Setting up the Bot Channels Registration

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Setting up the Bot Channels Registration

Now you will create an Azure Bot Resource that allows registering the EmpowerID Bot with Azure Bot Services. After creating the resource, the bot can be connected to channels for end-users to interact. Follow the steps below to create the Bot resource and configure the Micorosft Teams channel.

  1. Navigate to the Azure portal.

  2. In the right pane, select Create a resource and search for Bot. Select the Azure Bot card.


  3. Provide the necessary details to create the Bot. Choose Multi Tenant for Type of App, and Use Existing App Registration for creation type.

  4. After creating the Bot Channels Registration, you may add an icon, a display name, and a description. Select the Bot profile Tab and complete the necessary information.


  5. Provide the Messaging Endpoint of the Bot. The syntax of the endpoint is HTTPS://[app service url]/api/messages. App service URL is the URL for the Linux App Service you created in step#1.


  6. Click on the Channels tab to configure the bot for different available clients. Add Teams and Direct Line Channels to the list of default channels.


  7. Open the Bot Service Deployment Package in the Teams App Manifest folder locate the manifest.json. Update the id and the botId to that of the Microsoft App ID (i.e., the ApplicaitonID) and save the changes. You may also update the Name and Description values as you see fit.


  8. Now, We will deploy the bot into Microsoft Teams. After updating the manifest.json file, please zip the contents of the Teams App Manifest folder.

Upload App to Teams

  1. Upload the zip as an app into teams. Click on Apps and then Upload a custom app option in Team to test the uploaded bot.


  2. You can choose an option for the app availability in Teams.

    1. Choose Upload a custom app to make it available for you and your teams.

    2. Click on Submit an app to your org to make it available for your entire organization. Only after an Administrator approves the app submission, the app will be available for the users in the organization.


  3. Click on Submit an app for your org, and upload the zip folder. Please ask your administrator to approve the app to make it available for Microsoft Teams users in the organization.


In the next step, we will provision the bot tenant.

Provisioning a Bot Tenant

All steps in Deployment & Configuration of EID Bot

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