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Provisioning a Bot Tenant

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Provisioning a Bot tenant allows a tenant (i.e., an organization) to supplier its services and configurations to the Bot Service.

  1. To provision a new tenant, add a new item to the bot config container in bot_database Cosmos DB database created earlier.

  2. Copy-paste the JSON document below as the item value. This document is a starting point for the tenant configuration. Fill in the valid values, as applicable, based on the resources we created in previous steps. The keys and a sample JSON document for configuration are also provided below.

        "document": {
            "Locale": "en-US",
            "TenantId": "[GUID]",
            "WorkflowServiceUrl": "",
            "WebChatUrl": "",
            "WebChatTokenSecretKey": "[Secret Key]",
            "WebChatTokenUrl": "",
            "UserExperience": {
                "MaxProcessTimeInSeconds": "10",
                "MaxRequestTimeoutInSeconds": "3"
            "StateBlobConfig": {
                "ConnectionString": "[Blob connection string]",
                "ConainerName": "[container name]",
                "BlobName": "[blob name]"
            "LuisAI": {
                "AppId": "[Luis App Id]",
                "PredictionKey": "[Luis Prediction key]",
                "PredictionEndpoint": ""
            "StateDatabaseConfig": {
                "CosmosDbEndpoint": "",
                "AuthKey": "[Auth key]",
                "DatabaseId": "bot_database",
                "ContainerId": "conversation",
                "CosmosClientOptions": {
                    "MaxTcpConnectionsPerEndpoint": null,
                    "MaxRequestsPerTcpConnection": null,
                    "OpenTcpConnectionTimeout": null,
                    "IdleTcpConnectionTimeout": null,
                    "MaxRetryWaitTimeOnRateLimitedRequests": null,
                    "MaxRetryAttemptsOnRateLimitedRequests": null,
                    "ConnectionMode": 0,
                    "RequestTimeout": "00:00:00",
                    "GatewayModeMaxConnectionLimit": 0,
                    "ApplicationRegion": null,
                    "ApplicationName": null,
                    "ConsistencyLevel": null
                "ContainerThroughput": 400,
                "KeySuffix": null,
                "CompatibilityMode": false
            "TemplateDatabaseConfig": {
                "CosmosDbEndpoint": "",
                "AuthKey": "[Auth key]",
                "DatabaseId": "bot_database",
                "ContainerId": "templates",
                "CosmosClientOptions": {
                    "MaxTcpConnectionsPerEndpoint": null,
                    "MaxRequestsPerTcpConnection": null,
                    "OpenTcpConnectionTimeout": null,
                    "IdleTcpConnectionTimeout": null,
                    "MaxRetryWaitTimeOnRateLimitedRequests": null,
                    "MaxRetryAttemptsOnRateLimitedRequests": null,
                    "ConnectionMode": 0,
                    "RequestTimeout": "00:00:00",
                    "GatewayModeMaxConnectionLimit": 0,
                    "ApplicationRegion": null,
                    "ApplicationName": null,
                    "ConsistencyLevel": null
                "ContainerThroughput": 400,
                "KeySuffix": null,
                "CompatibilityMode": false
            "OAuthConfig": {
                "ApiKey": "[Api Key]",
                "ClientID": "[Client ID]",
                "Secret": "[Client Secret]",
                "TokenInfoUrl": "",
                "TokenUrl": "",
                "AuthorizeUrl": "",
                "UserInfoUrl": "",
                "RevokeUrl": ""
            "AppSettingsJson64": null,
            "BaseWorkflow": "BotBaseWorkflow",
            "AuthWorkflow": "BotAuthWorkflow",
            "AskToSeeTemplate": "AskToSeeTemplate",
            "AskToSeeCardTemplate": "AskToSee",
            "id": "botsvcconfig_[GUID]"
        "realId": "botsvcconfig_[GUID]",
        "id": "botsvcconfig_[GUID]",
        "PartitionKey": "botsvcconfig_[GUID]"




Specifies the Locale the Bot Service should use for this tenant, e.g., en-US


Specifies the Tenant ID. This is the Azure AD Tenant ID for your Microsoft Teams


Specifies the EmpowerID Workflow Service URL, where your Botflows reside.


