Verify Business Requests are Generated

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Verify Business Requests are Generated

Once you have created the Audit, it is important to find information about the details of the Audit, its compilation status, business requests, and their status. All audits generate Business Requests Items for access recertification, and please make sure business requests are generated once the Audit has finished compilation.

The audit bundles access recertification requests(Items) into business requests depending on the recertification policy. For example, if the recertification policy is for group membership, the group membership access of each member is bundled into a single Business Request. This approach can be beneficial as it allows organizations to efficiently manage and track the recertification process for multiple individuals or groups simultaneously, rather than having to process separate requests for each individual or group.

Key Information

  • The compilation status of the Audit will be displayed as Compilation Completed after a successful run.

  • Please ensure that the following jobs are enabled and running for the Audit to Compile.

    • Attestation Policy Compiler Job

    • Business Request Fulfillment Job

  • An audit should always have at least one recertification policy.

  • Not adding the Item Scope and Targets to a recertification policy attached to an Audit might be a reason that an Audit Generates no Business Requests.

When the audit compilation is in progress, it creates a recertification task or business request for each item in the policy.

You can check the compilation details of the Audit and fulfillment status of business requests by following the instructions below.

  1. Navigate to Compliance Recertification and select the Audit tab.

  2. Search for the Audit in Search Box and click on the Search Button. In the displayed grid, you can find some important information already.

    • #Business Requests shows the total count of business requests generated by the Audit in the #Business Requests.

    • #items show the total count of the Items generated in the Business Requests in the #items.

    • Items Completed shows the total count of the things for which the decision was provided.


  3. Click on the View Details link button to open the Details page of the Audit.

  4. The details page of the Audit provides information about all Business Request items and the status or decisions made for the recertification item.

    • In Progress: This tab lists all business request items generated by an audit where auditors still need to provide a decision about the recertification request.

    • Done: This tab lists all business request items generated by an audit, and a decision to revoke, continue, or other actions is given.

    • All: This tab shows both In Progress and Done business request items.

  5. Click on any grid row to open the details page for the item. The details page shows comprehensive information about the item, including the Current Step, and Approvers.

  6. Alternatively, click on the link provided in View Details Column to open the Business Request Item. Details of the items will open in My Tasks View, where you can find information about the process steps, the current assignee, and details about the recertification. An Auditor can provide the decision for access via this details window.


Next Steps

Provide Business Request Decision


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