Provision a CosmosDB Instance in Azure AD

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Provision a CosmosDB Instance in Azure AD

The IT Shop Microservice uses MongoDB as it’s datasource. This topic takes through the steps required to provision an instance in Azure.

To provision a CosmosDB instance

  1. Log in to your Azure portal as a user with the necessary permissions to provision a database.

  2. In Azure, click the Hamburger icon to open the main navbar.

  3. Hover over Azure Cosmos DB and click Create in the modal that appears.


  4. Under Project Details, select a Subscription and Resource Group for the App Service.

  5. Under Instance Details, do the following:

    • Account Name — Enter a name database.

    • API — Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB API.

    • Location — Select the appropriate geographic location.

    • Account Type — Production

    • Version — 3.6.

  6. Click Review + Create.


  7. Click Create.


  8. After the database is provisioned click Connection String in the navbar and then copy all Read-write Keys. You will need these when you configure the IT Shop API App Service.


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