Versions Compared


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  • Create Person Simple Mode – This option allows non-technical users to initiate creating a new person, requiring minimal information to be supplied, such as the new person's First Name, Last Name, and primary Business Role and Location.

  • Create Person Advanced Mode – This option requires more information and provides more configuration options, such as assigning the new person to one or more Management Roles and groups.

  • Create Person From Another Mode – This option allows you to create a person using another person as a template for the new person.




contentByMode{"html":"<!doctype html>\r\n<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-EVSTQN3/azprG1Anm3QDgpJLIm9Nao0Yz1ztcQTwFspd3yD65VohhpuuCOmLASjC\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\">\r\n<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\">\r\n<script src=\"\" integrity=\"sha384-MrcW6ZMFYlzcLA8Nl+NtUVF0sA7MsXsP1UyJoMp4YLEuNSfAP+JcXn/tWtIaxVXM\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\"></script>\r\n <p class = \"bd-callout bd-callout-info\">If the person being created is assigned to a Business Role and Location where a Resource Entitlement is in place, the person will receive all resources specified by the policy.</p>","javascript":"","css":""}

Onboard people

  1. On the navbar, expand Identity Administration and select People.

  2. In the Actions pane of the Find Person page, click the Onboard Person action.

    This initiates the Onboard Person workflow.

    Image Removed

  3. Select the desired creation mode and follow the wizard to onboard the new person.


Include Page
IL:New Resource Snippets
IL:New Resource Snippets

The workflow used to onboard people is the OnboardPerson workflow. This workflow has a number of parameters that you can configure to alter the fields that appear when onboarding people, as well as settings that determine whether human approval is required before EmpowerID fulfills the request and provisions the person. These parameters are listed in the below table.

titleView Parameters




This is a list that contains the available modes for onboarding people.


Integer that specifies the email message to be sent to all members belonging to the target Management Roles.


Integer that specifies the email message to be sent to the newly onboarded person.


Integer that specifies the email message to be sent to the manager of the newly onboarded person.


Boolean value that determines whether the Assign Group membership section of the workflow is visible to users.


Boolean value that determines whether the Assign Management Role Bundle Membership section of the workflow is visible to users.


Boolean value that determines whether the Assign Visibility Access Role section is visible to users.


Boolean value to determine whether the Assign Pre-Approved Management Roles section of the workflow is visible to users.


Boolean value to determine whether the Assign RBAC Operation Access Roles section of the workflow is visible to users.


Boolean value to determine whether the Assign Secondary Role and Location section of the workflow is visible to users.


 Boolean value that determines whether the Assign UI Access Roles section of the workflow is visible to users.


Boolean value that specifies whether the Auto Generate Password option is visible to users.


Specifies the List Item Set Name containing the creation modes presented to users running the workflow.


Specifies the properties to clone from a selected person to the new person when running the workflow in Create Person From Another mode. Default properties include:

  • LastName

  • FirstName

  • Address.City

  • Address.State


Specifies the properties to clone from a selected person to the new person when running the workflow in Create Person From Another mode. Default properties include:

  • Name

  • Address

  • ManagerInfo

  • PrimaryLocationAndRole

  • OrganizationBasicInfo

  • OrganizationContactInfo


Boolean value that specifies whether the onboarding request needs to be routed for human approval before the systems provisions the new person.

