Role Assignments Needed for License Pools and Bundles

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Role Assignments Needed for License Pools and Bundles

The functionality of Azure Licensing Manager (ALM) granted to users depends on the Management Roles granted to those users. The Management Roles each user should have depends on the type of access they need.

Management Roles needed to manage license pools

Management Role

Access to license pools granted by Management Role

License Admin for All Pools and Bundles

  • Can see all license pools

  • Can create and delete license pools

  • Can add and remove license bundles to and from license pools

Management Roles needed to manage license bundles

Management Role

Access to license bundles granted by Management Role

License Admin for All Pools and Bundles

Grants users with the role the following access to license bundles:

  • Can see all license bundles and the information related to those bundles

  • Can create and delete license bundles

  • Can add and remove license bundles to and from license pools

  • Can add and remove license assignees to and from license bundles

  • Can add and remove eligible license assignees to and from license bundles

  • Can exclude users from receiving a license from the license bundle

  • Can exclude users from being added to a license bundle as eligible assignees

  • Can exclude services from being included in the license bundle

  • Can assign the License Fulfillment Group for the license bundle

  • Can assign the Responsible Party for the license bundle

License Manager for All Bundles

Users with this role have the same access to license bundles as the users with the License Admin for All Pools and Bundles role, except they cannot create and delete license bundles or add and remove license bundles to and from license pools. Specifically, this role grants users with the role the following access to license bundles:

  • Can see all license bundles and the information related to those bundles

  • Can add and remove license assignees to and from license bundles

  • Can add and remove eligible license assignees to and from license bundles

  • Can exclude users from receiving a license from the license bundle

  • Can exclude users from being added to a license bundle as eligible assignees

  • Can exclude services from being included in the license bundle

  • Can assign the License Fulfillment Group for the license bundle

  • Can assign the Responsible Party for the license bundle

License Manager for Bundles Where Owner

Users with this role have the same access to license bundles as the users with the License Manager for All Bundles role, except they can only access license bundles where they are the Responsibility Party. Specifically, this role grants users with the role the following access to license bundles:

  • Can see all license bundles and the information related to those bundles where they are the Responsible Party

  • Can add and remove license assignees to and from license bundles where they are the Responsible Party

  • Can add and remove eligible license assignees to and from license bundles where they are the Responsible Party

  • Can exclude users from receiving a license from the license bundle where they are the Responsible Party

  • Can exclude users from being added to a license bundle as eligible assignees where they are the Responsible Party

  • Can exclude services from being included in the license bundle where they are the Responsible Party

  • Can reassign the Responsible Party for the license bundle

Next Steps

Create license pools

Add license pools to bundles

Assign license bundles

Assign license bundles from file

Add eligible assignees to license bundles

Add exclusion rules to license bundles

Exclude subscribed services from license bundles

Assign license fulfillment groups to license bundles

Assign responsible parties to license bundles

Remove eligible assignees from license bundles

Shop for Licenses


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