Adding PBAC App Resources

Adding PBAC App Resources

Following the configuration of PBAC Resource Types for your application in EmpowerID, the next crucial step is to integrate your application's specific resources with these predefined types. PBAC App Resources refer to the individual elements within your application that need protection, such as pages, database tables, or UI controls. By linking these resources to the appropriate PBAC Resource Types, you ensure the precise classification of each component, enabling accurate access control and robust security measures within the PBAC framework. This integration not only enhances your application's security but also simplifies the management of access permissions.


Configure the Application for PBAC Resources

  • Verify Application Configuration:
    Ensure that your application's definition includes app resources. If not, update the definition by running the Manage Application wizard in EmpowerID. This wizard provides step-by-step instructions to enable your application for PBAC resource integration.

Ensure Integration of PBAC Resource Types

  • Verify PBAC Resource Types:
    Confirm that PBAC Resource Types are integrated into your application. The "Add New PBAC App Resource" button will be inactive or grayed out if these types are missing. PBAC Resource Types act as categories for your application’s resources, and their inclusion is necessary for the resource integration process.


1. Sign in to Resource Admin:

  • Navigate to the Resource Admin for your organization and authenticate.

  • Ensure you have at least the Application RBAC Owner role.

2. Select the PBAC application for which you want to add PBAC app resources:

  • Select Applications from the resource type menu and then use the search functionality to find the PBAC application for which you intend to add app resources.

  • Click the Details button for the app record to navigate to the application's Overview page.


3. Add a New PBAC App Resource:

  • Select the PBAC App Resources menu item.

  • Click the Add New PBAC App Resource button to open the “Add New PBAC App Resource” form.



4. Fill in the Form:

  • Name: Enter a name for the app resource.

  • Display Name: Enter a display name for the app resource.

  • PBAC Resource Type: Select the corresponding resource type from the dropdown menu. This menu lists only the PBAC Resource Types created for the specific application.

  • Owner: Select an owner for the app resource.

  • Description: Provide a brief description of the application resource.

5. Save the Entry:

After completing the form with the necessary information, click the Add New PBAC App Resource button to save your entry.


6. Repeat for Multiple Resources:

If your application contains multiple resources, repeat this process for each, ensuring all are properly categorized under their respective PBAC Resource Types.