Home / Identity Administration / Access Assignments / Current: Removing Access to Resources
When an EmpowerID Actor no longer qualifies for an access assignment against a given resource, you can remove the assignment from that actor. When you do so, the actor will not be able to access the resource in the manner that was specified by the former access assignment.
This topic demonstrates how to remove access to resources by removing an access assignment that was made directly to a person.
To remove access to resources
- From the Global Search field, type the name of the person from whom you want to remove access and then click the tile for that person.
- This opens the View page for the person. From this page, you can view and manage the access granted to the person.
- From the View page, expand the Access Assignments accordion and select Direct from the Access Assignments drop-down and search for the assignment you want to remove.
- Click the Remove button the left of the assignment.
- This adds the removal to your shopping cart.
- Click the shopping cart, type a reason for the removal and then click Submit.