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Each Flow Item has an Item Type Action associated with it that specifies , specifying the exact task to be performedexecuted. For instance, “Bulk Remove Person Group Membership” might be an Item Type Action assigned to a Flow Item. This action suggests that, as part of responding to a specific Flow Event, the system should remove a person from multiple group memberships.


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Flow Policies

Within the The No Code Flows framework of EmpowerID , Flow Policies are the command center that connects specific events to appropriate automated actions, leveraging the power of Flow Definitions. Flow Policies essentially constitute the rule set of No Code Flows. They define which Flow Definitions (i.e., the sequence of Flow Items) should be triggered based on the occurrence of particular Flow Events. The policies allow multiple rules to be defined for the same event, providing flexibility and responsiveness to dynamic organizational needs.For example, an organization might have different operates through a central mechanism known as Flow Policies. These policies form a bridge between particular events and their corresponding automated responses, facilitated by Flow Definitions. As the core rule set for No Code Flows, Flow Policies specify which Flow Definitions to trigger in response to certain Flow Events.

Moreover, these policies offer the ability to create numerous rules for a single event, allowing for adaptability and quick response to changing organizational requirements. For example, a company might have distinct procedures for when an internal employee leaves exits versus when an external consultant's contract ends. A concludes. The organization can establish a unique Flow Policy can be set up for “internal leavers,” which triggers a specific set of Flow Items, like for each circumstance in such cases. An "internal departures" policy might entail disabling access to certain select internal systems, while whereas a different policy could be set for “external leavers,” which could trigger another set of Flow Items, like for "external departures" could involve revoking temporary access rightspermissions.


Customizable to Your Organization's Needs


Approval Flow Policies are used to direct Business Requests to the appropriate people for approval. For example, if a person changes their location within the organization, that change could be routed to the person’s manager for approval before certain resources are allocated to that person. If the Business Request is linked to an Approval Flow policy, the request could route for approval based on the assigned policies or be overridden and execute executed without requiring approval, such as might be the case in the event of person-leaver events.

Fulfillment Workflows

These workflows outline the procedure to be followed when a request item is approved, auto-approved by the system, or rejected, detailing the execution process for each scenario. Fulfillment Workflows are triggered once the Approval Flow policy has been completed and a decision has been made. Based on the outcome of the Approval Flow policy, different fulfillment workflow branches may be triggered to execute specific task tasks or activities in response to an approved or rejected request. This could include updating information in systems of record, sending notifications to stakeholders, or performing post-decision activities.
