 | UpdateCompanyOrgZones | Update Company OrgZones |
24005 | EditCoreIdentity | Edit Core Identity |
24006 | CreateCoreIdentity | Create Core Identity |
24007 | DeleteCompany | Delete Company |
24008 | SetPersonProofingStatus | Set Person Proofing Status |
24009 | UpdateOrgZoneListDataItemSets | Update OrgZone List Data Item Sets |
24010 | MoverPersonOrgZone | Move Person OrgZone |
24012 | UpdateGroupUsageTypes | Update Group Usage Types |
24015 | CreateLocale | Create Locale |
24016 | EditLocale | Edit Locale |
24017 | UpdateEmpowerIDServerRoleWebServices | Update EmpowerID Server Role Web Services |
24018 | UpdateEmpowerIDServers | Update EmpowerID Servers |
24019 | UpdateExecutionRuntimeJobServerRoles | Update Execution Runtime Job Server Roles |
24020 | UpdateEmpowerIDServerRoleJobs | Update EmpowerID Server Role Jobs |
24021 | UpdateEmpowerIDServerRoles | Update EmpowerID Server Roles |
24025 | UpdateLocaleResourceSets | Update Locale Resource Sets |
24026 | CreateScheduledCertificationAudit | Create Scheduled Certification Audit |
24027 | CloseRevokeRecertificationUnreviewTaskAfterDueDate | Close Revoke Recertification Unreviewed Task After Due Date |
24029 | StopInstancesPermWF | Stop Instances Perm WF |
24031 | EditUserInterfaceAccess | Edit User Interface Access |
24033 | RefreshAttributeFlowSchemaForAccountStore | Refresh Attribute Flow Schema For Account Store |
24039 | InviteUserToJoinOrganizationPasswordlessLogin | Invite User to Join Organization |
24042 | ProvisionCoreIdentityBulk | Provision Core Identity Bulk Inbox WF |
24043 | ProcessGroupFulFillment | Process Group Fulfillment |
24046 | UpdateSecurityBoundaryAttributes | Update Security Boundary Attributes |
24047 | UpdateObjectAttributes | Update Object Attributes |
24048 | UpdateSecurityBoundaryObjectAttributes | Update Security Boundary Object Attributes |
24049 | UpdateObjectTypes | Update Object Types |
24053 | UserInvitationToJoinOrganizationPasswordlessLogin | User Invitation To Join Organization Passwordless Login |
24058 | EditComponentProcessJob | Edit Component Process Job |
24059 | CreateComponentProcessJob | Create Component Process Job |
24062 | LoadTestWokflow1 | Load Test Wokflow 1 |
24063 | LoadTestWorkflow2 | Load Test Workflow 2 |
24064 | EditLocaleResourceSet | Edit Locale Resource Set |
24065 | CreateLocaleResourceSet | Create Locale Resource Set |
24066 | UpdateAccountUsageTypes | Update Account Usage Types |
24070 | LoadTestWorkflow3 | Load Test Workflow 3 |
24079 | IdentityTestWorkflow1 | Identity Test Workflow 1 |
24083 | CreateAttributeMappings | Create Attribute Mappings |
24084 | RequestServiceIdentity | Request Service Identity |
24085 | UpdateOwnerAssignee | Update Owner Assignee |
24088 | PingEmpowerIDServerViaRemoteAgent | Ping EmpowerID Server Via Cloud Gateway |
24089 | AssignOwnerForAccounts | Assign Owner For Accounts |
24090 | AssignOwnerForGroups | Assign Owner For Groups |
24092 | AssignOwnerForManagementRoles | Assign Owner For Management Roles |
24093 | TransferAccountsOwner | Transfer Account Responsibility |
24094 | TransferGroupOwner | Transfer Group Responsibility |
24095 | AssignOwnerForComputers | Assign Owner For Computers |
24098 | DeleteAccountStore | Delete Account Store |
24099 | TransferResourceOwner | Transfer Resource Responsibility |
24107 | CreateFlatFileAccountStore | Create Flat File Account Store |
24108 | UpdatePasswordManagerPolicyAgreements | Update Password Manager Policy Agreements |
24112 | UpdateApplicationAccounts | Update Application Accounts |
24117 | UpdateAccountStoreProxy | Update Account Store Proxy |
24124 | UpdateAlternativeProxies | Update Alternative Proxies |
24126 | MultiFactorAuthenticationForPSM | Multi Factor Authentication For PSM |
24128 | UpdateAccountStore | Update Account Store |
24131 | CreateUniversalFlatFileConnectorAccountStore | Create Universal Flat File Connector Account Store |
24133 | UpdateApplicationRights | Update Application Rights |
24136 | ReInventoryAccountStore | Reinventory Account Store |
24137 | AddApplicationRightResource | Add Application Right Resource |
24142 | CreatePersonAdvanced | Create Person Advanced |
24144 | UpdatePersonGroupMembershipWithContext | Update Person Group Membership With Context |
24145 | UpdateAccountStoreUPNSuffixs | Update Account Store UPN Suffixes |
24146 | UpdateAccountStoreDirectoryServers | Update Account Store Directory Servers |
24147 | EditPersonAdvanced | Edit Person Advanced |
24149 | ApplicationRoleAssignToPerson | Application Role Assign To Person |
24152 | UpdateApplicationAuthorizationRoles | Update Application Authorization Roles |
24153 | UpdateApplicationAuthorizationObjects | Update Application Authorization Objects |
24154 | UpdateApplicationAuthorizationFieldType | Update Application Authorization Field Type |
24155 | UpdateApplicationAuthorizationObjectRoles | Update Application Authorization Object Roles |
24156 | UpdateApplicationAuthorizationObjectFieldTypes | Update Application Authorization Object Field Types |
24158 | ConfigureApplicationAuthorizationFieldType | Configure Application Authorization Field Type |
24159 | DeleteApplicationAuthorizationObjectFieldType | Delete Application Authorization Object Field Type |
24160 | DeleteApplicationAuthorizationRoleAssignee | Delete Application Authorization Role Assignee |
24161 | UpdateApplicationAuthorizationObjectRights | Update Application Authorization Object Rights |
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