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Object Model Quick Start

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The Workflow Studio object model or API provides you with all the tools necessary for programmatic access to organizational data, allowing you to view and manipulate each object protected by the EmpowerID Identity Warehouse. In this way, you can create your own custom applications, workflows, activities, and services to allow clients to view and manipulate that data.

Workflow Studio provides an Object Browser to allow you to view the namespaces and members of those namespaces that make up the EmpowerID object model. You can access the Object Browser in Workflow Studio by clicking the Object Browser button on the Common tab of the Workflow Studio ribbon.

Authenticating Applications to EmpowerID

As a claims-based web services platform, all communications to and from EmpowerID occurs over a web service that connects to the EmpowerID Security Token Service (ESTS). When a client attempts to access EmpowerID, the STS Location Service directs the request to the ESTS, which either issues a token based on the claims presented by the client or denies the request for access. This is true for all calls made against the EmpowerID API from all applications, including those applications that ship with the default configuration of EmpowerID.

For example, when a user launches the EmpowerID Management Console (EMC), two types of claims are presented to the EmpowerID STS—the claims of the EMC itself and any claims associated with the person launching the EMC. The first set of claims is used to determine that the EMC is a valid application authorized to be used as a vehicle for making API calls and the second set is to ensure that the person using the application is authorized to use it for making those API calls. When building applications and services on the EmpowerID platform, you must be sure that both the application user as well as the application itself can be authenticated. If one or the other is missing, the call will fail and access will be denied. This approach protects organizational data from unauthorized access.

//Authenticating an application and application user with EmpowerID credentials 
using System.IdentityModel;
using System.IdentityModel.Tokens;
using System.ServiceModel;
using TheDotNetFactory.Framework;
using TheDotNetFactory.FrameWork.Common;
using TheDotNetFactory.FrameWork.Common.Shared;
using TheDotNetFactory.Framework.Core;
using TheDotNetFactory.Framework.RESTfulService;
using TheDotNetFactory.Framework.ServiceBus;
using W = TheDotNetFactory.Framework.Workflow2012;
//Provide the STS Location Service endpoint using the FQDN of your EmpowerID web server
string workflowServerURL = "";

//Get a security token from the EmpowerID STS using the credentials of an EmpowerID person
SecurityToken token = W.EIDServerContext.IssueToken(workflowServerURL,"waames","pass@word1");

//Use the token to create a trust between EmpowerID and the application
EmpowerIDContext.CreateSQLOverWCFClientApplicationTrust(workflowServerURL, token);

Working with Person Objects

In EmpowerID, a person is an object in the EmpowerID SQL-based Identity Warehouse that links together the user accounts, permissions assignments, audit history, and management policies associated with an identity. The EmpowerID Person is the base identity in the EmpowerID RBAC model and is necessary for accessing resources and performing tasks in EmpowerID. The Workflow Studio object model contains two namespaces with multiple classes for working with people in EmpowerID—the People.Components namespace and the People.Entities namespace. Each of these namespaces have classes corresponding to each of the object tables in the EmpowerID Identity Warehouse. You can use the members of these classes to directly interact with the data in the Identity Warehouse. The following examples demonstrate some of the more common use cases.

Required Namespaces

When working with Person objects, minimally you should add references to the following namespaces:

using TheDotNetFactory.Framework;
using TheDotNetFactory.FrameWork.Common;
using TheDotNetFactory.FrameWork.Common.Shared;
using TheDotNetFactory.Framework.Core;
using C = TheDotNetFactory.Framework.People.Components;
using E = TheDotNetFactory.Framework.People.Entities;

Get by Job Title

string columnsToSearch = "Title"; 
string textToSearch = "Helpdesk";
var pageLength = 500; 
int totalCount; 
E.VList<C.PersonView> p = C.PersonView.GetAllSearch(columnToSearch, textToSearch, 1, pageLength, out totalCount); 

//Write the results to the console
foreach(var a in p) 
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, Login: {1}, PersonID: {2}", a.Name, a.Login, a.PersonID);

Create a new Person object

C.Person p = new C.Person();
p.LastName = "Simone";
p.FirstName = "John";
p.Name = "John Simone";
p.Active = true;
p.AllowLogin = true;
p.Login = "jSimone";

//Add the person object to the Identity Warehouse

Get People without Accounts

string columnsToSearch = "";
string textToSearch = ""; 
E.VList<C.PersonView> pView = C.PersonView.GetPeopleWithNoAccounts(columnsToSearch, textToSearch);
//Write the results to the console 
if (pView.Count > 0)
    foreach (var a in pView)
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", a.FriendlyName);

Execute Account RETs

string columnsToSearch = "";
string textToSearch = "";
E.VList<C.PersonView> pView = C.PersonView.GetPeopleWithNoAccounts(columnsToSearch, textToSearch);