Easy html macro
contentByMode{"html":"<!doctype html>\r\n<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-EVSTQN3/azprG1Anm3QDgpJLIm9Nao0Yz1ztcQTwFspd3yD65VohhpuuCOmLASjC\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\">\r\n<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\">\r\n<script src=\"\" integrity=\"sha384-MrcW6ZMFYlzcLA8Nl+NtUVF0sA7MsXsP1UyJoMp4YLEuNSfAP+JcXn/tWtIaxVXM\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\"></script>\r\n<style>\r\n.nav {\r\n border: 1px solid #C1C1C8;\r\n border-style: none none none none;\r\n padding: 0;\r\n margin: 12px 0 32px;\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-wrap: nowrap;\r\n overflow: auto;\r\n \r\n}\r\n .nav-link {\r\n background: transparent !important;\r\n color: gray\r\n}\r\ {\r\n background: aliceblue !important;\r\n color: blue !important;\r\n border-bottom: 2px solid #1662DD !important;\r\n border-radius: 0px !important;\r\n}\r\n</style>\r\n<script src=\"\" integrity=\"sha384-MrcW6ZMFYlzcLA8Nl+NtUVF0sA7MsXsP1UyJoMp4YLEuNSfAP+JcXn/tWtIaxVXM\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\"></script>\r\n <ul class=\"nav nav-pills mb-3\" id=\"pills-tab\" role=\"tablist\">\r\n <li class=\"nav-item\" role=\"presentation\">\r\n <button class=\"nav-link active\" id=\"pills-first-tab\" data-bs-toggle=\"pill\" data-bs-target=\"#simple\" type=\"button\" role=\"tab\"><i class=\"fa-sharp fa-solid fa-person-simple\"></i> Simple Mode</button>\r\n </li>\r\n <li class=\"nav-item\" role=\"presentation\">\r\n <button class=\"nav-link\" id=\"pills-second-tab\" data-bs-toggle=\"pill\" data-bs-target=\"#advanced\" type=\"button\" role=\"tab\"><i class=\"fa-sharp fa-solid fa-person-burst\"></i> Advanced Mode</button>\r\n </li>\r\n <li class=\"nav-item\" role=\"presentation\">\r\n <button class=\"nav-link\" id=\"pills-third-tab\" data-bs-toggle=\"pill\" data-bs-target=\"#another\" type=\"button\" role=\"tab\"><i class=\"fa-sharp fa-solid fa-people-arrows\"></i> From Another Person</button>\r\n </li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<div class=\"tab-content\" id=\"pills-tabContent\">\r\n <div class=\"tab-pane fade show active\" id=\"simple\" role=\"tabpanel\">\r\n <ol>\r\n <li>Select <b>Simple Mode</b> and click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\" Actions/OnboardWizardSelectSimpleMode.png\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>Enter the following information in the form:</li>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>First Name &ndash; First name of the person</li>\r\n <li>Last Name &ndash; Last name of the person</li>\r\n <li>Email &ndash; Email address for the person (Optional)</li>\r\n <li>Personal Email &ndash; Personal email address for the person (Optional). If you add an email address to this field, EmpowerID will use it to send a welcome message to the person.</li>\r\n <li>Primary Role and Location &ndash; Click <b>Select a Role and Location</b> and then do the following:</li>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Search for and select a Business Role from the <b>Business Role tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Click the <b>Location</b> link and then search for and select a location from the <b>Location tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Click <b>Select</b> to select the Business Role and Location</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Manager &ndash; Manager of the person (Optional)</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\" Actions/OnboardWizardAdvancedOptionsRedux.png\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p> \r\n <li>Review the summary and click <b>Submit</b> to onboard the person.</li> \r\n </ol> \r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\"tab-pane fade show\" id=\"advancedn <p class = \"bd-callout bd-callout-info\">If the person being created is assigned to a Business Role and Location where a Resource Entitlement is in place, the person will receive all resources specified by the policy.</p>","javascript":"","css":""}

Step 1: Configure workflow parameters

The workflow for onboarding people is OnboardPerson. The workflow has several parameters that affect how the workflow behaves and the amount of fields that appear to users when in a particular mode. These parameters are listed in the below table. In this example, you set the DefaultAzureTenantID parameter to the Azure tenant where applications are to be created.

Onboard people

  1. On the navbar, expand Identity Administration and select People.

  2. In the Actions pane of the Find Person page, click the Onboard Person action.

    This initiates the Onboard Person workflow.

