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Set up Email Notification Preferences

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Each time someone within your organization requests access to a resource, a Business Request is generated, which raises notification events in EmpowerID. Additionally, each time someone interacts with a business request – such as adding a comment – additional notification events are raised. These events can be numerous and you may not want to receive an email notification each time this occurs. When that is the case – and your organization allows you to do so – you can pick the type email notifications you want to receive.

How to set up your email notification preferences

  1. In MyIdentity, click your username and select Email Notifications from the menu.

    You will see the following three configurable options:

    • You can enable or disable email notifications

    • If email notifications are enabled, you can choose to receive, not receive, and configure the frequency of digest emails on:

      • all open or recently closed requests for the subscriber,

      • all requests initiated by the subscriber,

      • all pending To Do tasks for the subscriber.  

    • You can choose to receive event emails for each event generated for a Business Request involving them. Event emails include those related to the person as:

      • an initiator,

      • an approver,

      • a target person,

      • a potential approver,

      • the manager of an initiator,

      • the manager of a target person,

      • request, item, and approval commenter

  2. To enable or disable email notifications, toggle between Yes and No, depending on their preference.

  3. For each category of emails, toggle between Yes and No to specify whether you want to receive emails for that category. For example, if you want to receive an email reminder of your To Do tasks, select Yes for that category.

  4. If you are a local risk or function owner, you can select whether you want to receive these reports via email and how often you want to receive them. Frequency options include daily, weekly, monthly quarterly and yearly.

  5. For digest emails, you can select whether you want to receive them and how often. Frequency Options include once a day, every one to seven days.

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