Release Notes

Release Notes

EmpowerID 2019 has many new features, numerous enhancements, and multiple fixed issues to make the EmpowerID user experience better than ever.

New Features

Enhanced Privileged Session Manager

Privileged Session Manager (PSM) is updated to record and monitor privileged sessions, and to be hosted as a Docker Swarm on local or cloud service locations. You can configure PSM to record session activity when users check out credentials for a managed computer, allowing Access Managers and other administrators to view what users do on the computer during a session, and to terminate a session if necessary. It is also updated to comply with new European Union GDPR laws. For more information, see the following topics:

More Core Functionality Moved to the Web Application

More functionality is moving to the web application so that you can configure EmpowerID without using the EmpowerID Management Console. The Management Console retains some functionality in 2018, but now you can also perform many new functions in the web application, including:

More Connectors Out of the Box

VMware ESXi

The ESXi connector allows organizations to bring the user, permissions, and roles data in their stand-alone VMware ESXi systems to EmpowerID, where it can be managed and synchronized with data in any connected back-end user directories. See VMware ESXi for more information.

Once connected, you can manage this data from EmpowerID in the following ways:

  • Create new users
  • Edit user attributes
  • Delete users
  • Create new roles and permissions
  • Manage roles and permissions membership
  • Delete roles and permissions


EmpowerID includes an SAP connector capable of connecting with the two main SAP modules used for managing identity information: ECC and HCM.

The ECC module stores information for accessing SAP, and the means for authorizing to SAP, which includes:

  • action groups,
  • profiles, and
  • individual authorization objects.

The HCM module manages employees and often serves as the authoritative source for employee information, including employment status, location, roles and responsibilities. When EmpowerID connects to any one of these SAP modules, it creates a singular account store object for that module with configurable settings for specifying how EmpowerID is to manage the identity information. The Process SAP Group Owners permanent workflow monitors SAP action groups and processes SAP group owners.

 For more information, see SAP.


The ServiceNow connector lets you create, synchronize, and manage ServiceNow users, groups, roles, locations, companies, user roles, and group membership within EmpowerID. Once you connect to ServiceNow, your ServiceNow developers can configure service catalog requests to allow your ServiceNow users to request groups, memberships, et cetera, and have them go for approval in EmpowerID.

With the EmpowerID ServiceNow Connector, you can manage all of the following functions in ServiceNow.

Account Management
  • Inventory ServiceNow users as EmpowerID accounts
  • Create, update, and delete users
  • Enable, disable, and change passwords of users
Group Management
  • Inventory ServiceNow groups as EmpowerID groups
  • Inventory ServiceNow group memberships as EmpowerID GroupAccounts
  • Create, update, and delete groups
  • Add and remove members of groups
Locations and Companies
  • Inventory ServiceNow locations as EmpowerID ExternalOrgZones
  • Inventory ServiceNow companies within the locations as EmpowerID ExternalOrgZones
  • Inventory ServiceNow roles as EmpowerID ExternalOrgRoles

For more information, see ServiceNow.

Webex Enterprise

The Webex Enterprise connector allows organizations to manage and synchronize Webex Enterprise user data. Once connected, you can manage this data from EmpowerID in the following ways:

  • Inventory users
  • Provision new users with Provisioning policies or workflows
  • Update users
  • Enable or disable users
  • Unlock users
  • Reset user passwords

Reverse Proxy NGINX Module

The EmpowerID Reverse Proxy or microservices gateway is a dockerized NGINX module that is a key component of any Zero Trust or microservices security architecture. As a component of the EmpowerID WAM System, the Reverse Proxy stands in front of protected Web applications and Docker containers, restricting access to the resources served by those applications by intercepting all HTTP traffic bound for those applications, evaluating and processing each request using EmpowerID's hybrid RBAC / ABAC engine.

As a WAM component, the EmpowerID reverse proxy provides web environments with seamless access to all of the identity management facilities of EmpowerID. This means that organizations can use the EmpowerID reverse proxy to provide the same level of security for the resources that live on their web servers as they provide for the resources that live in their directories and other such similar resource systems.

The EmpowerID Reverse Proxy controls access to web applications and APIs without requiring the installation of an agent. To configure the reverse Proxy, an OpenID Connect OAuth application record is created in EmpowerID, with an associated SAML connection linked to it for use in defining attribute statements. The Reverse Proxy uses this OAuth connection when making API calls to the EmpowerID REST endpoints to retrieve its configuration and for making real-time ABAC access checks. Web applications protected by the Reverse Proxy are created in EmpowerID as web applications with their protected URLs and paths registered as "Application Subcomponents." RBAC and ABAC policies can be applied to determine who may have access to these subcomponents/URL paths. After creating the appropriate reverse proxy components in the EmpowerID Web interface, you configure the reverse proxy application files with the appropriate information for your environment.

