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If you are a manager, resource owner or other user delegated the ability to respond to business requests submitted by people within your organization, EmpowerID routes their request to you, creating a task for you to complete. This topic demonstrates how to interact with those tasks from the My Tasks app.   


If your organization has configured EmpowerID for email approvals, you can approve access requests directly from your email client. This is advantageous in situations where you are not logged in to EmpowerID. For more information, see Responding to Email Requests.

Respond to business requests

  1. From the EmpowerID navbar, expand Tasks and Requests and select My Tasks App.

  2. In My Tasks, click My Requests and then select To Do.

  3. In the Request View, click the Pending Item link for the request to which you want to respond.

    This opens the Card view for the task. From here you can view details about the pending request, including:
    (blue star) Where your task is in the approval process
    (blue star) Delegate your task to other people within your organization for approval or rejection
    (blue star) Approve the request
    (blue star) Reject the request


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contentByMode{"html":"<!doctype html>\r\n<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-EVSTQN3/azprG1Anm3QDgpJLIm9Nao0Yz1ztcQTwFspd3yD65VohhpuuCOmLASjC\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\">\r\n<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\">\r\n<script src=\"\" integrity=\"sha384-MrcW6ZMFYlzcLA8Nl+NtUVF0sA7MsXsP1UyJoMp4YLEuNSfAP+JcXn/tWtIaxVXM\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\"></script>\r\n<div class =\"bd-example\">\r\n<div class=\"accordion\" id=\"accordionExample\">\r\n <div class=\"accordion-item\">\r\n <h2 class=\"accordion-header\" id=\"headingOne\">\r\n <button class=\"accordion-button\" type=\"button\" data-bs-toggle=\"collapse\" data-bs-target=\"#collapseOne\" aria-expanded=\"true\" aria-controls=\"collapseOne\">\r\n Delegate Approval\r\n </button>\r\n </h2>\r\n <div id=\"collapseOne\" class=\"accordion-collapse collapse show\" aria-labelledby=\"headingOne\" data-bs-parent=\"#accordionExample\">\r\n <div class=\"accordion-body\">\r\n <p>To delegate approval tasks to other people, do the following:</p>\r\n <ol>\r\n <li>Select the <b>Delegations</b> tab.</li>\r\n <li>In the <b>To Do</b> pane, click the <b>Delegate</b> icon and select <b>Assign this Task</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\"\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>Enter the name of the person to whom you want to assign the task and then click the tile for that person.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\"\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>Click <b>Assign this Task</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\"\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>Expand the <b>Plus (+)</b> symbol beside the delegation type you just made. In this example, the delegation type is <b>Item</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\"\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <p>You should see the new delegation.</p>\r\n <p><img src=\"\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p> </ol>\r\n <p class = \"bd-callout bd-callout-info\">You can view and assign delegations from the <b>Overview</b>\r\n and <b>Process Steps</b> tabs as well.</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\"accordion-item\">\r\n <h2 class=\"accordion-header\" id=\"headingTwo\">\r\n <button class=\"accordion-button collapsed\" type=\"button\" data-bs-toggle=\"collapse\" data-bs-target=\"#collapseTwo\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-controls=\"collapseTwo\">\r\n Delegate ApprovalApprove Request\r\n </button>\r\n </h2>\r\n <div id=\"collapseTwo\" class=\"accordion-collapse collapse show\" aria-labelledby=\"headingTwoheadingThree\" data-bs-parent=\"#accordionExample\">\r\n <div class=\"accordion-body\">\r\n <p>To delegate approval tasks to other peopleapprove requests, do the following:</p>\r\n <ol>\r\n <li>Click <li>Select the <b>Add<<b>Process Steps</b> button in the grid headertab.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\"\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>Fill in the fields of the Assignment Information pane:\r\n <ul>\r\n <li><b>Assignment Type</b> &ndash; Select <b>Direct</b> or <b>Location</b>.</li>\r\n <li><b>Eligibility Type</b> &ndash; Select <b>Eligible</b>, <b>PreApproved</b>, or <b>Suggested</b>.</li>\r\n <li><b>Resource Type</b> &ndash; Search for and select the type of resource corresponding to the resource for which you are granting eligibility. For example, if you want to grant eligibility for a specific Management Role, you select <em>Management Role</em> as the resource type.</li>\r\n <li><b>Enter a &LeftAngleBracket;Resource Type&RightAngleBracket;Name to Search</b> &ndash; for and select the specific resource to which members of the group are eligible to request. The resource must match the resource type or it will not appear when searching. For example, if you select <em>Management Role</em> as the <em>resource type</em>, you can only search for Management Roles.