Specifies the URL to the Web Chat Bot application


Specifies the Direct Line Secret Key


Specifies Microsoft Direct Line Token URL (leave this unchanged to


Use the UserExperience settings to specify the max time the service should wait to timeout request and notify the user upon completion.

  • MaxProcessTimeInSeconds

  • MaxRequestTimeoutInSeconds


Use the StateBlobConfig settings to specify the Blob Storage Account, Container, and Blob where Non-JSON state data may be stored.

  • ConnectionString: Blob connection string

  • ConainerName: Container name

  • BlobName: Blob Name


Use the LuisAI settings to specify the configuration for Luis AI.


Use the StateDatabaseConfig settings to specify the Cosmos DB storage, where JSON state data may be stored.

  • CosmosDbEndpoint: Specifies the Cosmos DB URL

  • AuthKey: Specifies the Cosmos DB Auth Key

  • DatabaseId: Specifies the Database

  • ContainerId: Specifies the Conversation Container

  • CosmosClientOptions: Specifies the default client connection options (leave as is)


Use the TemplateDatabaseConfig settings to specify the Cosmos DB storage, where the Adaptive Card Templates the Bot Service are stored.

  • CosmosDbEndpoint: URL of the Cosmos DB endpoint.

  • AuthKey: Authkey to access the Cosmos DB.

  • DatabaseId: Name of the database, “bot_database“.

  • ContainerId: Container containing the template json , “templates“.

  • CosmosClientOptions: Specifies the default client connection options (leave as is).


Leave as is.


Leave as is.


Leave as is.


Use the OAuthConfig settings to specify OAuth Server information. The settings here are self-explanatory. The ApiKey, ClientID, and Secret will come from the ‘Mobile Client & Chat Bot Application’ app in EmpowerID.

  • ApiKey: Api Key

  • ClientID: Client ID

  • Secret: Client Secret

  • TokenInfoUrl

  • TokenUrl

  • AuthorizeUrl

  • UserInfoUrl

  • RevokeUrl


Leave this setting unchanged to null.


Specifies the Base Botflow for the tenant.


Specifies the Bot Login Flow for the tenant.


Specifies CosmosDB item ID of the Ask to see template.


Specifies Card Template ID of the Ask to see template.


Specify the ID of the current JSON document.

Notice the naming convention (i.e., botsvcconfig_TenantID). Tenant ID of the tenant the Microsoft Teams is installed on.


Specifies the ID of the current JSON document in the realId, id, and PartitionKey.

Notice the naming convention (i.e., botsvcconfig_TenantID). Tenant ID of the tenant the Microsoft Teams is installed on.



Notice the naming convention (i.e., botsvcconfig_TenantID). Tenant ID of the tenant the Microsoft Teams is installed on.



Notice the naming convention (i.e., botsvcconfig_TenantID). Tenant ID of the tenant the Microsoft Teams is installed on.

A sample configuration for the tenant, as an example, is provided below.