The below diagram shows all the components and configuration files associated with the EmpowerID reverse proxy. Click the image for an expanded view.

Responsible Parties

EmpowerID now supports assigning and tracking responsible parties for key objects like accounts, groups, computers, management roles, locations, and shared credentials. This responsibility relationship differs from that of a Person owning an account. An account owned by a Person represents that person and serves as their personal account. Responsible parties are assigned to signify who is responsible for an IT object from a security and audit perspective. For more information, see Responsible Parties.

Any EmpowerID RBAC Actor Type can be assigned as the responsible party, but most organizations configure EmpowerID to only allow the assignment of a Person. The field that stores this assignment is called OwnerAssigneeID, and you can find it in each supported object's table.

You can assign responsibility for EmpowerID objects using the Responsible Party property on the Details page for the object, or you can bulk assign responsibility for a number of the same type of objects using an action found on the object type's View Many page. Once assigned, you can transfer responsibility from one party to another. 

When a person is leaving or changing positions, you can transfer all of their responsibilities to another party. You can either do this manually, using the Transfer Responsibilities workflow, or automate the process in a Planned Leaver Event.

The following new request workflows support these new features:

  • UpdateOwnerAssignee
  • AssignOwnerForAccounts
  • AssignOwnerForGroups
  • TransferAccountOwner
  • AssignOwnerForManagementRoles
  • TransferAccountsOwner
  • TransferGroupOwner
  • AssignOwnerForComputers
  • AssignOwnerForResources
  • TransferResourceOwner

Core Identity

EmpowerID now supports the concept of a Core identity so that you can log in with different Person identities that are all linked to the same Core ID. Just as a person can have multiple user accounts in different external directories, so a core identity can have more than one persona. You can enable EmpowerID to create core identities when more than one person is discovered during inventory that shares the same name, birth date, or any attributes that you specify in the system settings. A person that is attached to a core identity is presented at login with a selection of personas to log in as, and once logged in, can switch between personas. The new ProvisionCoreIdentityBulk permanent workflow monitors the ProcessAccountInbox request workflow and provisions core identities as necessary. For more information, see Core Identities.

Enhanced PAM Features

Now you can use vaulted admin credentials in a PowerShell script (Retrieving Credentials in a PowerShell Session)

New Group Membership Features

Two new permanent workflows automate group membership processes to ensure that sensitive groups always have the right members.

  • The new ContinouousRecertification permanent workflow constantly monitors membership changes in groups and generates recertification tasks for group owners. This ensures that access changes to sensitive groups comply with security policy.
  • The GroupMembershipExpirationNotification permanent workflow monitors group membership expiration dates, and notifies group owners of expired memberships.

New Audit and Clean-Up Features

    Several new permanent workflows help your organization to stay up-to-date on audits and expired items.
  • The Unreviewed Recertification Task Notification permanent workflow monitors unreviewed audit tasks, and notifies assigned reviewers of their unreviewed tasks.
  • The Create Scheduled Certification Audit permanent workflow creates and runs any scheduled certification audits.
  • The Close Revoke Re-certification Unreview Tasks After Due Date permanent workflow closes any revoke tasks that remain unreviewed beyond the recertification due date.
  • The Check in Shared Credential permanent workflow monitors shared credential check-outs, and automatically checks them in when the requested time has expired.
  • The ScheduledCredentialPasswordReset permanent workflow monitors password reset schedules for shared credentials and resets passwords at the specified times.
  • The DeleteTemporaryPeopleCreatedDuringSignup permanent workflow monitors temporary people created during signup and deletes them after 60 minutes.

See the Workflow Library for a full listing of permanent workflows and request workflows.

User Agreements

You can now use HTML to attractively style user agreements (two are included out of the box) to display to users when they sign in. For more information, see Setting Up Password Manager Policies.

Safely Remove Group Memberships Flagged as CreatedFromAccountStore When an RBAC Policy Is Removed

When there is an RBAC policy for group enforcement (other than full enforcement), a flag marks any affected group accounts as RBACAssigned. If the group account later loses the policy, the RBACAssigned flag gets set back to false but the group membership remains in place to prevent the accidental removal of valid memberships when someone is testing policies and then removing them.

