The first step to deploying the bot is creating a Linux Web app with a NET Core 3.1 runtime stack.
Login to your azure account.
Create a Linux App Service with the .NET Core 3.1 runtime stack.
Go to the newly created App Service’s Configuration and click on the Advanced Edit.
Copy & Paste the JSON content below into the configuration JSON editor, which appears on a pane. Click on OK to save.
You will fill in the missing configuration values later. Note that the initial JSON content in the editor may “[ ].” Please remove this before adding the content below.
[ { "name": "AzRedisCache", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "CosmosDbAuthKey", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "CosmosDbContainerId", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "CosmosDbDatabaseId", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "CosmosDbEndpoint", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "EnableMultitenancy", "value": "true", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "KeyVaultUrl", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "MicrosoftAppId", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "MicrosoftAppPassword", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "SupportsUserTenantMapping", "value": "false", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "WEBSITE_HEALTHCHECK_MAXPINGFAILURES", "value": "10", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "WEBSITE_HTTPLOGGING_RETENTION_DAYS", "value": "2", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "WEBSITE_LOAD_USER_PROFILE", "value": "1", "slotSetting": false } ]
The Application settings page will appear as below. Click on the Save button to save the settings.
In the next step, we will create Azure Cache for Redis