EmpowerID HealthCheck: SQL Procedure Z_EmpowerID_Health

EmpowerID HealthCheck: SQL Procedure Z_EmpowerID_Health

Run the SQL stored procedure, Z_EmpowerID_Health, to conduct a health assessment of core EmpowerID processes. This procedure is designed to evaluate the performance of standard EmpowerID functionalities and should be used by enterprise monitoring tools to notify IT personnel when intervention is needed. Customization options are available to include additional checks. It is advised to run this procedure on a regular basis at 5-minute intervals; intervals shorter than 1 minute may cause excessive system load.

Two settings are needed for certain pre-programmed health checks in this stored procedure to function effectively. Configure these settings via the EID UI: https://<EID-URL>/ui/#custom/EmpowerIDConfigSettings

  1. EmpowerID_Health_EmpowerIDServerRoleNames_ToMonitor: Enter a comma-separated list of EmpowerID Server Roles used in your EID instance. Typically, this value should be "Application Server Full, Web Front-End" to cover the two most common server roles.

  2. EmpowerID_Health_EmpowerIDServiceFriendlyNames_ToMonitor: Provide a comma-separated list of EmpowerID Services used in your EID instance. Generally, this value should be "Web Role Service, Worker Role Service" to include the two most frequently utilized services.

When you run the Z_EmpowerID_Health procedure, you will always receive a single resultset containing at least one result. The resultset includes a single column. If all checks pass, only a default record with the text "Z_EmpowerID_Health Complete (disregard this message)" will be returned. If any checks fail, the default record will be preceded by records indicating the failed checks. This design is intended to facilitate easy integration with most enterprise monitoring tools.

The stored procedure contains various built-in health checks, and you have the option to add more checks for use-case-specific logic. Below is a list of potential health checks and the corresponding text returned in case of a failure:

  • EmpowerID Service <ServiceName> Heartbeat Overdue (5 minutes or more elapsed)

  • EmpowerID Server Role <RoleName> Heartbeat Overdue (5 minutes or more elapsed)

  • Job Overdue: <JobName> (10 minutes or more elapsed)

  • Job Not Succeeding: <JobName>

  • Inventory Progress Stalled: <SystemName>

  • Enforcement Progress Stalled: <SystemName>

  • Membership Progress Stalled: <SystemName>

  • Projection Progress Stalled: <SystemName>

  • Inventory Overdue: <SystemName>

  • Enforcement Overdue: <SystemName>

  • Membership Overdue: <SystemName>

  • Projection Overdue: <SystemName>

  • Inventory Not Succeeding: <SystemName>

  • Enforcement Not Succeeding: <SystemName>

  • Membership Not Succeeding: <SystemName>

  • Projection Not Succeeding: <SystemName>

  • Job <JobName> on AccountStore <SystemName> failed <#Failures> times consecutively from <EarliestFailureDateTime> to <RecentFailureDateTime>

  • Permanent Workflow <PermamentWorkflowName> is marked Active but overdue

  • Compiled Set <SetName> is marked Enabled but overdue

  • Cloud Gateway Server <ServerName> has not contacted EmpowerID in more than 5 minutes


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