Since many companies do want to remove the membership once policies are removed, we added a new date field called RbacAssignmentConfirmationDate. This date is only set for group accounts that are flagged as CreatedFromAccountStore and are subsequently flagged as RBACAssigned. The date field is set to seven days after the RBACAssigned flag is set to true, and it represents the time until the RBAC-assigned group account becomes fully managed by EmpowerID.

  • If the RBAC policy that flags the group account as RBACAssigned is rolled back before the seven days expires, then the RBACAssigned flag is set to false, the date is cleared, and the group account remains.
  • If the RBAC policy that flags the group account as RBACAssigned is rolled back after the confirmation date, then the group account is removed, the same as any other policy assignment.

Single Login Experience When Using the EmpowerID Reverse Proxy

The OAuth Identity Provider (IdP) login page now provides the same user experience as other login pages. The following changes make for a more user-friendly experience:

  • Removed all OAuth authentication cookie references.
  • Changed handling of IdP authentication cookies so that logging in twice is not required.
  • Updated OAuth browser flows to support external IdP authentication.
  • Added IdP tiles such as Facebook, GitHub, Salesforce, et cetera, to appear on the OAuth login page based on the IPDomain settings.

Security Upgrades

EmpowerID 2018 includes numerous security updates in response to evolving changes in security needs. 

Redesigned UI

The theme of the EmpowerID web application has been redesigned, and many new pages have been added.

The IT Shop has a new theme.

EmpowerID 2018 has a new ServiceNow Manager page.

All Features and Enhancements

EMPOWERID-3As a system administrator, I want to be able to retrieve vaulted privileged credentials from EmpowerID for use in my PowerShell interactive sessions so that I can run PowerShell actions as an admin even though I am not an admin to support least privilegeRetrieving Credentials in a PowerShell Session
EMPOWERID-34As an EmpowerID customer, I want to easily install the EmpowerID Cloud GatewayConfiguring the EmpowerID Cloud Gateway
EMPOWERID-35As an EmpowerID customer, I want to register my EmpowerID Cloud Gateway and have it immediately workConfiguring the EmpowerID Cloud Gateway
EMPOWERID-38As an EmpowerID end user, I want to register my mobile phone during the login processRegistering a Mobile Device
EMPOWERID-40As an EmpowerID end user, I want to delete a registered mobile phoneDeleting a Registered Mobile Device
EMPOWERID-41As an EmpowerID end user, I want to edit the name of a registered mobile phoneEditing the Name of an Account
EMPOWERID-42As an EmpowerID end user, I want to perform push MFA and approve/reject on my registered mobile phoneSending a Push
EMPOWERID-43As an EmpowerID end user, I want to perform OATH MFA using the code on my registered mobile phoneSubmitting an Authentication Code
EMPOWERID-78As an end user, I would like to initiate an RDP session to a server for which I have checked out an applicable credentialChecking Out Credentials and Initiating an RDP Session
EMPOWERID-66As an EmpowerID system administrator, I want to run an all-in-one Docker instance of EmpowerID.
EMPOWERID-67As an EmpowerID system administrator, I want to run a split multi-service Docker EmpowerID farm.
EMPOWERID-80As a security admin, I would like to watch and monitor a live PSM sessionViewing Privileged Session Details
EMPOWERID-81As a security admin, I would like to watch a recorded PSM sessionViewing Privileged Session Details
EMPOWERID-82As a security admin, I would like to terminate a live PSM sessionTerminating a Privileged Session
EMPOWERID-86As an EmpowerID admin, I would like to create an AD LDS ADAM Account Store connection in the webAD LDS (ADAM)
EMPOWERID-88As an EmpowerID admin, I would like to create an SAP ECC Account Store connection in the webSAP
EMPOWERID-89As an EmpowerID admin, I would like to create an SAP HCM Account Store connection in the webSAP
EMPOWERID-90As an EmpowerID admin, I would like to create an Office 365 Account Store connection in the webOffice 365
EMPOWERID-92As an EmpowerID admin, I would like to create a ServiceNow Account Store connection in the webServiceNow
EMPOWERID-98As a security admin, I want to report on all user accounts that do not have a valid owner or responsible PersonAdministering Account Responsibility
EMPOWERID-99As a security admin, I want to transfer all owned user accounts (ownerassigneeid) from one person to anotherTransferring Responsibility for Accounts
EMPOWERID-100As a security admin, I want all owned resources of any type (ownerassigneeid) to automatically transfer to a new person in the automated Leaver processAutomating Responsibility Transfer
EMPOWERID-104As a security admin, I want to report on all sensitive groups that do not have a valid owner or responsible PersonAdministering Group Responsibility
EMPOWERID-105As a security admin, I want to transfer all owned groups (ownerassigneeid) from one person to anotherTransferring Responsibility for Groups
EMPOWERID-107As an EmpowerID developer, I want all requests to my customer REST endpoint to be signed and encrypted.Overview of JSON Signing and Encryption
EMPOWERID-108As an EmpowerID developer, I want to leverage an existing documented sample app to learn how to send signed and/or encrypted requests to an EmpowerID REST endpoint.JSON Signing and Encryption Walkthrough
EMPOWERID-112As an EmpowerID system admin, I would like to easily deploy my NGINX Reverse Proxy as a set of Docker containersConfiguring the Reverse Proxy for the Web Application
EMPOWERID-114As a security admin, I would like to enforce authentication and MFA for a simple web site or application that does not require it
EMPOWERID-118As a security admin, I would like to control access to specific pages in a SAML application and only allow users assigned access in EmpowerID to view them
EMPOWERID-119As a security admin, I would like to control access to a specific page in a SAML application using an attribute-based rule where the Person is Tagged "Trusted"
EMPOWERID-122As a system administrator, I want to easily install and configure the Privileged Application Launcher softwareInstalling the Privileged Application Launcher
EMPOWERID-123As an end user, I want to browse a list of privileged credentials and request to check one out for useInstalling the Privileged Application Launcher
EMPOWERID-124As an end user, I want to right-click on an application shortcut and launch an application using a checked out privileged credentialInstalling the Privileged Application Launcher
EMPOWERID-125As an end user, I want to browse the list of applications displayed in the PAL and launch one using a checked out privileged credentialInstalling the Privileged Application Launcher
EMPOWERID-137As a security admin, I want to easily bulk assign a person as an owner for accounts that do not have a valid owner or responsible Person (ownerassigneeid)Transferring Responsibility for Accounts
EMPOWERID-138As a security admin, I want to easily bulk assign a person as an owner for groups that do not have a valid owner or responsible Person (ownerassigneeID)

