

Connecting to Oracle

EmpowerID includes an Oracle connector that allows organizations to bring the user data (user accounts, profiles and roles) in their Oracle system to EmpowerID, where it can be managed and synchronized with data in any connected back-end user directories. When EmpowerID inventories Oracle, it creates an account in the EmpowerID Identity Warehouse for each Oracle user, a group for each Oracle profile, and an EmpowerID Business Role for each Oracle role.

The Oracle connector allows organizations to bring the user data in their Oracle system to EmpowerID, where you can manage and synchronize it with data in any connected back-end user directories. Once connected, you can manage this data from EmpowerID in the following ways:

  • Provision new users
  • Edit user attributes
  • Delete users

This topic demonstrates how to connect EmpowerID to Oracle.

Before configuring EmpowerID to manage the account store, determine whether you want EmpowerID to provision Person objects from the user records it discovers in the account store. If so, answer the following questions before turning on inventory.

  1. When do you want EmpowerID to provision Person objects for those user accounts? At inventory or at a later point in time?
  2. If inventory provisioning is desired, in what Business Role and Location should those Person objects be placed?
  3. How many user accounts can one Person have in the account store?
  4. If people can have more that one user account in the account store, do you want EmpowerID to attempt to automatically join any user accounts meeting the conditions of your Join rules to an existing Person during inventory?

For a greater discussion of these points within the context of connecting EmpowerID to an account store, see Active Directory.

To create an account store for Oracle via the web site

  1. In the Navigation Sidebar, expand Admin, then Applications and Directories, and click Account Stores and Systems.
  2. Click the Actions tab, and then click the Create Account Store action.

  3. Search for and select Oracle Users from the list of system types and click Submit.

  4. On the Oracle Settings page that appears, enter settings to connect to your Oracle instance to allow EmpowerID to discover and connect to it.

    1. In the Name field, enter a name for the account store.
    2. In the User Name field, enter the user name of an Oracle administrator.
    3. In the Password field, enter the Oracle admin's password.
    4. In the Server field, enter the FQDN or IP address of the Oracle system's server.
    5. In the Database field, enter the name of the Oracle database.
    6. Click Submit.

  5. The Account Store and associated Resource System are created and appear in both the web application and in the Management Console.

To edit account store settings on the web

  1. In the Navigation Sidebar, expand Admin, then Applications and Directories, and click Account Stores and Systems.
  2. On the Account Stores tab, search for the account store you just created and click the link to go to its details page.

  3. On the Account Store Details page, click the Edit button or the name of the account store.

  4. In the edit view of the page, you can edit values in any of the enabled fields on several tabs as detailed in the tables below. Do not enable inventory until the end.

    If you do not want all of the users and groups found during inventory to go in the same location in EmpowerID, we recommend Mapping EmpowerID Locations to External Locations before enabling inventory.

  5. When you have finished editing, click Save.

    Clicking the Save button on any of the tabs saves any changed settings on all of the tabs, so there is no need to save it after each tab.

Settings Tab

General section

Setting Description
Option 1 Specify an Account Proxy Click Edit to change the Domain (Server), User Name, and Password that was entered when the account store was created.
Option 2 Select a Vaulted Credential as Account Proxy Click the drop-down arrow to select a vaulted credential to use as the account proxy.
Inventoried Directory Server Click the drop-down arrow to select from any connected Oracle servers.

Authentication and Password Settings section

Password Manager Policy for Accounts without PersonSelect a password manager policy to use for the account. If not selected, it uses the Default Password Manager Policy.

Provisioning Settings section

Allow Attribute FlowToggle to allow attribute changes to flow between EmpowerID and the account store.
Allow Provisioning (By RET)Toggle to allow EmpowerID to create users in the system that were created in EmpowerID.
Allow Deprovisioning (By RET)Toggle to allow EmpowerID to delete users in the system that were deleted in EmpowerID.
Default User Creation PathSelect an external location in which to create users when they are provisioned in EmpowerID.
Default Group Creation PathSelect an external location in which to create groups when they are created in EmpowerID.
Max Accounts per PersonEnter the maximum number of user accounts from this domain that an EmpowerID Person can have linked to them. This prevents the possibility of a runaway error caused by a wrongly configured Join rule. We recommended setting this value to 1 unless users commonly have multiple accounts and you want them to be joined to the same person.
Default Person Business RoleSelect a default Business Role to assign provisioned people if none is specified.
Default Person LocationSelect a default Location to assign provisioned people if none is specified.

