Verify the result of recertification

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Verify the result of recertification

Once the business requests fulfillment is completed the audit is completed. However, we may like to verify that, the decisions taken are really reflected correctly in the system. In this post, we are going to verify that based on the decisions made on the business requests, the account validity should reflect respectively.

  1. In EmpowerID, Navigate to Identity Administration -> People-> Search for the Person configured on the recertification policy.


  2. If decision has been made to 'certify an account'-> then the status of the account should still remain the same as enabled.

  3. If decision has been made to 'disable an active account' -> then the status of the account should be shown as deleted.

  4. If decision has been made to 'delete an account' -> then the account should not exist here.

Related Item

  1. Recertification Overview


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