    Image Added

  3. Select the desired creation mode and follow the wizard to onboard the new person.

Easy html macro
contentByMode{"html":"<!doctype html>\r\n<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-EVSTQN3/azprG1Anm3QDgpJLIm9Nao0Yz1ztcQTwFspd3yD65VohhpuuCOmLASjC\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\">\r\n<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\">\r\n<script src=\"\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\"></script>\r\n<style>\r\n.nav {\r\n border: 1px solid #C1C1C8;\r\n border-style: none none none none;\r\n padding: 0;\r\n margin: 12px 0 32px;\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-wrap: nowrap;\r\n overflow: auto;\r\n \r\n}\r\n .nav-link {\r\n background: transparent !important;\r\n color: gray\r\n}\r\ {\r\n background: ghostwhite !important;\r\n color: blue !important;\r\n \r\n}\r\ {\r\n background: ghostwhite;\r\n margin-top: -16px;\r\n}\r\n</style>\r\n<script src=\"\" integrity=\"sha384-MrcW6ZMFYlzcLA8Nl+NtUVF0sA7MsXsP1UyJoMp4YLEuNSfAP+JcXn/tWtIaxVXM\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\"></script>\r\n <ul class=\"nav nav-pills mb-3\" id=\"pills-tab\" role=\"tablist\">\r\n <li class=\"nav-item\" role=\"presentation\">\r\n <button class=\"nav-link active\" id=\"pills-first-tab\" data-bs-toggle=\"pill\" data-bs-target=\"#simple\" type=\"button\" role=\"tab\"><i class=\"fa-sharp fa-solid fa-person-simple\"></i> Simple Mode</button>\r\n </li>\r\n <li class=\"nav-item\" role=\"presentation\">\r\n <button class=\"nav-link\" id=\"pills-second-tab\" data-bs-toggle=\"pill\" data-bs-target=\"#advanced\" type=\"button\" role=\"tab\"><i class=\"fa-sharp fa-solid fa-person-burst\"></i> Advanced Mode</button>\r\n </li>\r\n <li class=\"nav-item\" role=\"presentation\">\r\n <button class=\"nav-link\" id=\"pills-third-tab\" data-bs-toggle=\"pill\" data-bs-target=\"#another\" type=\"button\" role=\"tab\"><i class=\"fa-sharp fa-solid fa-people-arrows\"></i> From Another Person</button>\r\n </li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<div class=\"tab-content\" id=\"pills-tabContent\">\r\n <div class=\"tab-pane fade show active\" id=\"simple\" role=\"tabpanel\">\r\n <ol>\r\n <li>Select <b>Advanced <b>Simple Mode</b> and then select the following <b>Advanced Options<click <b>Next</b>:.</li>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Do you want to Auto-Generate a Password? Yes or No</li>\r\n <li>Do you want to Assign Management Role Bundle Memberships? Yes or No. <em>Please note that you must have access to add the person to the selected role bundles.</em></li>\r\n <li>Do you want to Assign Pre-Approved Management Roles? Yes or No. <em>Please note that you must have access to add the person to the selected roles.</em></li>\r\n <li>Do you want to Assign Group Memberships? Yes or No. <em>Please note that you must have access to add the person to the selected groups.</em></li>\r\n <li>Do you want to Assign Secondary Role and Locations? Yes or No\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Click <b>Next</b>.<p><img src=\" Actions/OnboardWizardSelectSimpleMode.png\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>Enter the following information in the form:</li>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>First Name &ndash; First name of the person</li>\r\n <li>Last Name &ndash; Last name of the person</li>\r\n <li>Email &ndash; Email address for the person (Optional)</li>\r\n <li>On the <b>Person</b> tab, fill in the general identity information for <li>Personal Email &ndash; Personal email address for the person (Optional). If you add an email address to this field, EmpowerID will use it to send a welcome message to the person.</li>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Person General Details</h5><li>Primary Role and Location &ndash; Click <b>Select a Role and Location</b> and then do the following:</li>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>First Name &ndash; First name of the person<<li>Search for and select a Business Role from the <b>Business Role tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Initials &ndash; Initials of the person (Optional)<<li>Click the <b>Location</b> link and then search for and select a location from the <b>Location tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Last Name &ndash; Last name of the person<<li>Click <b>Select</b> to select the Business Role and Location</li>\r\n <li>Display Name </ul>\r\n <li>Manager &ndash; Name Manager of the person that displays to users in the Web interface<(Optional)</li>\r\n <li>Login &ndash; EmpowerID login for the person</li></ul>\r\n <li>Email &ndash; Email address for the person (Optional)<li>Click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <li>Personal Email &ndash; Personal email address for the person (Optional). If you add an email address to this field, EmpowerID will use it to send a welcome message to the person.