The Onboard Person wizard workflow incorporates numerous customizable parameters, allowing you to modify the fields displayed to users running the workflow and to determine whether human approval is needed before EmpowerID fulfills the request and provisions the person. The table below lists these parameters. By customizing these parameters, you can tailor the onboarding experience to best suit your organization's needs and preferences. In this example, we set the SendForApproval parameter to false.
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title | View Workflow Parameters |
Parameter | Description |
CreationModeListDataItemTypeName | This is a list that contains the available modes for onboarding people. | EmailMessageIdForMgtRoles | Integer that specifies the email message to be sent to all members belonging to the target Management Roles. | EmailMessageIdForNewPerson | Integer that specifies the email message to be sent to the newly onboarded person. | EmailMessageIdForPersonManager | Integer that specifies the email message to be sent to the manager of the newly onboarded person. | IsAssignGroupMembership_IsVisible | Boolean value that determines whether the Assign Group membership section of the workflow is visible to users. | IsAssignMgmtRoleBundleMembership_IsVisible | Boolean value that determines whether the Assign Management Role Bundle Membership section of the workflow is visible to users. | IsAssignObjectVisibilityAccessRoles_IsVisible | Boolean value that determines whether the Assign Visibility Access Role section is visible to users. | IsAssignPreApprovedMgmtRole_IsVisible | Boolean value to determine whether the Assign Pre-Approved Management Roles section of the workflow is visible to users. | IsAssignRbacOperationAccessRoles_IsVisible | Boolean value to determine whether the Assign RBAC Operation Access Roles section of the workflow is visible to users. | IsAssignSecondaryRoleAndLocation_IsVisible | Boolean value to determine whether the Assign Secondary Role and Location section of the workflow is visible to users. | IsAssignUIAccessRoles_IsVisible | Boolean value that determines whether the Assign UI Access Roles section of the workflow is visible to users. | IsAutoGeneratePassword_IsVisible | Boolean value that specifies whether the Auto Generate Password option is visible to users. | OnboardPersonCreationMode_ItemSetName | Specifies the List Item Set Name containing the creation modes presented to users running the workflow. | OnboardPersonPropertiesToClone | Specifies the properties to clone from a selected person to the new person when running the workflow in Create Person From Another mode. Default properties include: LastName FirstName Address.City Address.State
| PersonPropertiesToClone | Specifies the properties to clone from a selected person to the new person when running the workflow in Create Person From Another mode. Default properties include: Name Address ManagerInfo PrimaryLocationAndRole OrganizationBasicInfo OrganizationContactInfo
| SendForApproval | Boolean value that specifies whether the onboarding request needs to be routed for human approval before the systems provisions the new person. |