Compiling SoD Policies

Compiling SoD Policies

In order to create Separation of Duties (SoD) violation tasks for reviewers to review, SoD policies must be compiled. When a SoD policy compiles, EmpowerID creates a SoD review task for each person in a combination of groups or roles forbidden by the policy. For example, if you have a SoD policy with a rule set that specifies that a violation occurs whenever any one person is assigned to both Management Role "A" and Management Role "B," when the policy runs it checks to see if any one person has both assignments, creating SoD review tasks if so.

To compile a Separation of Duties Policy

  1. In the navigation sidebar, expand Compliance Management and click Audit Configuration.
  2. On the Audit Configuration page, click the SoD Policies tab and search for the SoD Policy you want to compile.
  3. From the SoD Policies grid, click the drop-down arrow beside the policy and then click Run SoD Policy.

  4. Click OK to close the Separation of Duties Compilation message.