</li>\r\n <li>Primary Business Role and Location &ndash; Click <b>Select a Role and Location</b> and then do the following:<p><img src=\" Actions/OnboardWizardAdvancedOptionsRedux.png\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p> \r\n <li>Review the summary and click <b>Submit</b> to onboard the person.</li> \r\n <ul></ol> \r\n <li>Search for and select a Business Role from the <b>Business Role tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Click the <b>Location</b> link and then search for and select a location from the <b>Location tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Click <b>Select</b> to select the Business Role and Location<</div>\r\n <div class=\"tab-pane fade show\" id=\"advanced\" role=\"tabpanel\">\r\n <ol>\r\n <li>Select <b>Advanced Mode</b> and then select the following <b>Advanced Options</b>:</li> \r\n </ul><ul>\r\n <li>Manager &ndash; Manager of the person (Optional). <em>If the manager has an email address registered in the system, EmpowerID sends that person an email notification of the new person<li>Do you want to Auto-Generate a Password? Yes or No</li>\r\n <li>Do you want to Assign Management Role Bundle Memberships? Yes or No. <em>Please note that you must have access to add the person to the selected role bundles.</em></li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Person Password</h5>\r\n <p>This section of the form appears when you have opted to <b>not</b> have the system generate a password for the person.</p>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Password &ndash; Password for the person</li>\r\n <li>Confirm Password &ndash; Password for the person</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>About Person</h5> \r\n <ul> \r\n <li>Personal Email &ndash; Personal email address for the person (Optional). If you add an email address to this field, EmpowerID will use it to send a welcome message to the person.</li>\r\n <li>Preferred Language &ndash; Allows you to select the language the person prefers. When selected the EmpowerID user interfaces reflect the selected preferred language for the person. If no selection is made, the system selects the default preferred language based on the locale of the person.</li>\r\n <li>Notes &ndash; Notes about the person (optional<li>Do you want to Assign Pre-Approved Management Roles? Yes or No. <em>Please note that you must have access to add the person to the selected roles.</em></li>\r\n <li>Do you want to Assign Group Memberships? Yes or No. <em>Please note that you must have access to add the person to the selected groups.</em></li>\r\n <li>Do you want to Assign Secondary Role and Locations? Yes or No\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <li>On the <b>Person</b> tab, fill in the general identity information for the person.</li>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Person General Details</h5>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>First Name &ndash; First name of the person</li>\r\n <li>Initials &ndash; Initials of the person (Optional)</li>\r\n <li>About me <li>Last Name &ndash; Can be used to provide contextual information about the person, such as their hobbies and interests (Optional)</li>Last name of the person</li>\r\n </ul><li>Display Name &ndash; Name of the person that displays to users in the Web interface</li>\r\n <li>Optionally, select the <b>Organization</b> tab and fill in the appropriate information for the person.<<li>Login &ndash; EmpowerID login for the person</li>\r\n <br /><li>Email &ndash; Email address for the person (Optional)</li>\r\n <h5>Organization Information</h5> <li>Personal Email &ndash; Personal email address for the person (Optional). If you add an email address to this field, EmpowerID will use it to send a welcome message to the person.</li>\r\n <ul> \r\n <li>Title &ndash; Person's title<<li>Primary Business Role and Location &ndash; Click <b>Select a Role and Location</b> and then do the following:</li>\r\n <li>Office &ndash; Person's office<<ul>\r\n <li>Search for and select a Business Role from the <b>Business Role tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Location &ndash; Person's location<<li>Click the <b>Location</b> link and then search for and select a location from the <b>Location tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Department &ndash; Person's department<<li>Click <b>Select</b> to select the Business Role and Location</li>\r\n <li>Division &ndash; Person's division</li></ul>\r\n <li>District <li>Manager &ndash; Person's district</li>\r\n <li>Company &ndash; Person's company<Manager of the person (Optional). <em>If the manager has an email address registered in the system, EmpowerID sends that person an email notification of the new person. </em></li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Address and Phone Numbers<<h5>Person Password</h5>\r\n <ul> <p>This section of the form appears when you have opted to <b>not</b> have the system generate a password for the person.