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In a today’s complex business environmentlandscape, risk management means systematically identifying, assessing, and controlling threats that could negatively impact a company's IT resources. The ultimate goal is to keep your business running smoothly and ensure "compliant access."Compliant access involves minimizing potential risks when granting access to company resources, such as computer systems, applications, and software, in line with set guidelines and policies. It means giving access that is appropriate to an employee's role based on company rules about risk. Regulatory rules, industry standards, and company procedures help define what is considered effective risk management is essential to safeguard IT resources and ensure uninterrupted operations. EmpowerID’s risk management approach identifies and mitigates potential threats and ensures that access to systems remains compliant with regulatory requirements, industry standards, and organizational policies.

What is Compliant Access?

Compliant access refers to aligning access permissions with an employee’s role while ensuring adherence to regulatory standards, industry guidelines, and internal policies. This approach categorizes access as acceptable, risky, or non-compliant based on the alignment with these predefined criteria, thereby minimizing the risk of unauthorized or excessive access.

Challenges with Traditional Risk Management

Many businesses today struggle with managing enterprise risks spread Traditional risk management methods often struggle to keep up with the complexity of managing access across multiple cloud-based and on-premise systems. Overlapping system access often creates these risks. Therefore, companies need a deep understanding of access rights can lead to excessive permissions, increasing the risk of security breaches. To effectively manage these risks, companies must thoroughly understand the permissions model for every application they use to prevent users from having too much access and increasing risk. EmpowerID steps in to solve this problem with a comprehensive Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) connector library that integrates different permissions models, thereby lowering risk and enhancing understanding of system access.However, , ensuring that access remains tightly controlled.

EmpowerID’s Approach to Bridging Gaps

Despite the technical prowess of many Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions primarily focus on technical aspects of access control and lack a model that connects , they often fail to link system entitlements to business processes in a user-friendly waymanner. For example, in an SAP system, take the creation of entitlement to create a purchase order in SAP. In this system, entitlements are is represented by TCodes, with the TCode for creating a purchase order being ME21N. While this may be clear to application specialists may be familiar with the TCode's significance, numerous business users likely are not. EmpowerID's risk management approach aims to bridge this gap, it can confuse business users. EmpowerID addresses this gap by translating complex entitlements into easily understandable terms, thus enhancing both transparency and control.

EmpowerID Risk Management Strategy

Tailoring Risk Management


to Organizational Needs

EmpowerID acknowledges recognizes that each organization has a unique way of defining its processes and policies. Therefore, it offers a risk management solution that caters to this uniqueness, making it easier to understand for non-technical audiences while maintaining necessary technical detail unique process definitions and policy needs. It tailors its risk management solutions to accommodate these characteristics, simplifying complex terminologies into plain language for business users while preserving the necessary technical details for IT professionals.




ModelEmpowerID understands that every business consists of processes performed continuously

Models in Risk Management

Understanding that businesses operate through continuous processes to deliver products or services. It simplifies complex technical terms into plain language for business users by breaking , EmpowerID breaks down these processes into smaller, manageable "business-defined activities" that a person can perform.

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Function Mapping

These "functions" ." These activities are then mapped to specific rights and roles in a process, which is within the system, a practice known as "function mapping." This mapping clarifies roles and responsibilities and enhances visibility into potential risk areas.

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Function Mapping and Risk Management

EmpowerID distinguishes between global functions (actions users can perform in multiple applications, such as “create groups”) and local functions (actions users can perform within a specific location, such as “create groups in Azure Tenant X). Function mapping links business users to global rights, roles, and specific entities or systems.

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Understanding Risks

functions—actions performable in multiple applications—and local functions—actions specific to a location or application. These functions are linked to global and local risks, respectively. Global risks might include actions like "Create Purchase Order," which are standardized across the organization. In contrast, local risks pertain to actions within specific applications, such as creating a purchase order in a particular SAP environment.

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Understanding and Managing Risks

Define Risk Policies

Organizations establish risk policies to that define critical or sensitive functions within their IT infrastructure and identify toxic combinations or Segregation of Duties (SOD) violations. Risks can vary These risks range from users having access to high-risk functions unrelated to their daily tasks to users having the ability to perform end-to-end functions within an application. Risks consist of risk rules, which are the functions added to the risk. A risk can have multiple functions as needed, but it ; a risk must have at least one function for the risk engine to calculate the risk rules. (evaluate it, while SOD risks require a minimum of two – a functions—a risk function and a risk-segregated function.) Risks can be both global and local.

Global and Local Risks

Global risks represent actions that users can perform in one or more applications considered potentially risky by an organization. As a result, global risks map to global functions that define the specific rights and roles, granting users the ability to perform those actionsthat an organization considers potentially risky. For example, a global risk named "Create Purchase Order" could be mapped would map to a global function – known as a risk function – also named "Create Purchase Order." When the risk engine compiles a global risk, it returns all users with the risk functions.