Administering Group Responsibility

Transferring Responsibility for Groups

EMPOWERID-209As an end user, I want to see applications that I have granted OAuth access and have the ability to revoke their accessManaging Access Tokens
EMPOWERID-257As a security admin, I want to report on all management roles that do not have a valid owner or responsible PersonAdministering Management Role Responsibility
EMPOWERID-258As a security admin, I want to report on all computers that do not have a valid owner or responsible PersonAdministering Computer Responsibility
EMPOWERID-259As a security admin, I want to easily bulk assign a person as an owner for computers that do not have a valid owner or responsible Person (ownerassigneeID)Administering Computer Responsibility
EMPOWERID-260As a security admin, I want to easily bulk assign a person as an owner for management roles that do not have a valid owner or responsible Person (ownerassigneeID)Administering Management Role Responsibility
EMPOWERID-297As an EmpowerID admin, I would like accounts to be created automatically for users requesting group membership in a system for which they do not yet have an account
EMPOWERID-383As an end-user, I would like to be able to switch between my various types of EmpowerID person identities without being forced to log in againEnabling Persona Switching
EMPOWERID-437As an EmpowerID consultant, I would like to easily and simply configure my customer's EmpowerID instance to federate with Microsoft ADFS

Configuring EmpowerID as an Identity Provider for ADFS

EMPOWERID-547As a security admin, I want to view a Person and see all of the Resources (Accounts, Groups, Management Roles, Shared Credentials, Computers) for which they are the responsible person (OwnerAssigneeID Direct)Viewing a Person's Responsibilities
EMPOWERID-642As a visitor to the EmpowerID website, I would like to be informed about the use of cookies on the site
EMPOWERID-671As an EmpowerID admin, I want to be able to create a tracking-only account store in the webTracking-Only Account Store
EMPOWERID-693As a security architect, I want my EmpowerID environment to be protected from attacks by hardening the EmpowerID servers to the best degree possible
EMPOWERID-705As an administrator, I want to be able to configure CORSSoftware Requirements
EMPOWERID-767Security enhancement 
EMPOWERID-770Security enhancement 
EMPOWERID-778Security enhancement 
EMPOWERID-783Security enhancement 
EMPOWERID-787Security enhancement 
EMPOWERID-792As an EmpowerID admin, I want to create an AWS account store in the webAmazon Web Services
EMPOWERID-798Security enhancement 
EMPOWERID-799Security enhancement 
EMPOWERID-823As an EmpowerID admin, I want to create a Windows Local account storeAdding Local Windows Servers
EMPOWERID-827As an EmpowerID admin, I would like to create an UltiPro account storeUltiPro
EMPOWERID-846As an EmpowerID executive, I would like to ensure that Person passwords are encrypted using the most secure encryption feasible
EMPOWERID-851As a compliance officer, I would like an attractively styled Usage AgreementSetting Up Password Manager Policies
EMPOWERID-852As a compliance officer, I would like to have two possible user agreements during login for trackingSetting Up Password Manager Policies
EMPOWERID-853As a product manager, I would like to have user friendly trees with styles to match the ASP.NET Zero template
EMPOWERID-893As an EmpowerID admin, I would like to localize the extension attribute values for a person with different translations than extension attribute values for other object types
EMPOWERID-989As a security admin, I would like to see all of the Resources for which a specified person or any person linked to their core identity is the responsible party
EMPOWERID-991As an end user or admin, I would like to see all of the accounts owned by any of my Person objects linked to my core identity from the person view one page