//Create a new Person Components list
E.TList<C.Person> pList = new E.TList<C.Person>();

//Create a new dictionary with an empty key to pass to the method that will provision any entitlements for the people without accounts
Dictionary<string, object> myDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
string str = "";
object obj = null;
myDictionary.Add(str, obj);
//Convert all people in the pView list to Person.Component objects and add them to the Person Components list 
//This allows us to call the methods associated with Person objects.
if (pView.Count > 0)
   foreach (var p in pView)
      if(p.FriendlyName != "empoweriduser")

    //Provision any  entitlements for the people. In this case we are setting the Primary OrgRoleOrgZone for each person 
    //without an account to an OrgRoleOrgZone with a RET that grants people in that OrgRoleOrgZone a user account 					 
    foreach(var x in pList)
      x.PrimaryOrgRoleOrgZoneID = 2351;	
      C.ResourceEntitlement.ProvisionPersonEntitlements(x, myDictionary);	

Change the primary Business Role and Location

//Pass in the PersonID
C.Person p = C.Person.GetByPersonID(3174);

//Pass in the new primary Business Role and Location by OrgRoleOrgZoneID

Disable a Person

//This does not disable user accounts associated with the person
C.Person p = C.Person.GetByPersonID(3174);

Reset a Person's Password

C.Person p = C.Person.GetByLogin("jSimone");

Unlock a Person

//Pass in the Person ID
C.Person p = C.Person.Unlock(3174);

Get Access Assignments

string columnsToSearch = " ";
string textToSearch = " ";
E.Vlist<C.RbacResourceRoleAssignment> r = C.RbacResourceRoleAssignment.GetAllAssignedDirectlyToPersonID(3150, columnsToSearch, textToSearch);

Get People in Management Role

var personInManagementRole = C.Person.GetByManagementRoleID(19);

//Write the results to the console
Console.WriteLine("The following people are assigned to the {0} Management Role: ", C.ManagementRole.GetByManagementRoleID(18).Name);
foreach (var p in personInManagementRole)

Get a Person's Management Role

var p = C.ManagementRole.GetByPersonID(3150);

//Write the results to the console
if (p.Count > 0)
   Console.WriteLine("{0} has the following Management Roles: ", C.Person.GetByPersonID(3150).FriendlyName);
   foreach (var a in p)

Get People in Business Role and Location

string columnsToSearch = "Friendly Name"string textToSearch = "Standard Employee in Temporary Location ";

E.VList<C.PersonView> p = C.PersonView.GetByOrgRoleOrgZoneID(2309, columnsToSearch, textToSearch);

Get People in a Group

var grMembers = C.Person.GetByGroupID(66);

//Write the results to the console
if(grMembers.Count > 0)
  Console.WriteLine("{0} has {1} members.", C.Group.GetByGroupID(66).FriendlyName, p.Count.ToString());
  foreach (var m in grMembers)

Get a Person's Group memberships

var grMemberships = C.GroupView.GetByPersonID(3148)

//Write the results to the console
foreach(var gr in grMemberships)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is a member of {1}", C.Person.GetByPersonID(3150).FriendlyName, gr.FriendlyName);

Check specific access to a resource

//In this example, we pass in the specific PersonID, ResourceID, and Operation 
string operation = "List";
int resourceID = 93;
int personID = 3150;
var hasAccess = C.Resource.HasAccess(personID, resourceID, operation);

//Write the results to the console

Check all access to a resource

//Pass in the PersonID
int personID = 3148;

//Pass in the ResourceID
int resourceID = 953500;

//Check the allowed operations
var allowedOperations = C.ResourceTypeOperation.GetByPersonIDAndResourceID(personID, resourceID);

//Write the results to the console
Console.WriteLine("{0} has the following operations allowed for {1}: ", C.Person.GetByPersonID(3148).FriendlyName,  C.Resource.GetByResourceID(953500).FriendlyName);
foreach(var operation in allowedOperations)

Get People able to execute an operation against a resource

//In this example, we pass in the ResourceID of the resource and the name of the Operation 
int resourceID = 1183422;
string operation = "MoveMailbox";
var whoHasAccess = C.Resource.GetPeopleWithAccess(resourceID, operation);

//Write the results to the console
foreach(var person in whoHasAccess)

Get all operations executed by a Person

var columnsToSearch = " ";
var textToSearch = " ";
var operationsExecutedByPerson = C.BusinessProcessTaskSlotView.GetByPersonID(3148, columnsToSearch, textToSearch);

//Write the results to the console
foreach (var operation in operationsExecutedByPerson)

Working with User Accounts

In EmpowerID, user accounts are Identity Warehouse objects that represent the user accounts in external account stores, such as Active Directory or Office 365. User accounts are generally linked to EmpowerID Person objects, and as such, any actions performed against an account can affect the Person objects to which they are linked and vice-versa. As with the EmpowerID Person, the Workflow Studio object model contains two namespaces with multiple classes for working with accounts in EmpowerID—the People.Components namespace and the People.Entities namespace.

