Unshare Shared Folders

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Unshare Shared Folders

When a folder should no longer be shared, you can remove sharing by initiating the UnshareFolderMulti workflow. This topic demonstrates how.

Stop sharing folders

  1. On the navbar, expand Object Administration and click Shared Folders.

  2. On the Shared Folders page, select the Actions tab and then click Unshare Folders.


  3. In the Shared Folders lookup that appears, search for the shared folder you want to stop sharing and check the box for that record to select it.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. Click Yes to confirm you want to stop sharing the folder.

  6. Click OK to close the Operation Execution Summary.

Next Steps

Create Shared Folders

Configure Self-Service Requests for Shared Folders

Delete Shared Folders

Set up Windows File Servers

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