</p>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Street Address <li>Password &ndash; Person's street address<Password for the person</li>\r\n <li>Street Address 2 <li>Confirm Password &ndash; Second line of the person's street address<Password for the person</li>\r\n <li>City &ndash; Person's location</li></ul>\r\n <li>State &ndash; Person's state</li><br />\r\n <h5>About Person</h5> \r\n <li>Province &ndash; Person's province</li><ul> \r\n <li>Country <li>Personal Email &ndash; Person's country<Personal email address for the person (Optional). If you add an email address to this field, EmpowerID will use it to send a welcome message to the person.</li>\r\n <li>Postal Code <li>Preferred Language &ndash; Code of letters and/or digits for postal delivery to the person<Allows you to select the language the person prefers. When selected the EmpowerID user interfaces reflect the selected preferred language for the person. If no selection is made, the system selects the default preferred language based on the locale of the person.</li>\r\n <li>Telephone <li>Notes &ndash; Person's secondary phone number<Notes about the person (optional)</li>\r\n <li>Business Phone <li>About me &ndash; Person business phone number<Can be used to provide contextual information about the person, such as their hobbies and interests (Optional)</li>\r\n <li>Mobile Phone Provider &ndash; Person's mobile phone provider</li>\r\n <li>Fax &ndash; Person's fax number</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Optionally, select the <b>Advanced<<b>Organization</b> tab and fill in the appropriate information for the person.</li>\r\n <ul><br />\r\n <li>Enabled &ndash; Selected by default; deselect if the person account should be disabled from logging in to the system.<<h5>Organization Information</h5> \r\n <ul> \r\n <li>Title &ndash; Person's title</li>\r\n <li>Disable Notifications <li>Office &ndash; Select this option if the person should not receive email notifications from the system.<Person's office</li>\r\n <li>Allow Attribute Sync &ndash; Selected by default; deselect if the person’s attributes should be synced with user accounts in systems managed by EmpowerID.<<li>Location &ndash; Person's location</li>\r\n <li>Department &ndash; Person's department</li>\r\n <li>Allow Login <li>Division &ndash; Enabled by default; deselect if the person should not be allowed to log in to the system.<Person's division</li>\r\n <li>Must Change Password on Next Login &ndash; Select to force the person to change their password when they log in to the system.<<li>District &ndash; Person's district</li>\r\n <li>Company &ndash; Person's company</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Click <b>Next</b>.</li><br />\r\n <li>If you opted to assign pre-approved Management Roles, search for and select the appropriate Management Roles and click <b>Next</b>. If you do not want to select role bundles at this time, click <b>Skip</b>.<<h5>Address and Phone Numbers</h5>\r\n <ul> \r\n <li>Street Address &ndash; Person's street address</li>\r\n <li>Street Address 2 &ndash; Second line of the person's street address</li>\r\n <p><img src=\" Actions/OnboardWizardSelectManagementRoleBundles.png\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>If you opted to select Management Role Bundle Memberships, search for and select the appropriate Management Roles and click <b>Next</b>. If you do not want to select pre-approved roles at this time, click <b>Skip</b>.</li>\r\n <li>If you opted to select group memberships, search for and select the appropriate groups and click <b>Next</b>. If you do not want to select groups at this time, click <b>Skip</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\" Actions/OnboardWizardSelectGroupMemberships.png\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>Review the summary and click <b>Submit</b> to onboard the person. <br />If you do not want to onboard the person, click <b>Cancel</b>.</li>\r\n \r\n </ol> \r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\"tab-pane fade show\" id=\"another\" role=\"tabpanel\">\r\n <ol>\r\n <li>Select <b>From Another</b> and click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\" Actions/OnboardWizardSelectFromAnotherPerson.png\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>Search for and select the person you want to use as a template for the new person and click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\" Actions/OnboardWizardSelectFromAnotherPersonSelectPerson.png\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>On the <b>Person</b> tab, fill in the general identity information for the person.