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Amazon Web Services


Amazon Web Services

The EmpowerID UltiPro connector allows organizations to bring the user data in their UltiPro system to EmpowerID, where it can be managed and synchronized with data in any connected back-end user directories. This topic demonstrates how to create the connector in EmpowerID.


In order to connect EmpowerID to UltiPro, you must have an UltiPro account that is configured to interface with external systems. This means that you must have the following information (provided by UltiPro):

  • Username
  • Password
  • User


  • API Key


  • Customer API Key
  • Base URL

These values are used to authenticate EmpowerID to UltiPro. In addition, you must create a report as a Web service that specifies the fields you want to expose and then provide EmpowerID with the path to that service.

Additionally, you will need to create a report in UltiPro and expose it as a service. The report needs to have the below fields. Fields designated as required indicate that a value must be provided.

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Field PositionDescriptionRequired
1Last NameYes
2Middle NameNo
3First NameYes
3First NameYes
4Preferred First NameNo
6Phone NumberNo
7Email AddressNo
8Mobile PhoneNo
9Job TitleNo
10Department NameNo
12Manager NameNo
13Manager IDNo *Required if Manager Name is provided
14Employee ID


No *Must be unique for each employee
15Windows LoginNo
16Sales IDNo
16Sales IDNo
17Manager FlagYes *Yes for manager; No for non-manager
18Employee StatusYes *Active, Terminated
19Employee TypeNo
20Sales ForceNo
21Date Of BirthNo
23Business UnitNo
24Department SummaryNo
25Hire DateNo

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Google Apps


Google Apps



To configure EmpowerID settings for the account store

The Account Store Details screen contains two main panes—a General pane and an Inventory pane—each with settings for configuring a different aspect of the Ultipro account store you just created. To view reference information about a particular pane, expand the drop-down for that pane.


create an account store for UltiPro via the web site

  1. In the Navigation Sidebar, expand Admin, then Applications and Directories, and click Account Stores and Systems.
  2. Click the Actions tab, and then click the Create Account Store action.

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  3. Select UltiPro from the list of system types and click Submit.

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  4. On the UltiPro Settings page that appears, enter settings to connect to your ServiceNow instance to allow EmpowerID to discover and connect to it.

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    1. In the Name field, enter a name for the account store.
    2. Client Key - The Customer API Key issued by UltiPro
    3. User API Key - The User API Key issued by UltiPro
    4. Report Path - The path to the report that you created in UltiPro and exposed as a service
    5. Base URL - The Base URL for your UltiPro, e.g.
    6. User Name and Password - Your UltiPro credentials
    7. Click Submit.

  5. The Account Store and associated Resource System are created and appear in both the web application and in the Management Console.

To edit account store settings on the web

  1. In the Navigation Sidebar, expand Admin, then Applications and Directories, and click Account Stores and Systems.
  2. On the Account Stores tab, search for the account store you just created and click the link to go to its details page.

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  3. On the Account Store Details page, click the Edit button or the name of the account store.

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  4. In the edit view of the page, you can edit values in any of the enabled fields. In the General section, these are:
    • Display Name – Edit the name of the account store as it appears in the list of account stores.
    • Proxy Connection Account – Change the instance, user name, and password for the ServiceNow connection.
    • Account Store Proxy Shared Credential – Click in this box and press Enter to see a list of shared credentials in your system to use for the proxy connection.
    • Password Manager Policy – Select a password manager policy to use for the account. If not selected, it uses the Default Password Manager Policy.
    • Application ID – If the account store is a one-to-one match with a Tracking Only application, enter the Application Resource GUID of the application. (This value is supplied automatically if you select the Create a New Account Directory option when creating a Tracking Only application.)
    • Tenant ID – Enter the Tenant ID, if supplied by the connection account. (AWS uses this.)
    • Use Secure Binding – Toggle to bind accounts with encryption.
    • Show in Tree – Toggle to show the account store in the Locations tree.
    • Default User Creation Path  – Select a location in which to create users if none is specified.
    • Default Group Creation Path – Select a location in which to create groups if none is specified.
    • EmpowerID Group Creation Path – Select a location in which to create EmpowerID groups if none is specified.
    • Max Accounts per Person – Enter the maximum number of user accounts from this domain that an EmpowerID Person can have linked to them. This prevents the possibility of a runaway error caused by a wrongly configured Join rule. We recommended setting this value to 1 unless users commonly have multiple accounts and you want them to be joined to the same person.

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  5. In the Features section, you can select any of these values:
    • Use for Authentication – 
    • Allow Search for User Name in Authentication – 
    • Allow Password Sync – Toggle to allow EmpowerID to sync password changes discovered during inventory.
    • Queue Password Changes – Toggle to have EmpowerID send password changes to the Account Password Reset Inbox for batch processing.
    • Queue Password Changes on Failure – Toggle to have EmpowerID send password changes to the Account Password Reset Inbox only when the change fails.
    • Allow Account Creation on Membership Request – Toggle


    • to allow users without accounts to request group membership and automatically have an account created.
    • Batch Calls – 
    • Allow Attribute Flow – Toggle to allow attribute changes to flow between EmpowerID and the account store.
    • Allow Person Provisioning – Toggle to allow EmpowerID to create Person objects from the user records discovered during inventory.
    • Allow Provisioning – Toggle to allow EmpowerID to create new Groups in ServiceNow from requests discovered during inventory.
    • Allow Deprovisioning – Toggle to allow EmpowerID to delete Groups in ServiceNow based on requests discovered during inventory.
    • Automatic Person Join – Toggle to allow EmpowerID to join newly discovered accounts to people during the inventory process if they meet the Join Rule as specified by the Custom_Account_InventoryInboxJoinBulk SQL stored procedure.
    • Automatic Person Provision – Toggle to allow EmpowerID to provision EmpowerID people for new accounts discovered during the inventory process if they meet the Provision Rule specified by theCustom_Account_InventoryInboxGetAccountsToProvision SQL stored procedure.
    • Default Provision Business Role – Set a default Business Role to assign people if none is specified.
    • Default Provision Location – Set a default Location to assign people if none is specified.
    • Allow Business Role and Location Re-Evaluation – Toggle if you have multiple account stores to manage and want to specify a priority for each.
    • Business Role and Location Re-Evaluation Order – Enter a number to specify the priority of the account store for determining the Business Roles and Locations to assign to a Person. Account Stores with a higher value take precedence.
    • Recertify All Group Changes – Toggle to allow EmpowerID to generate recertification review tasks for all changes in ServiceNow Groups.

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  1. When you have finished editing, click Save.

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