    "document": {
        "Locale": "en-US",
        "TenantId": "0d8be8a9-3e46-4c80-8e50-4a1f7285c7c2",
        "WorkflowServiceUrl": "",
        "WebChatUrl": "",
        "WebChatTokenSecretKey": "wE9j-bT5z9Q.eHGZe-citiqQ3dxyu_Y9zJ5zX02MZcPu-zDBKy4c2_g",
        "WebChatTokenUrl": "",
        "UserExperience": {
            "MaxProcessTimeInSeconds": "10",
            "MaxRequestTimeoutInSeconds": "3"
        "StateBlobConfig": {
            "ConnectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=eidazurejobengine;AccountKey=kNGSID50BEmwdInwNwbOyFmzrO+M/PggUHkSU5Nb9xq/ACzFj0CWn4H5SNALMY17TKJFz7qbnVa8qojP25dVhw==;",
            "ConainerName": "bot",
            "BlobName": "data"
        "LuisAI": {
            "AppId": "67d4f5cd-73b4-4034-8789-d6872bd15b42",
            "PredictionKey": "93a84538b63241718022c9994d83a46c",
            "PredictionEndpoint": ""
        "StateDatabaseConfig": {
            "CosmosDbEndpoint": "",
            "AuthKey": "XVnMCpGNYobjpqJrVQbQS9vnBAx8oYDCPEwGLNjUddZnctob9jDP8aROR5d3IN4pO8SvXEglKIu92xJVBhOscQ==",
            "DatabaseId": "botdb",
            "ContainerId": "botdb",
            "CosmosClientOptions": {
                "MaxTcpConnectionsPerEndpoint": null,
                "MaxRequestsPerTcpConnection": null,
                "OpenTcpConnectionTimeout": null,
                "IdleTcpConnectionTimeout": null,
                "MaxRetryWaitTimeOnRateLimitedRequests": null,
                "MaxRetryAttemptsOnRateLimitedRequests": null,
                "ConnectionMode": 0,
                "RequestTimeout": "00:00:00",
                "GatewayModeMaxConnectionLimit": 0,
                "ApplicationRegion": null,
                "ApplicationName": null,
                "ConsistencyLevel": null
            "ContainerThroughput": 400,
            "KeySuffix": null,
            "CompatibilityMode": false
        "TemplateDatabaseConfig": {
            "CosmosDbEndpoint": "",
            "AuthKey": "XVnMCpGNYobjpqJrVQbQS9vnBAx8oYDCPEwGLNjUddZnctob9jDP8aROR5d3IN4pO8SvXEglKIu92xJVBhOscQ==",
            "DatabaseId": "botdb",
            "ContainerId": "bottemplates",
            "CosmosClientOptions": {
                "MaxTcpConnectionsPerEndpoint": null,
                "MaxRequestsPerTcpConnection": null,
                "OpenTcpConnectionTimeout": null,
                "IdleTcpConnectionTimeout": null,
                "MaxRetryWaitTimeOnRateLimitedRequests": null,
                "MaxRetryAttemptsOnRateLimitedRequests": null,
                "ConnectionMode": 0,
                "RequestTimeout": "00:00:00",
                "GatewayModeMaxConnectionLimit": 0,
                "ApplicationRegion": null,
                "ApplicationName": null,
                "ConsistencyLevel": null
            "ContainerThroughput": 400,
            "KeySuffix": null,
            "CompatibilityMode": false
        "OAuthConfig": {
            "ApiKey": "7c90d994-7f94-47b3-8d63-4dfefd4ba389",
            "ClientID": "b1ac3974-488b-40bc-ba52-e9cc81b74d68",
            "Secret": "C1Gorhadn3btvsZlzvBl7DwQnwoW4N",
            "TokenInfoUrl": "",
            "TokenUrl": "",
            "AuthorizeUrl": "",
            "UserInfoUrl": "",
            "RevokeUrl": ""
        "AppSettingsJson64": null,
        "BaseWorkflow": "BotBaseWorkflow",
        "AuthWorkflow": "BotAuthWorkflow",
        "AskToSeeTemplate": "AskToSeeTemplate",
        "AskToSeeCardTemplate": "AskToSee",
        "CreatedDateTimeUtc": "2020-12-31T04:19:57.4223927Z",
        "id": "botsvcconfig_0d8be8a9-3e46-4c80-8e50-4a1f7285c7c2"
    "realId": "botsvcconfig_0d8be8a9-3e46-4c80-8e50-4a1f7285c7c2",
    "id": "botsvcconfig_0d8be8a9-3e46-4c80-8e50-4a1f7285c7c2",
    "PartitionKey": "botsvcconfig_0d8be8a9-3e46-4c80-8e50-4a1f7285c7c2"

In the next step, we will configure the ask to see command.

Configuring the Ask to See Commands

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