</li>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Person General Details</h5>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>First Name &ndash; First name of the person</li>\r\n <li>Initials &ndash; Initials of the person (Optional)</li>\r\n <li>Last Name &ndash; Last name of the person</li>\r\n <li>Display Name &ndash; Name of the person that displays to users in the Web interface</li>\r\n <li>Login &ndash; EmpowerID login for the person</li>\r\n <li>Email &ndash; Email address for the person (Optional)</li>\r\n <li>Primary Business Role and Location &ndash; Click <b>Select a Role and Location</b> and then do the following:</li>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Search for and select a Business Role from the <b>Business Role tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Click the <b>Location</b> link and then search for and select a location from the <b>Location tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Click <b>Select</b> to select the Business Role and Location</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Manager &ndash; Manager of the person (Optional). <em>If the manager has an email address registered in the system, EmpowerID sends that person an email notification of the new person. </em></li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Person Password</h5>\r\n <p>This section of the form appears when you have opted to <b>not</b> have the system generate a password for the person.</p>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Password &ndash; Password for the person</li>\r\n <li>Confirm Password &ndash; Password for the person</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>About Person</h5> \r\n <ul> \r\n <li>Personal Email &ndash; Personal email address for the person (Optional). If you add an email address to this field, EmpowerID will use it to send a welcome message to the person.</li>\r\n <li>Preferred Language &ndash; Allows you to select the language the person prefers. When selected the EmpowerID user interfaces reflect the selected preferred language for the person. If no selection is made, the system selects the default preferred language based on the locale of the person.</li>\r\n <li>Notes &ndash; Notes about the person (optional)</li>\r\n <li>About me &ndash; Can be used to provide contextual information about the person, such as their hobbies and interests (Optional)</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Optionally, select the <b>Organization</b> tab and fill in the appropriate information for the person.</li>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Organization Information</h5> \r\n <ul> \r\n <li>Title&ndash; Person's title</li>\r\n <li>Office &ndash; Person's office</li>\r\n <li>Location &ndash; Person's location</li>\r\n <li>Department &ndash; Person's department</li>\r\n <li>Division &ndash; Person's division</li>\r\n <li>District &ndash; Person's district</li>\r\n <li>Company &ndash; Person's company</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Address and Phone Numbers</h5>\r\n <ul> \r\n <li>Street Address &ndash; Person's street address</li>\r\n <li>Street Address 2 &ndash; Second line of the person's street address</li>\r\n <li>City &ndash; Person's location</li>\r\n <li>State &ndash; Person's state</li>\r\n <li>Province &ndash; Person's province</li>\r\n <li>Country &ndash; Person's country</li> \r\n <li>Postal Code &ndash; Code of letters and/or digits for postal delivery to the person</li>\r\n <li>Telephone &ndash; Person's secondary phone number</li>\r\n <li>Business Phone &ndash; Person business phone number</li>\r\n <li>Mobile Phone Provider &ndash; Person's mobile phone provider</li>\r\n <li>Fax &ndash; Person's fax number</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Optionally, select the <b>Advanced</b> tab and fill in the appropriate information for the person.</li>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Enabled &ndash; Selected by default; deselect if the person account should be disabled from logging in to the system.</li>\r\n <li>Disable Notifications &ndash; Select this option if the person should not receive email notifications from the system.</li>\r\n <li>Allow Attribute Sync &ndash; Selected by default; deselect if the person’s attributes should be synced with user accounts in systems managed by EmpowerID.</li>\r\n <li>Allow Login &ndash; Enabled by default; deselect if the person should not be allowed to log in to the system.</li>\r\n <li>Must Change Password on Next Login &ndash; Select to force the person to change their password when they log in to the system.</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <li>Optionally, search for and select the appropriate Management Roles to assign to the person and click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <li>Optionally, search for and select the appropriate group memberships for the person and click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <li>Review the summary information for the person and click <b>Submit</b> to onboard the person. If you do not want to onboard the person, click <b>Cancel</b> to exit the workflow.</li>\r\n </ol> \r\n </div> \r\n</div>\r\n","javascript":"","css":""}


