Attribute Flow
Introduction To Attribute FlowAttrbiute Flow, is the key processes of identity management which enables to have updated identity data across all your systems. Attribute flow rules define what attribute changes in any connected system (Source), triggers changes in EmpowerID person object and subsequently on other managed systems (Subscriber) the person has account in. For e.g., Job title, EmployeeID is updated in HR system and you want this information to be updated in outlook address, Attribute flow will automate the process .
Attribute Flow Configuration ProcessesEmpowerID supports three levels of configration to setup Attribute Flow, supported levels are per attribute per account store, account store level, system level.
Flow Rules – Type and DirectionAttribute flow should be enabled for attribute flow to execute the changes among EmpowerID and Account stores. The service responsible for attribute flow changes is “Attribute Flow - Directory Change Processor” job and should be running in at least one of your servers to accomplish attribute flow. This job picks the attribute changes from the attribute inbox that were discovered during inventory and processes them using the attribute flow rules to update the attributes for the EmpowerID Person object. Changes to the Person object can then lead to changes being pushed to the attribute outbox that will flow to other systems. This entire process happens on a scheduled basis. To determine how the data flows between the native system and EmpowerID, you can determine visually determine relationship between an attribute in a directory and the corresponding attribute in the EmpowerID Identity Warehouse. |
Flow Rules – Weighting and Scoring (Data Quality)There might be conflicts within the flow rules when same attribute might have been configured to be updated from two or multiple systems. To resolve this issue when multiple systems might be providing different values of the same attribute for a EmpowerID Person and there is a conflict, you can use the weighting technique to resolve the conflict automatically. Attribute Flow Rule for Email Attribute Higher the value, higher the precedence , you will have to set the score to the highest in the account store that is authoritative for that particular attribute.
Inventory and Attribute Flow
Attribute Flow HandlersBy default, EmpowerID retrieves attribute values for each user account in a connected account store and maps them value for value to the corresponding Person attributes stored in the EmpowerID Identity Warehouse.In this way, if the value of "State" for an AD user account is "Massachusetts" then the value of "State" for that account's Person object in EmpowerID is "Massachusetts." However, in some scenarios you might need Attribute Flow Handlers which allow you to customize this logic by writing your own code to handle value transformations on a per attribute basis. A simple use case is when you have different format of date time in your external system and they should be conversed into a standard format for EmpowerID Person. You can also use it for conversing the format when attributes flow from EmpowerId into external systems. |
The diagram below provides an overview of the Attribute flow rules and relationships between accounts, person identities, and core identities.
Step1 – The Attribute Flow engine evaluates the attribute flow rules including directionality and weighting to determine what attributes need to be updated to the Person record from the account records joined to the Persson along with which attributes should be exported for updates to the account.
Step 2 – The Person record is updated with the resulting set of attribute values determined by the attribute flow engine. Export files are created with any attribute values that need to be updated in the native system accounts.
Step 3 – The Attribute Flow engine evaluates the attribute flow rules including directionality and weighting to determine what attributes need to be updated to the Core Identity record from the Person records joined to the Core Identity along with which attributes should be exported for updates to the account.
Step 4 – The Core Identity record is updated with the resulting set of attribute values determined by the Attribute Flow engine. The Person objects are updated with any attribute values that need to be updated based on the flow rules.
Step 5 – An API call is made to update an account record for an existing account. Attribute updates continue normally.
Attribute Flow Demo