Account Validity Type Recertification Policy

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Account Validity Type Recertification Policy

Account validity recertification is a method of determining whether or not accounts are still required. Certain actions must be made if the accounts are no longer required. In other words, account validity recertification policy is to certify whether an account should exist or not.

For the recertification, a recertification policy is created, a recertification audit is created, the recertification policy is added to the audit, then audit is compiled, which generates business requests that are sent for approval.

In case of account validity recertification, the recertification engine bundles the recertification items into business requests as per the responsible party assigned. For any item being recertified where its responsible party is null, it bundles them into one business request as per the fall-back assignee.

The possible decisions for the business requests are generally set as certify, disable or delete. However, these decisions are configurable. These configuration is described under decision configuration at the end of this page.

In this post, we will create account validity type recertification policy and add a target to it.

Note: For the recertification to work in EmpowerID, certain prerequisites must exist.

Create a Account Validity Type Recertification Policy

  1. Log in to the EmpowerID web application as an auditor or other person with the ability to configure audits.

  2. On the navbar, expand Compliance and select Recertification.

  3. On the Recertification page, select the Recertification Policies tab.


  4. Then click + icon to create a new Recertification Policy

  5. The policy details page opens up.

  6. Select policy type as ‘Account Validity.’ Enter any name, display name, and description.

  7. Click on Save.

    Add the target type “Location” to the policy created

  8. Click on the '+' icon at the bottom of the policy details page to add the target.

  9. The attestation policy target section opens up.

  10. Under the type dropdown, select ‘Location.’

  11. Under the select a location dropdown, search for a location and select it.

  12. Click on Save.

    Add the target type “Set Group” to the policy created

  13. Click on the '+' icon at the bottom of the policy details page to add the target.

  14. The attestation policy target section opens up.

  15. Under the type dropdown, select ‘Set Group.’

  16. Type a query name under “enter a query-based collection name”.

  17. Click on Save.


  18. The account validity policy type with two target types are created.


Decision Configuration

The possible decisions for account validity recertification policy type are configurable. For configuring them we need to take the following steps.

  1. Log in to the EmpowerID web application

  2. On the navbar, expand IT Shop and select Approval Flow Policies.

  3. On the Approval Flow Policies page, select the Item Type Actions tab.

  4. Then search for Recertify Account Validity.

  5. Click on the Recertify Account Validity and scroll down to select Decisions for Approval Flow Steps.


  6. Click on the + icon to add more approval decision if needed.

  7. As shown in the above screenshot, what happens when the approval decision is taken as
    Certify - no fulfillment work flow is needed.
    Delete - Recert delete account fulfillment work flow is started.
    Disable - Recert disable account fulfillment work flow is started.

  8. You can also edit or change the workflows that should execute as per an approval decision. Just click on the edit icon on the above image.


  9. To see how the business requests generated are grouped for approval, we need to open the approval step selected by right click and open in new window. Here the approval step is account manager as shown in the image above. In this case it is bundled as per two rule types ( resource owner and target resource line manager) as shown in the image below. So based on what is configured in approval step the business requests generated will be routed to for approval.

  10. Workflow used: When you edit the Item Type Actions named Recertify Account Validity, you would be able to see the fulfillment workflow. For this item the fulfillment workflow selected is Account Recet Ful as shown in the image below. For the fulfillment the selected workflow is run. This workflow assignment is configurable as well. You can delete it and select another workflow if needed.

    We have created the account validity recertification policy and added target to it. the next step would be to creat an audit and add the account validity policy to it.

Next Steps



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