<li>City &ndash; Person's location</li>\r\n <li>State &ndash; Person's state</li>\r\n <li>Province &ndash; Person's province</li>\r\n <li>Country &ndash; Person's country</li> \r\n <li>Postal Code &ndash; Code of letters and/or digits for postal delivery to the person</li>\r\n <li>Telephone &ndash; Person's secondary phone number</li>\r\n <li>Business Phone &ndash; Person business phone number</li>\r\n <li>Mobile Phone Provider &ndash; Person's mobile phone provider</li>\r\n <li>Fax &ndash; Person's fax number</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Optionally, select the <b>Advanced</b> tab and fill in the appropriate information for the person.</li>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Enabled &ndash; Selected by default; deselect if the person account should be disabled from logging in to the system.</li>\r\n <li>Disable Notifications &ndash; Select this option if the person should not receive email notifications from the system.</li>\r\n <li>Allow Attribute Sync &ndash; Selected by default; deselect if the person’s attributes should be synced with user accounts in systems managed by EmpowerID.</li>\r\n <li>Allow Login &ndash; Enabled by default; deselect if the person should not be allowed to log in to the system.</li>\r\n <li>Must Change Password on Next Login &ndash; Select to force the person to change their password when they log in to the system.</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <li>If you opted to assign pre-approved Management Roles, search for and select the appropriate Management Roles and click <b>Next</b>. If you do not want to select role bundles at this time, click <b>Skip</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\" Actions/OnboardWizardSelectManagementRoleBundles.png\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>If you opted to select Management Role Bundle Memberships, search for and select the appropriate Management Roles and click <b>Next</b>. If you do not want to select pre-approved roles at this time, click <b>Skip</b>.</li>\r\n <li>If you opted to select group memberships, search for and select the appropriate groups and click <b>Next</b>. If you do not want to select groups at this time, click <b>Skip</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\" Actions/OnboardWizardSelectGroupMemberships.png\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>Review the summary and click <b>Submit</b> to onboard the person. <br />If you do not want to onboard the person, click <b>Cancel</b>.</li>\r\n \r\n </ol> \r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\"tab-pane fade show\" id=\"another\" role=\"tabpanel\">\r\n <ol>\r\n <li>Select <b>From Another Person</b> and click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\" Actions/OnboardWizardSelectFromAnotherPerson.png\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>Search for and select the person you want to use as a template for the new person and click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <p><img src=\" Actions/OnboardWizardSelectFromAnotherPersonSelectPerson.png\" style=\"padding: 10px;max-height: 300px\"/></p>\r\n <li>On the <b>Person</b> tab, fill in the general identity information for the person.</li>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Person General Details</h5>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>First Name &ndash; First name of the person</li>\r\n <li>Initials &ndash; Initials of the person (Optional)</li>\r\n <li>Last Name &ndash; Last name of the person</li>\r\n <li>Display Name &ndash; Name of the person that displays to users in the Web interface</li>\r\n <li>Login &ndash; EmpowerID login for the person</li>\r\n <li>Email &ndash; Email address for the person (Optional)</li>\r\n <li>Primary Business Role and Location &ndash; Click <b>Select a Role and Location</b> and then do the following:</li>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Search for and select a Business Role from the <b>Business Role tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Click the <b>Location</b> link and then search for and select a location from the <b>Location tree</b></li>\r\n <li>Click <b>Select</b> to select the Business Role and Location</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Manager &ndash; Manager of the person (Optional). <em>If the manager has an email address registered in the system, EmpowerID sends that person an email notification of the new person. </em></li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Person Password</h5>\r\n <p>This section of the form appears when you have opted to <b>not</b> have the system generate a password for the person.</p>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Password &ndash; Password for the person</li>\r\n <li>Confirm Password &ndash; Password for the person</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>About Person</h5> \r\n <ul> \r\n <li>Personal Email &ndash; Personal email address for the person (Optional). If you add an email address to this field, EmpowerID will use it to send a welcome message to the person.</li>\r\n <li>Preferred Language &ndash; Allows you to select the language the person prefers. When selected the EmpowerID user interfaces reflect the selected preferred language for the person. If no selection is made, the system selects the default preferred language based on the locale of the person.</li>\r\n <li>Notes &ndash; Notes about the person (optional)</li>\r\n <li>About me &ndash; Can be used to provide contextual information about the person, such as their hobbies and interests (Optional)</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Optionally, select the <b>Organization</b> tab and fill in the appropriate information for the person.</li>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Organization Information</h5> \r\n <ul> \r\n <li>Title&ndash; Person's title</li>\r\n <li>Office &ndash; Person's office</li>\r\n <li>Location &ndash; Person's location</li>\r\n <li>Department &ndash; Person's department</li>\r\n <li>Division &ndash; Person's division</li>\r\n <li>District &ndash; Person's district</li>\r\n <li>Company &ndash; Person's company</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <br />\r\n <h5>Address and Phone Numbers</h5>\r\n <ul> \r\n <li>Street Address &ndash; Person's street address</li>\r\n <li>Street Address 2 &ndash; Second line of the person's street address</li>\r\n <li>City &ndash; Person's location</li>\r\n <li>State &ndash; Person's state</li>\r\n <li>Province &ndash; Person's province</li>\r\n <li>Country &ndash; Person's country</li> \r\n <li>Postal Code &ndash; Code of letters and/or digits for postal delivery to the person</li>\r\n <li>Telephone &ndash; Person's secondary phone number</li>\r\n <li>Business Phone &ndash; Person business phone number</li>\r\n <li>Mobile Phone Provider &ndash; Person's mobile phone provider</li>\r\n <li>Fax &ndash; Person's fax number</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Optionally, select the <b>Advanced</b> tab and fill in the appropriate information for the person.</li>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>Enabled &ndash; Selected by default; deselect if the person account should be disabled from logging in to the system.</li>\r\n <li>Disable Notifications &ndash; Select this option if the person should not receive email notifications from the system.</li>\r\n <li>Allow Attribute Sync &ndash; Selected by default; deselect if the person’s attributes should be synced with user accounts in systems managed by EmpowerID.</li>\r\n <li>Allow Login &ndash; Enabled by default; deselect if the person should not be allowed to log in to the system.</li>\r\n <li>Must Change Password on Next Login &ndash; Select to force the person to change their password when they log in to the system.</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n <li>Click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <li>Optionally, search for and select the appropriate Management Roles to assign to the person and click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <li>Optionally, search for and select the appropriate group memberships for the person and click <b>Next</b>.</li>\r\n <li>Review the summary information for the person and click <b>Submit</b> to onboard the person. If you do not want to onboard the person, click <b>Cancel</b> to exit the workflow.</li>\r\n </ol> \r\n </div> \r\n</div>\r\n","javascript":"","css":""}