EMPOWERID-995As a product manager, I would like a more attractive and intuitive "Choose An Authentication Method" screen
EMPOWERID-1166As an end user, on the Applications > Login page, if I have no applications, I would like a button that takes me to the IT Shop to find applications
EMPOWERID-1177As a security admin, I would like to remove the EmpowerID product name from the default SAML connection
EMPOWERID-1217As a user, when I click the login button, I want to see a loading spinner in the button
EMPOWERID-1229As a user, I would like a loading spinner to appear when I click the login button
EMPOWERID-1274As a workflow developer, I would like as much detailed information as possible when an error occurs in a workflow

Fixed Issues

Fixed IssuesFixed Issues
EID-14819Removing a Management Role from a Person Workflow does not run - the user is not removed from the Management Role through the IT shop
EID-14762EID Workflow Studio - Unable to add a new package
EID-13586Delegate Workflow task causes a "Request workflow 0 not found" error with SetBusinessProcessTaskDelegate
EID-13255The Visibility Filters find grid shows some pages with no data
EID-14807EID UI Discrepancy - Default Attribute Policy has a different option name in the grid than in the creation page
EID-14977EID - Request Description does not match the activity (Edit Value Attribute)
EMPOWERID-228EMPOWERID-98 Error displayed when we try to click on any Logon Name on the Reports page
EMPOWERID-788EMPOWERID-766 Security update
EMPOWERID-800Security update
EMPOWERID-802Security update
EMPOWERID-809Enable CORS for Web CDN
EMPOWERID-811Security update
EMPOWERID-812Security update
EMPOWERID-813Security update
EMPOWERID-915EMPOWERID-567 EID - Password manager policy applying incorrectly for account password reset

Upgrading EmpowerID

EmpowerID freely provides hotfixes to address known issues. We also offer upgrades with new functionality in the form of new builds. When installing a hotfix or a newer version of EmpowerID, you can add the enhancements to your environment without losing preexisting data and configuration models.

Save any customizations to EmpowerID workflows in a custom package to avoid having the restoration process overwrite your custom workflows.

When upgrading EmpowerID, you must be logged in as a user with rights to alter the EmpowerID database on the target SQL server.

You can upgrade to the latest build using the steps in the /wiki/spaces/E2D/pages/293306612 (opting NOT to delete the database) and Installing and Licensing EmpowerID topics. The only new prerequisites are the following.

  • Install .NET Framework 4.7 on each server.
  • Install Microsoft IIS CORS and URL Rewrite modules on each server. (Detailed in the installation topic.)

Product Support

EmpowerID provides support to all customers who have a trial version of an EmpowerID product or who have purchased a commercial version with a valid Software and Maintenance support contract. By purchasing Software Maintenance and Support, you have access to any upgrades that are released within a 12-month period and have email access to our product team to resolve any issues that may arise.

For further information on Software Maintenance and Support, please contact us by email at sales@empowerID.com.

Online Support

Registered users may submit cases online and track their status. If you are a registered user, you may submit and view the status of cases at any time. 

Contacting Support

To contact a support representative, you may send an email to support@empowerID.com  or contact us by phone at +1 (877) 996-4276.

EmpowerID offers support for the most recently released version of the Software Program and one version prior. This means that with the release of EmpowerID 2018, support is offered for EmpowerID 2016 and EmpowerID 2018.

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