Login to your azure account.
Create a Linux App Service with the .NET Core 3.1 runtime stack.
Go to the newly created App Service’s Configuration and click on the Advanced Edit.
Copy & Paste the JSON content below into the configuration JSON editor, which appears on a pane. Click on OK to save.
You will fill in the missing configuration values later. Note that the initial JSON content in the editor may “[ ].” Please remove this before adding the content below.
[ { "name": "AzRedisCache", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "CosmosDbAuthKey", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "CosmosDbContainerId", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "CosmosDbDatabaseId", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "CosmosDbEndpoint", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "EnableMultitenancy", "value": "true", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "KeyVaultUrl", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "MicrosoftAppId", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "MicrosoftAppPassword", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "SupportsUserTenantMapping", "value": "false", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "WEBSITE_HEALTHCHECK_MAXPINGFAILURES", "value": "10", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "WEBSITE_HTTPLOGGING_RETENTION_DAYS", "value": "2", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "WEBSITE_LOAD_USER_PROFILE", "value": "1", "slotSetting": false } ]
The Application settings page will appear as below. Click on the Save button to save the settings.
You are viewing an earlier version of the admin guide. For the latest version, please visit EmpowerID Admin Guide v7.211.0.0.
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