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This is a list that contains the available modes for onboarding people.


Integer that specifies the email message to be sent to all members belonging to the target Management Roles.


Integer that specifies the email message to be sent to the newly onboarded person.


Integer that specifies the email message to be sent to the manager of the newly onboarded person.


Boolean value that determines whether the Assign Group membership section of the workflow is visible to users.


Boolean value that determines whether the Assign Management Role Bundle Membership section of the workflow is visible to users.


Boolean value that determines whether the Assign Visibility Access Role section is visible to users.


Boolean value to determine whether the Assign Pre-Approved Management Roles section of the workflow is visible to users.


Boolean value to determine whether the Assign RBAC Operation Access Roles section of the workflow is visible to users.


Boolean value to determine whether the Assign Secondary Role and Location section of the workflow is visible to users.


 Boolean value that determines whether the Assign UI Access Roles section of the workflow is visible to users.


Boolean value that specifies whether the Auto Generate Password option is visible to users.


Specifies the List Item Set Name containing the creation modes presented to users running the workflow.


Specifies the properties to clone from a selected person to the new person when running the workflow in Create Person From Another mode. Default properties include:

  • LastName

  • FirstName

  • Address.City

  • Address.State


Specifies the properties to clone from a selected person to the new person when running the workflow in Create Person From Another mode. Default properties include:

  • Name

  • Address

  • ManagerInfo

  • PrimaryLocationAndRole

  • OrganizationBasicInfo

  • OrganizationContactInfo


Boolean value that specifies whether the onboarding request needs to be routed for human approval before the systems provisions the new person.