Required Namespaces

When working with Account objects, minimally you should add references to the following namespaces:

using TheDotNetFactory.Framework;
using TheDotNetFactory.FrameWork.Common;
using TheDotNetFactory.FrameWork.Common.Shared;
using TheDotNetFactory.Framework.Core;
using C = TheDotNetFactory.Framework.People.Components;
using E = TheDotNetFactory.Framework.People.Entities;

Create an account and a Person linked to the account

//Create a new account, add it to an account store, and set some properties for it
C.AccountStore accStore = C.AccountStore.GetByAccountStoreID(259);
C.Account acc = new C.Account();
acc.AccountStoreID = 259;
acc.Name = "Jacques Clouseay";
acc.LogonName = "jClouseay";
acc.CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
acc.DistinguishedName = "CN=Jacques Clouseay,OU=Sydney,OU=Offices,DC=tdnfdemo,DC=com";

//Create the account and set the password for it
acc.Create(acc, "pass@word1");
//Create an EmpowerID Person for the account
C.Person per = new C.Person();
per.FirstName = acc.FirstName;
per.LastName = acc.LastName;
per.Name = acc.Name;
per.Login = acc.LogonName;
acc.PersonID = per.PersonID;
//Write the results to the console
Console.WriteLine("New Person: {0} created from Account: {1}", per.Name, acc.Name);

Move an account

//Get the account you wish to move by AccountID
var acc = C.Account.GetByAccountID(3120);
//Move the account, passing in the new OU path
acc.Move("OU=New Mexico,OU=Offices,DC=tdnfdemo,DC=com");
//Write the results to the console
//Verify the move occurred in the Account Store

Add an account to a group

//Create a new Group TList and add a group to the list
var groupList = new TList<C.Group>(); 
//Add the account to the groups in the list
var account = C.Account.GetByAccountID(26471).AddToGroups(groupList);
//Write the results to the console
var acc = C.AccountView.GetByGroupID(66, columnsToSearch: "", textToSearch: "");
foreach (var a in acc)
   if (a.AccountID == 26471)

Restore deleted accounts

//Retrieve deleted accounts
var deletedAccounts = C.Account.GetByDeleted(true);
//Restore each account in the list of deleted accounts
foreach(var acc in deletedAccounts)

Join an account to a Person

//Call JoinAccountToPerson(), passing in the AccountID and PersonID
//Person cannot currently have an account

var person = C.Person.JoinAccountToPerson(7824, 3194);

Remove an account from a Person

//Call UnJoinAccountToPerson(), passing in the AccountID

var person = C.Person.UnJoinAccountToPerson(7824);

Unlock all locked accounts

//Return a list of locked out accounts
var account = C.Account.GetByLockedOut(true);
//Unlock each account in the list
foreach(var acc in account)

Create mailbox for user

//Add reference for TheDotNetFactory.Framework.People.Common.Enum to your project for access to the ExchangeMailboxTypeList enum 
//Return an account without a mailbox
var accountCollection = C.AccountView.GetNonMailboxAccountsByAccountStoreID("LogonName", "jclouseay");
//Get the account store
var accStore = C.AccountStore.GetByFQN("");
//Configure the mailbox you are creating
foreach (var acc in accountCollection)
   var mailboxConfig = new C.MailBoxConfig();
   mailboxConfig.AccountStore = accStore;
   mailboxConfig.Alias = acc.LogonName; = acc.Name;
   mailboxConfig.MasterAccountID = acc.DistinguishedName;
   //Set the MailboxContainer
   var mailboxContainer = C.ExchangeMailboxObjectContainer.GetByMostAvailableSpace();
   foreach (var mBC in mailboxContainer)
       mailboxConfig.MailboxContainer = mBC;
   mailboxConfig.AccountStore = accStore;
   mailboxConfig.Path = acc.DistinguishedName;
   //Person linked with the account
   var owner = C.Person.GetByLogin(acc.LogonName);

   //Set the account
   var targetAccount = C.Account.GetByAccountID(acc.AccountID);
   //Create the mailbox, passing in owner, targetAccount, and mailboxConfig 
   //Also set the type of mailbox and process it immediately
   var createMailbox = C.ExchangeMailbox.CreateMailbox(owner, targetAccount, mailboxConfig, ExchangeMailboxTypeList.UserMailbox, refreshRbac: true, sendToQueue: false);
    //Write the results to the console
    Console.WriteLine("Mailbox with MailboxID: {0} has been created for Account: {1}", createMailbox.ExchangeMailboxID,        CreateteMailbox.AccountIDSource.FriendlyName);
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