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To create a No Code Flow in your organization, it's important to understand the specific business process that needs to be automated. This could be anything from the process of an employee leaving (known as "off-boarding") to another organizational procedure. Defining this process is the first step. Once that's complete, you'll need to create a Flow Definition – essentially a blueprint that outlines the exact sequence of actions required for the specified scenario. In this article, we'll walk you through the process of crafting creating a Flow Definition step-by-step, providing you with all the tools and knowledge you need to effortlessly translate your organizational needs into an automated No Code Flow.

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editorValue{"editorValue":{"version":1,"type":"doc","content":[{"type":"panel","attrs":{"panelType":"success"},"content":[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"Before beginning, familiarize yourself with the key components of No Code Flows:"}]},{"type":"bulletList","content":[{"type":"listItem","content":[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"Flow Events","marks":[{"type":"strong"}]},{"type":"text","text":": Triggers that initiate a sequence of actions."}]}]},{"type":"listItem","content":[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"Flow Policies","marks":[{"type":"strong"}]},{"type":"text","text":": Rules that connect specific Flow Events to automated responses via Flow Definitions."}]}]},{"type":"listItem","content":[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"Flow Definitions & Flow Items","marks":[{"type":"strong"}]},{"type":"text","text":": Sets of instructions that define the sequence of actions to be taken."}]}]}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[]}]}}


  1. Navigate to the Find Business Request Flow page by expanding the Low Code/No Code Workflow section and selecting No Code Flows from the navbar.

  2. Click the New Flow Definition button.

  3. Enter the details for the Flow Definition:

    • Name – Name of the Flow Definition, such as “Employee Offboarding.”

    • Display Name – Name of the Flow Definition that appears in the UI

    • Locale Key (Unique Name) – Optional setting used to set the locale key for the Flow Definition name

    • Description – Description of the Flow Definition

    • Locale Key For Description – Optional setting used to set the locale key for the Flow Definition description

    • BR Generation SPROC – This specifies the stored procedure to be used to convert the Flow Definition into a Business Request with Business Request Items for each Flow Item in the definition. Leave this setting at the default value (BusinessRequest_GenerateBusinessRequestFlowDefinitionRequest)

    • Business Request Type – Select the Business Request Type for the Flow Definition, such as “Person Leaver.”

    • Is Shipping Data – Internally used

  4. Click Save.
    You should see the new Flow Definition in the Flow Definitions tab of the Find Business Request Flow page.

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Now that you have created the Flow Definition for the No Code Flow, the next step is to create Flow Items (the individual actions you want to occur for the flow). Once created, you will add them to the Flow Definition.


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Step 2 – Create Flow Items

Next, create the Flow Items to be executed when the Flow Definition is triggered.

  1. Navigate to the Find Business Request Flow page and select the Flow Items (Activities) tab.

  2. Click the New Flow Item button.

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  3. Enter the details for the Flow Item:

    • Item Type Action – Select the Item Type Action that represents what is to occur when the Flow Item executes. For example, if you want the Person account to be disabled, select “Disable Person.”

    • Scope Type (How to Get Items) – Select the scope for the Flow Item. For example, to set the scope type for the Flow Item to people, select “Person Resource.”

    • Item Collection Filter – Optional setting

    • Threshold Item Count – Number for the item count threshold, such as 200.

    • Name – Name for the Flow Item, such as “Person Disable.”

    • Display Name – Name of the Flow Item in the EmpowerID UI.

    • Description – Description of the Flow Item

    • Locale Key For Description – Optional setting used to set the locale key for the Flow Definition description

    • BR Generation SPROC – Leave at the default value (BusinessRequest_GenerateBusinessRequestFlowDefinitionRequest)

    • Business Request Type – Select the Business Request Type for the Flow Definition, such as “Person Leaver.”

    • Is Shipping Data – Internally used

Step 2 – Add Flow Items to the Flow Definition

Next, add specific tasks to the Flow Definition. These tasks, known as Flow Items, will be executed in sequence when the Flow Definition is triggered.

  1. Locate the Flow Definition you created and click the Name link for it.

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    This opens the View One page for the Flow Definition. View One pages are designed to facilitate the viewing and management of their corresponding objects in EmpowerID.

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  2. Click the Add (blue star) button in the Flow Items and Sequence accordion.

  3. Begin adding the necessary Flow Items, such as "Disable User Account," "Remove from Groups," and "Archive Email." The specific Flow Items will depend on your organization's offboarding process.

Step 3 – Configure the Flow Items

Each Flow Item consists of several parameters, including the Item Type Action, Item Scope Type, and the Item Collection Query. Configuring these parameters will define the specific actions to be taken, where they should be performed and the resources they should impact.

  1. Specify the Item Type Action for each Flow Item, such as "Disable Person" for the "Disable User Account" Flow Item.

  2. Next, define the Item Scope Type. For example, "All Accounts for Person" would mean the action applies to all accounts associated with the employee.

  3. Finally, set the Item Collection Query. This SQL statement defines the resources the Flow Item should affect. For instance, you might retrieve all user accounts owned by the employee for the "Disable User Account" Flow Item.

Step 4 – Define a Flow Event

The Flow Event is a specific incident or condition that triggers the Flow Definition. The Flow Event would likely be an employee termination notice for an offboarding process.

  1. Navigate to the Flow Events module and select 'New Flow Event.'

  2. Name the Flow Event, for example, "Employee Departure."

  3. Configure any additional parameters as required by your organization's offboarding process.

Step 5: Establish a Flow Policy

The Flow Policy links the Flow Event to the Flow Definition, indicating which actions should be taken in response to the specified event.

  1. Navigate to the Flow Policies module and select 'New Flow Policy.'

  2. Link the "Employee Departure" Flow Event to the "Employee Offboarding" Flow Definition.

  3. Adjust any additional policy settings as necessary.

With these steps, you have successfully set up an automated process for handling employee departures. The No Code Flow will now automatically execute the specified offboarding process whenever an "Employee Departure" event is triggered.
