Create a fulfillment workflow that adds accounts to a group.
Below is not the recommended way.
E.TList<C.GroupAccount> targetgroupAccount = new E.TList<GroupAccount>(); foreach (var bri in CurrentWorkflow.ValidateBRIs.ClaimedBusinessRequestItems) { var ac = C.Account.GetByAccountGUID(bri.RequestDataAssigneeID.Value); var gr = C.Group.GetByGroupGUID(bri.RequestDataTargetResourceID.Value); var ga = new C.GroupAccount() { AccountID = ac.AccountID, GroupID = gr.GroupID }; targetgroupAccount.Add(ga); }
// Initialize a list to hold target group accounts that need to be added. E.TList<C.GroupAccount> targetGroupAccounts = new E.TList<GroupAccount>(); // Extract distinct Assignee GUIDs from the claimed business request items. var acGuids = CurrentWorkflow.ValidateBRIs.ClaimedBusinessRequestItems .Select(bri => bri.RequestDataAssigneeID) // Select the Assignee IDs .Where(guid => guid.HasValue) // Ensure the GUID is not null .Select(guid => guid.Value) // Extract the GUID value .Distinct() // Remove duplicates .ToList(); // Convert to a list // Extract distinct Target Resource GUIDs from the claimed business request items. var grGuids = CurrentWorkflow.ValidateBRIs.ClaimedBusinessRequestItems .Select(bri => bri.RequestDataTargetResourceID) // Select the Target Resource IDs .Where(guid => guid.HasValue) // Ensure the GUID is not null .Select(guid => guid.Value) // Extract the GUID value .Distinct() // Remove duplicates .ToList(); // Convert to a list // Retrieve Account objects based on the extracted Assignee GUIDs. var targetAccounts = C.Account.GetByAccountGuids(acGuids); // Create a dictionary for quick lookup of Account objects by their GUID. Dictionary<Guid, C.Account> accountDictionary = targetAccounts .ToList() .ToDictionary(a => a.AccountGUID, a => a); // Retrieve Group objects based on the extracted Target Resource GUIDs. var targetGroups = C.Group.GetByGroupGUIDs(grGuids); // Create a dictionary for quick lookup of Group objects by their GUID. Dictionary<Guid, C.Group> groupDictionary = targetGroups .ToList() .ToDictionary(a => a.GroupGUID, a => a); // Retrieve existing GroupAccount associations based on the current business request items. var existingGroupAccount = C.GroupAccount.GetByBusinessRequestItemList( CurrentWorkflow.ValidateBRIs.ClaimedBusinessRequestItems.ToXml().ToString() ); // Initialize a dictionary to map a composite key to its corresponding BusinessRequestItem. CurrentWorkflow.BriGroupAccountDictionary = new Dictionary<string, C.BusinessRequestItem>(); // Iterate through each claimed business request item to process group-account associations. foreach (var bri in CurrentWorkflow.ValidateBRIs.ClaimedBusinessRequestItems) { // Create a unique key combining Assignee ID and Target Resource ID. var key = string.Format("{0}_{1}", bri.RequestDataAssigneeID.Value, bri.RequestDataTargetResourceID.Value); // Map the unique key to the current BusinessRequestItem. CurrentWorkflow.BriGroupAccountDictionary[key] = bri; // Retrieve the AccountID using the Assignee GUID from the account dictionary. int acID = accountDictionary[bri.RequestDataAssigneeID.Value].AccountID; // Retrieve the GroupID using the Target Resource GUID from the group dictionary. int grID = groupDictionary[bri.RequestDataTargetResourceID.Value].GroupID; // Create a new GroupAccount instance with the retrieved AccountID and GroupID. var ga = new C.GroupAccount() { AccountID = acID, GroupID = grID }; // Check if the GroupAccount already exists to avoid duplicates. bool groupAccountExists = existingGroupAccount .Any(a => a.AccountID == acID && a.GroupID == grID); if (groupAccountExists) { // If the GroupAccount exists, update the BusinessRequestItem's process status to indicate duplication. bri.ProcessStatus = 4; // TODO: Replace magic number with an enum for better readability. } else { // If the GroupAccount does not exist, add it to the list of target group accounts to be added. targetGroupAccounts.Add(ga); } } // Assign the list of new GroupAccounts to the workflow's AddAccountToGroup target. CurrentWorkflow.AddAccountToGroup.TargetGroupAccounts = targetGroupAccounts; // Initialize a dictionary to map Target Resource GUIDs to their corresponding BusinessRequestItems. CurrentWorkflow.BusinessRequestItemDictionary = new Dictionary<Guid, BusinessRequestItem>(); // Populate the BusinessRequestItemDictionary with entries from the claimed business request items. foreach (var bri in CurrentWorkflow.ValidateBRIs.ClaimedBusinessRequestItems) { // Map the Target Resource GUID to the corresponding BusinessRequestItem. // Note: This assumes that each Target Resource GUID is unique. If not, consider using a list. CurrentWorkflow.BusinessRequestItemDictionary[bri.RequestDataTargetResourceID.Value] = bri; }
// TODO: Implementation goes here! // Initialize a list to hold the results of operation executions. List<Framework.Common.Shared.Workflow.OperationExecutionSummary> oplist = new List<Framework.Common.Shared.Workflow.OperationExecutionSummary>(); // TODO: Assign the operation execution results from the current workflow's AddToGroupOperation. // Example: // oplist = CurrentWorkflow.AddToGroupOperation.OperationExecutionResults; // Iterate through each operation execution summary in the operation list. foreach (Framework.Common.Shared.Workflow.OperationExecutionSummary op in oplist) { // NOTE: To retrieve a new Business Request, a new dictionary is needed. // The following line is commented out as it's not currently in use. // var bri = CurrentWorkflow.BusinessRequestItemDictionary[op.TargetResourceGUID]; // Create a unique key by combining the LeftResourceGUID and RightResourceGUID. string key = string.Format("{0},{1}", op.LeftResourceGUID, op.RightResourceGUID); // Retrieve the corresponding BusinessRequestItem from the BriGroupAccountDictionary using the generated key. C.BusinessRequestItem bri = CurrentWorkflow.BriGroupAccountDictionary[key]; // Update the process status of the BusinessRequestItem to '2' indicating it is being processed. bri.ProcessStatus = 2; // Check if the operation was executed successfully. if (op.OperationExecuted) { // If the operation succeeded, set the fulfillment status to '3' indicating success. bri.BusinessRequestItemFulfillmentStatusID = 3; // Success } else { // If the operation failed, set the fulfillment status to '4' indicating failure. bri.BusinessRequestItemFulfillmentStatusID = 4; // Fail // Update the process status to '3' indicating an error occurred during processing. bri.ProcessStatus = 3; // Increment the failed attempt count for this BusinessRequestItem. bri.FailedCount += 1; // Record the timestamp of the last failure. bri.LastFailed = DateTime.UtcNow; // Schedule the next attempt based on the number of failed attempts (exponential backoff). bri.NextAttempt = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(10 * bri.FailedCount * bri.FailedCount); // Store the error message returned from the operation execution. bri.LastFailedError = op.ExecutionResultMessage; } } // Create a list of all BusinessRequestItems from the BriGroupAccountDictionary. var bris = new E.TList<C.BusinessRequestItem>( CurrentWorkflow.BriGroupAccountDictionary.Select(a => a.Value).ToList() ); // Persist the updated BusinessRequestItems to the database. BusinessRequestItem.Update(bris);