</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>After entering your information, click <b>Save<<li>In the <b>To Do</b> pane, click the <b>Decision</b> drop-down beside the request you want to approve and then select <b>Approve</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\"\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add other eligibility assignments as needed.</li>\r\n <li>When ready, close the Assignment Information pane and <li>Enter a comment in the <b>Add a decision comment</b> field and then click <b>Submit</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\"\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n </ol>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n <div class = \"accordion-item\">\r\n <h2 class=\"accordion-header\" id=\"headingThree\">\r\n <button class=\"accordion-button collapsed\" type=\"button\" data-bs-toggle=\"collapse\" data-bs-target=\"#collapseThree\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-controls=\"collapseThree\">\r\n Approve Request\r\n </button>\r\n </h2>\r\n <div id=\"collapseThree\" class=\"accordion-collapse collapse\" aria-labelledby=\"headingThree\" data-bs-parent=\"#accordionExample\">\r\n <div class=\"accordion-body\">\r\n <p>To approve requests do the following:</p>\r\n <ol>\r\n <li>Click the <b>Add</b> button in the grid header.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\"\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>Fill in the fields of the Assignment Information pane:\r\n <ul>\r\n <li><b>Mode</b> &ndash; Select <b>Direct</b> or <b>Location</b>.</li>\r\n <li><b>Eligibility Type</b> &ndash; Select <b>Eligible</b>, <b>PreApproved</b>, or <b>Suggested</b>.</li>\r\n <li><b>Resource Type</b> &ndash; Search for and select the type of resource corresponding to the resource for which you are granting eligibility. For example, if you want to grant eligibility for a specific group, you select <em>Group</em> as the resource type.</li>\r\n <li><b>Enter a &LeftAngleBracket;Resource Type&RightAngleBracket;Name to Search</b> &ndash; for and select the specific resource to which members of the group are eligible to request. The resource must match the resource type or it will not appear when searching. For example, if you select <em>Group</em> as the <em>resource type</em>, you can only search for groups.</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>After entering your information, click <b>Save</b>.</li>bd-callout bd-callout-info\">\r\n <p>Before submitting a decision, you can clear it for any task by clicking the <b>Clear</b> button.</p>\r\n <p><img src=\"\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add other eligibility assignments as needed. </li>div>\r\n <li>When ready, close the Assignment Information pane and click <b>Submit</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\"\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\</ol>\r\n </ol>div>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\"accordion-item\">\r\n <h2 class=\"accordion-header\" id=\"headingFourheadingThree\">\r\n <button class=\"accordion-button collapsed\" type=\"button\" data-bs-toggle=\"collapse\" data-bs-target=\"#collapseFour#collapseThree\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-controls=\"collapseFourcollapseThree\">\r\n Reject Request\r\n </button>\r\n </h2>\r\n <div id=\"collapseFourcollapseThree\" class=\"accordion-collapse collapse\" aria-labelledby=\"headingFourheadingThree\" data-bs-parent=\"#accordionExample\">\r\n <div class=\"accordion-body\">\r\n <p>To reject requests, do the following:</p>\r\n <ol>\r\n <li>Click the <b>Add</b> button in the grid header<li>Select the <b>Process Steps</b> tab.</li>\r\n <li>In the <b>To Do</b> pane, click the <b>Decision</b> drop-down beside the request you want to reject and then select <b>Reject</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\"\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>Fill in the fields of the Assignment Information pane:\r\n <ul>\r\n <li><b>Mode</b> &ndash; Select <b>Direct</b> or <b>Location</b>.</li>\r\n <li><b>Eligibility Type</b> &ndash; Select <b>Eligible</b>, <b>PreApproved</b>, or <b>Suggested</b>.</li>\r\n <li><b>Which Type of Assignee for this Policy</b> &ndash; Search for and select the type of resource corresponding to the resource for which you are granting eligibility. For example, if you want to grant all members of a specific group eligibility, you select <em>Group</em> as the resource type.</li>\r\n <li><b>Select &LeftAngleBracket;Resource Type&RightAngleBracket; Name to Search</b> &ndash; Search for and select the specific assignee eligible for access to the group. The assignee must match the assignee type or it will not appear when searching. For example, if you select <em>Group</em> as the assignee type, you can only search for groups.</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>After entering your information, click <b>Save<<li>Enter a comment in the <b>Add a decision comment</b> field and then click <b>Submit</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\"\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add other eligibility assignments as needed.</li><div class = \"bd-callout bd-callout-info\">\r\n <li>When ready, close the Assignment Information pane and click <b>Submit</b><p>Before submitting a decision, you can clear it for any task by clicking the <b>Clear</b> button.</li>p>\r\n <p><img src=\"\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n </ol>div>\r\n </div>ol>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n","javascript":"","css":""}