Versions Compared


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EmpowerID Bot is built flexibly so the settings from your Azure infrastructure can be configured. Provisioning a Bot tenant allows a tenant (i.e., an organization) to supplier provide the appropriate values of its services and configurations to the Bot Service.


  1. To provision, a new tenant, add a new item to the bot config container in bot_database Cosmos DB database created earlier.

  2. Copy-paste the JSON document below as the item value. This document is a starting point for the tenant configuration. Fill in the valid values, as applicable, based on the resources we created in previous steps. The keys and a sample JSON document for configuration are also provided below.

    Code Block
        "document": {
            "Locale": "en-US",
            "TenantId": "[GUID]",
            "WorkflowServiceUrl": "",
            "WebChatUrl": "",
            "WebChatTokenSecretKey": "[Secret Key]",
            "WebChatTokenUrl": "",
            "UserExperience": {
                "MaxProcessTimeInSeconds": "10",
                "MaxRequestTimeoutInSeconds": "3"
            "StateBlobConfig": {
                "ConnectionString": "[Blob connection string]",
                "ConainerName": "[container name]",
                "BlobName": "[blob name]"
            "LuisAI": {
                "AppId": "[Luis App Id]",
                "PredictionKey": "[Luis Prediction key]",
                "PredictionEndpoint": ""
            "StateDatabaseConfig": {
                "CosmosDbEndpoint": "",
                "AuthKey": "[Auth key]",
                "DatabaseId": "bot_database",
                "ContainerId": "conversation",
                "CosmosClientOptions": {
                    "MaxTcpConnectionsPerEndpoint": null,
                    "MaxRequestsPerTcpConnection": null,
                    "OpenTcpConnectionTimeout": null,
                    "IdleTcpConnectionTimeout": null,
                    "MaxRetryWaitTimeOnRateLimitedRequests": null,
                    "MaxRetryAttemptsOnRateLimitedRequests": null,
                    "ConnectionMode": 0,
                    "RequestTimeout": "00:00:00",
                    "GatewayModeMaxConnectionLimit": 0,
                    "ApplicationRegion": null,
                    "ApplicationName": null,
                    "ConsistencyLevel": null
                "ContainerThroughput": 400,
                "KeySuffix": null,
                "CompatibilityMode": false
            "TemplateDatabaseConfig": {
                "CosmosDbEndpoint": "",
                "AuthKey": "[Auth key]",
                "DatabaseId": "bot_database",
                "ContainerId": "templates",
                "CosmosClientOptions": {
                    "MaxTcpConnectionsPerEndpoint": null,
                    "MaxRequestsPerTcpConnection": null,
                    "OpenTcpConnectionTimeout": null,
                    "IdleTcpConnectionTimeout": null,
                    "MaxRetryWaitTimeOnRateLimitedRequests": null,
                    "MaxRetryAttemptsOnRateLimitedRequests": null,
                    "ConnectionMode": 0,
                    "RequestTimeout": "00:00:00",
                    "GatewayModeMaxConnectionLimit": 0,
                    "ApplicationRegion": null,
                    "ApplicationName": null,
                    "ConsistencyLevel": null
                "ContainerThroughput": 400,
                "KeySuffix": null,
                "CompatibilityMode": false
            "OAuthConfig": {
                "ApiKey": "[Api Key]",
                "ClientID": "[Client ID]",
                "Secret": "[Client Secret]",
                "TokenInfoUrl": "",
                "TokenUrl": "",
                "AuthorizeUrl": "",
                "UserInfoUrl": "",
                "RevokeUrl": ""
            "AppSettingsJson64": null,
            "BaseWorkflow": "BotBaseWorkflow",
            "AuthWorkflow": "BotAuthWorkflow",
            "AskToSeeTemplate": "AskToSeeTemplate",
            "AskToSeeCardTemplate": "AskToSee",
            "id": "botsvcconfig_[GUID]"
        "realId": "botsvcconfig_[GUID]",
        "id": "botsvcconfig_[GUID]",
        "PartitionKey": "botsvcconfig_[GUID]"
