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Provision a Cosmos DB Account for SharePoint Online
The SharePoint Online microservice uses Cosmo DB for SQL configured with information specific to your tenant. This article takes through the provisioning and configuration steps.
Provision a Cosmos DB account
In Azure, navigate to All services and select Azure Cosmos DB.
Click Add.
Under Project Details, select a Subscription and create a new Resource Group.
Under Instance Details, do the following:
Account Name – Enter a name for database account
API – Core (SQL)
Location – Select the appropriate geographic location
Capacity mode – Provisioned throughput
Click Review + Create.
Review the settings and make any adjustments needed for your environment and then click Create.
Wait for Azure to create the database account and then follow the below steps to add a container.
Add a container to the Cosmos DB account
On the navbar for the Cosmos DB account, select Data Explorer and then click New Container.
Enter the following information in the New Container pane:
Database id – Name of the container
Database throughput – Autoscale
Database Max RU/s – 4000
Container id – Name of the container
Partition key –
Click OK.
Wait for Azure to create the container and follow the below steps to add JSON configuration information to the container.
Add JSON configuration information
On the navigation tree for the db account, expand the container node and select Items.
Click New Item and enter the following JSON, replacing values for those in your environment.
"id": "sposvcconfig_<YOUR TENANT ID>", "realId": "sposvcconfig_<YOUR TENANT ID>", "document": { "Id": "sposvcconfig_<YOUR TENANT ID>", "SiteCollection": ["ARRAY OF YOUR SITE COLLECTIONS"], "MaximumCountToRebuildTopology": -1, "RootSiteUrl": "ROOT SITE URL OF YOUR SPO TENANT", "AdminSiteUrl": "ADMIN SITE URL FOR YOUR SHAREPOINT", "ClientId": "<CLIENT ID OF THE SERVICE PRINCIPAL WITH API PERMISSIONS>", "TenantId": "<YOUR TENANT ID>", "TenantDomain": "<YOUR TENANT DOMAIN>", "ClientCertificate": "NAME OF THE CERTIFICATE CREATED IN THE KEY VAULT", "VaultUrl": "<URL TO YOUR KEY VAULT>/", "Pfx": null }
Example:"id": "sposvcconfig_75f7e24e-98bd-4604-be22-3f8cd2295ff0", "realId": "sposvcconfig_75f7e24e-98bd-4604-be22-3f8cd2295ff0", "document": { "Id": "sposvcconfig_75f7e24e-98bd-4604-be22-3f8cd2295ff0", "SiteCollection": [], "MaximumCountToRebuildTopology": -1, "RootSiteUrl": "", "AdminSiteUrl": "", "ClientId": "a8de145c-da58-4a40-a3ef-681bbd63889c", "TenantId": "75f7e24e-98bd-4604-be22-3f8cd2295ff0", "TenantDomain": "", "ClientCertificate": "SPODAuth", "VaultUrl": "", "Pfx": null }
Save your changes.
Navigate to the Keys blade and copy the URI and primary key values. You use these when adding configuration settings to the SharePoint Online app service.
Next steps
Create a Function app to update user profile properties
Add application settings to the app service