Create Approval Steps

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Create Approval Steps

Approval Policies consist of a sequence of Approval Steps, which are assigned to designated approvers responsible for handling user access requests, also known as "Business Requests." These requests are submitted through the IAM Shop and routed to approvers in the My Tasks app, where they can be approved, rejected, commented on or delegated to other users.

This article describes how to create a simple Approval Step in EmpowerID.


  1. Sign in to your EmpowerID portal as at least an IT Shop Approval Notification Admin.

  2. Browse to Low Code / No Code Workflow > Approval Policies.


  3. Select the Approval Steps tab and then click the Add button on the grid header.


  4. Fill in required fields on the Create Approval Step form that opens. Name, Display Name, Step Type, and Escalation Policy are necessary.








Name of the Approval Step

Enter a name.

Display Name

The name of the Approval Step that is visible to users within the application interface.

Enter a display name.

Locale Key (Unique Name)

The "Local Key" is a unique identifier that can be used to localize the Approval Step's name across different languages, ensuring it displays correctly according to the user's language preferences.

Optionally, enter a locale key.


Brief characterization of the Approval Step

Optionally, enter a description.

Locale Key for Description (Unique Name)

The "Local Key for Description" is a unique identifier that can be used to localize the Approval Step's description across different languages, ensuring it displays correctly according to the user's language preferences.

Optionally, enter a locale key for description.

Step Decision Workflow

Determines which workflow the system should initiate for the approver to follow during the step decision process. This selection ensures that the approver executes the appropriate set of actions and decisions specific to the context of the current step.

Optionally, select a step decision workflow.

Step Type

Specifies the nature of the step within the approval process, indicating whether it is a standard approval step, or a step designated for Risk Approval.

Select Default Approval if the step is a standard approval step or Risk Approval if the step is connected to Risk policies.

Auto-Approve Decision if Approver Previously Approved

Specifies whether the system automatically approves a step if the same approver has already approved a previous step within the overarching Business Request to which the current step belongs. This feature streamlines the approval process by eliminating redundant approvals from the same individual, thereby expediting the decision-making flow within the global business context.

Select Yes to auto-approve or leave blank to require the approver to respond to the step.

Escalation Policy

Specifies the policy used to escalate the step if no approval action has been taken after a given period of time.

Select the appropriate Escalation policy. If your organization has not created any custom policies, select the Default policy

Is Shipping Data

For EmpowerID internal use


Can Edit Length of Access

Specifies whether the step approver edit the amount of time the user has access to the requested resource.

Optionally, enable the setting.

  1. Click Save.

Expected Results

The Approval Step is created with the settings you applied to it.

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