Special Use Settings section

RBAC Assign Group Members On First InventoryThis setting only pertains to Active Directory account stores.
Automatically Join Account to a Person On Inventory (Skip Account Inbox)Toggle to allow EmpowerID to join newly discovered accounts to people during the inventory process if they meet the Join Rule as specified by the Custom_Account_InventoryInboxJoinBulk SQL stored procedure.
Automatically Create a Person On Inventory (Skip Account Inbox)Toggle to allow EmpowerID to provision EmpowerID people for new accounts discovered during the inventory process if they meet the Provision Rule specified by the Custom_Account_InventoryInboxGetAccountsToProvision SQL stored procedure.
Show in TreeToggle to show the account store in the Locations tree.
Queue Password Changes on FailureToggle to have EmpowerID send password changes to the Account Password Reset Inbox only when the change fails.
Use Secure LDAPS BindingToggle to bind accounts with encryption.

Naming Fields section

Application IDIf the account store is a one-to-one match with a Tracking Only application, enter the Application Resource GUID of the application. (This value is supplied automatically if you select the Create a New Account Directory option when creating a Tracking Only application.)
Tenant IDEnter the Tenant ID, if supplied by the connection account. (AWS uses this.)

Inventory Tab

The Inventory tab is where you set scheduling and enable EmpowerID to take inventory of the external system. If you do not want all of the users and groups found during inventory to go in the same location in EmpowerID, we recommend Mapping EmpowerID Locations to External Locations before enabling inventory.

Inventory EnabledSelect this after everything is set up to your liking to allow EmpowerID to inventory the system. The Inventory Job must be enabled for inventory to occur. 
Inventory Schedule Interval: StartSet the date on which to begin inventorying the system. By default, this is set to the creation date of the account store.
Inventory Schedule Interval: EndSet the date on which to stop inventorying the system. By default, this is set to ten years after the creation date of the account store, but since Run Indefinitely is selected by default, this value is ignored unless you clear that checkbox.
Inventory Schedule Interval: (units)

Select the units for the interval at which to run inventory. By default, this is set to 10 minutes.

  • Once — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the time at which to run inventory.
  • Hour Interval — If you select this value, enter the number of hours between inventory runs in the Interval box below.
  • Weekly — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the day and time at which to run inventory.
  • Minute Interval — If you select this value, enter the number of minutes between inventory runs in the Interval box below.
  • Daily — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the time at which to run inventory each day.
  • Monthly — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the months, days, and time at which to run inventory.
Run IndefinitelySelect to allow inventory to run indefinitely, ignoring the End date.
Interval: (number)Set the number of units for the interval at which to run inventory. By default, this is set to 10 minutes.
Inventory Next Compilation TimeIf you do not want to wait for the next regularly scheduled inventory run, specify the time and date to run it next.
Inventory Batch SizeSpecify the number of records to process in each batch, to avoid hanging up your system when large numbers of records are processed. By default, this is set to 1,000 records.

Membership Tab

Group membership reconciliation is enabled by default to run every ten minutes, indefinitely. 

Enable Group Membership ReconciliationSelect to allow EmpowerID to reconcile group membership with the system. This is enabled by default. 
Membership Schedule Interval: StartSet the date on which to begin reconciling group membership with the system. By default, this is set to the creation date of the account store.
Membership Schedule Interval: EndSet the date on which to stop reconciling group membership with the system. By default, this is set to ten years after the creation date of the account store, but since Run Indefinitely is selected by default, this value is ignored unless you clear that checkbox.
Membership Schedule Interval: (units)

Select the units for the interval at which to run inventory. By default, this is set to 10 minutes.

  • Once — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the time at which to run reconciliation.
  • Hour Interval — If you select this value, enter the number of hours between reconciliation runs in the Interval box below.
  • Weekly — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the day and time at which to run reconciliation.
  • Minute Interval — If you select this value, enter the number of minutes between reconciliation runs in the Interval box below.
  • Daily — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the time at which to run reconciliation each day.
  • Monthly — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the months, days, and time at which to run reconciliation.
Run IndefinitelySelect to allow group membership reconciliation to run indefinitely, ignoring the End date.
Interval: (number)Set the number of units for the interval at which to run rights inventory. By default, this is set to 10 minutes.

Projection Tab

The Projection tab is where you set scheduling and enable EmpowerID to sync resource role group membership with the account store.