Local Risks

Local risks represent actions that users can perform within a specific location or application instance considered potentially risky by an organization. In EmpowerID, local risks are added to global risks to logically connect the generic actions specified by global risk policies to the actual entities, systems, and locations where users can perform them. An example of a local risk would be "Create Purchase Order in SAP Prod" mapped to a global risk named "Create Purchase Order." When the risk engine compiles a local risk, it returns all users with those risk functions as violations.of the same name, enabling the risk engine to identify all users capable of performing this action. Local risks, on the other hand, are tied to specific applications or locations and are often added to global risks to provide more granular control.

Risk Rules

Risk rules are the functions added to a risk. A risk can have multiple functions as required, but it must have at least one for the risk engine to calculate the risk rulesrule. ( SOD risks require a minimum of two – a two—one risk function and a one risk-segregated function.)

Risk Violations


and Controls

Risk EmpowerID’s risk management controls are typically classified as either Preventative or Detective. Preventative controls involve real-time checks that take place when access is requested or assigned to determine if the assignments breach any risk policies. EmpowerID uses preventative controls to enable users requesting access to a resource in the IAM Shop to see any risk policy violations their access request might cause before submitting it. In such cases, users must acknowledge the violations to continue with the access request.

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When violations like those mentioned above are identified and submitted for approval, the requests undergo an additional layer of approval by risk owners. These risk owners can either accept the risk and implement mitigating controls or reject the risk and deny the access assignment. Preventative controls are easier to implement, as the risk engine focuses on a smaller data set derived from newly assigned items and the recipient's current access.

Detective Controls

Detective controls are more data and processing-intensive for the risk management system. Every day, thousands of access and attribute changes can occur across hundreds of an organization's on-premise or cloud systems outside the control of the risk management system. These changes often produce ripple effects, leading to larger changes driven by inherited policies and users' lifecycle events, resulting in the readjustment of their access. Therefore, new risk violations must be "detected" by the engine, which is only possible by continuously reanalyzing all the access, attribute, and entitlement data collected from external systems. EmpowerID adopts a big data approach to this complex challenge, boiling down the net results of all these access assignments to detect violations obtained even through multiple disconnected inheritance hierarchies and dynamic policies. The EmpowerID engine also captures a complete picture of how the user triggers the violation and the roles or entitlements from which they receive the Segregated Business Functions.

Risk Owner Decisions

Whether detected by preventative or detective risk controls, violations of risk policies must be routed to risk owners, who must decide whether to allow the user to obtain or keep the offending access. If EmpowerID discovers users violating the risk rules for a local risk (they have one or more risk functions defined by the local risk), it flags the violations and sends them to risk owners for approval, mitigation, or remediation. Risk violations are logged and tracked, alerting risk owners of pending violations awaiting their decision. Risk owners can analyze all aspects of how the risky access was obtained and decide whether to allow the risk and add optional mitigating controls or opt for the violation to be corrected and the risky access removed.

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divided into two main categories: Preventative Controls and Detective Controls:

  • Preventative Controls operate in real-time during access requests, alerting users to potential policy breaches before they can proceed. This proactive approach helps prevent non-compliant actions from occurring.

  • Detective Controls work by reanalyzing all access and attribute changes on a scheduled basis, identifying any new risk violations that may have arisen since the last analysis. This ensures that all risks are continuously monitored and managed.

When a violation is detected during a user's shopping experience, EmpowerID immediately presents the violation within the shopping cart interface. Users are then prompted to decide whether to proceed with the request, acknowledging the potential risk, or to cancel the request to avoid the violation. This process allows users to make informed decisions while maintaining compliance with organizational policies.

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Risk Owner Decisions

Violations detected through preventative or detective means are routed to risk owners, who decide whether risky access should be allowed or denied. Risk owners analyze how the access was obtained and decide on potential mitigation or correction actions. This proactive approach ensures that all access within the organization adheres to established risk policies and maintains the security integrity of the IT environment.

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EmpowerID’s risk management approach combines detailed technical controls with simple, business-focused explanations. This ensures that enterprises can maintain strict access controls while increasing understanding and management of these controls across all organizational levels. As businesses evolve and new threats emerge, leveraging EmpowerID’s comprehensive risk management strategies will be crucial to protecting sensitive data and systems, ultimately promoting strong compliance and operational integrity.

View Risk Violations

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textNext Steps


  • Map Global Functions

  • Create Local Functions

  • Map Rights to Local Functions

  • Create Global Risks

  • Add Risk Rules to Global Risks

  • Create Local Risks

  • Add Risk Rules to Local Risks

  • Create Mitigating Controls

  • Add Mitigating Controls to Risks

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    Risk Management Tasks

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