Resource Role Group Membership Projection EnabledSelect to allow EmpowerID to dynamically manage the membership of the organization's groups, adding and removing users to and from groups based on policy-based assignment rules. This is disabled by default.
Rights Inventory Schedule Interval: StartSet the date on which to begin projection. By default, this is set to the creation date of the account store.
Rights Inventory Schedule Interval: EndSet the date on which to stop projection. By default, this is set to ten years after the creation date of the account store, but since Run Indefinitely is selected by default, this value is ignored unless you clear that checkbox.
Rights Inventory Schedule Interval: (units)

Select the units for the interval at which to run projection. By default, this is set to 10 minutes.

  • Once — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the time at which to run projection.
  • Hour Interval — If you select this value, enter the number of hours between projection runs in the Interval box below.
  • Weekly — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the day and time at which to run projection.
  • Minute Interval — If you select this value, enter the number of minutes between projection runs in the Interval box below.
  • Daily — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the time at which to run projection each day.
  • Monthly — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the months, days, and time at which to run projection.
Run IndefinitelySelect to allow projection to run indefinitely, ignoring the End date.
Interval: (number)Set the number of units for the interval at which to run projection. By default, this is set to 10 minutes.
Inventory Next Compilation TimeIf you do not want to wait for the next regularly scheduled projection run, specify the time and date to run it next.

Rights Inventory Tab

The Rights Inventory tab is where you set scheduling and enable EmpowerID to take inventory of rights in the native system. 

Rights Inventory Is EnabledSelect to allow EmpowerID to inventory native rights in the system. This is disabled by default.
Rights Inventory Schedule Interval: StartSet the date on which to begin inventorying rights in the system. By default, this is set to the creation date of the account store.
Rights Inventory Schedule Interval: EndSet the date on which to stop inventorying rights in the system. By default, this is set to ten years after the creation date of the account store, but since Run Indefinitely is selected by default, this value is ignored unless you clear that checkbox.
Rights Inventory Schedule Interval: (units)

Select the units for the interval at which to run rights inventory. By default, this is set to 10 minutes.

  • Once — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the time at which to run rights inventory.
  • Hour Interval — If you select this value, enter the number of hours between rights inventory runs in the Interval box below.
  • Weekly — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the day and time at which to run rights inventory.
  • Minute Interval — If you select this value, enter the number of minutes between rights inventory runs in the Interval box below.
  • Daily — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the time at which to run rights inventory each day.
  • Monthly — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the months, days, and time at which to run rights inventory.
Run IndefinitelySelect to allow rights inventory to run indefinitely, ignoring the End date.
Interval: (number)Set the number of units for the interval at which to run rights inventory. By default, this is set to 10 minutes.
Inventory Next Compilation TimeIf you do not want to wait for the next regularly scheduled rights inventory run, specify the time and date to run it next.

Enforcement Tab

Setting Description
Resource Role Group Rights Enforcement Enabled 

Select to allow EmpowerID to determine who should have access to what in Exchange based on their assignments to Access Levels in EmpowerID and to enforce it using domain local groups (Resource Role Groups).

Enforcement TypeSelect to specify how EmpowerID is to enforce rights in native systems. 
  • No Action — No rights enforcement action occurs.
  • Projection with Enforcement — Changes to rights within EmpowerID occur within EmpowerID and are enforced within the native environment.
  • Projection with No Enforcement — Changes to rights within EmpowerID occur only within EmpowerID; they are not passed on to the native environment.
  • Projection with Strict Enforcement — EmpowerID overrides any changes made in the native environment. All changes made must occur within EmpowerID to be accepted. (Applies only to Active Directory groups.)
Schedule: StartSet the date on which to begin enforcement. By default, this is set to the creation date of the account store.
Schedule: EndSet the date on which to stop enforcement. By default, this is set to ten years after the creation date of the account store, but since Run Indefinitely is selected by default, this value is ignored unless you clear that checkbox.
Interval: (units)

Select the units for the interval at which to run enforcement. By default, this is set to 10 minutes.

  • Once — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the time at which to run enforcement.
  • Hour Interval — If you select this value, enter the number of hours between enforcement runs in the Interval box below.
  • Weekly — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the day and time at which to run enforcement.
  • Minute Interval — If you select this value, enter the number of minutes between enforcement runs in the Interval box below.
  • Daily — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the time at which to run enforcement each day.
  • Monthly — If you select this value, the Interval box below is replaced with a Times control that allows you to specify the months, days, and time at which to run enforcement.
Run IndefinitelySelect to allow enforcement to run indefinitely, ignoring the End date.
Interval: (number)Set the number of units for the interval at which to run enforcement. By default, this is set to 10 minutes.
Enforcement FrequencySet the re-enforcement frequency in minutes.

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